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1666434 tn?1325262350

Summer Weight Loss Challenge Week 3

Ok everyone it's almost the end of the week, how is everyone doing with their weight loss program?  Do you notice some things you are doing that help more than others?  Is it exercise or watching what you eat?  Or both?  Share your progress, we can do it!
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Great link Barb135, thanks for the post.  I always think of the term "detox" in different ways.  When I stop eating lots of sugary things, for me that's a detox because I know for about 3 days I usually will crave it until it's out of my system so to speak.  And perhaps that's just a mental attribute for me, but it works lol

I found this link too that I wanted to share, we have a history in my family of Gall Bladder Disease and this was a diet that specialized in this that I wanted to share for anyone else that might be interested:


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649848 tn?1534633700
Our bodies are designed to detox on their own and unless you have a liver or kidney disease, detox is neither needed nor recommended.  Following is a link to an article by Dr James Beckerman, who is a cardiologist on Med Help, and also is the author of the book "The Flex Diet", which I highly recommend..

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1666434 tn?1325262350
@ burnzem yes thank you for writing that, it's hard to find some good concrete information on that but it is out there.  I was like I don't put sugar and loads of stuff in my coffee why does it affect my weight?  And yes it is the acids in my body, it upsets the balance.

I don't know if you any of you have ever bought the pH strips you can get to test your body's acidity but it is very interesting to monitor.   When I am a vegetarian, eating bean protein, etc.  my body is in a more alkaline state.  When I eat red meats and animal proteins, my pH increases to more acidic.

Granted I will say that for some people they can go on a high protein diet and lose weight, for me for some reason it has an opposite effect, I don't lose anything and I feel horrible.  It just goes to show how all of our bodies can be so different.
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My culprit is the sweets.. I have weaknes for them that I just can't control. Then I will feel guilty afterwards. I am trying to teach myself to resist temptation. but it is just so hard. I love eating and I just wish we can eat anythign we want without bloating up! But I realized that eating everything is not treating your body. Eating the wrong or unhealthy food is like choking down your body to its death bead. So I have to keep that in mind all the time to stop me from my craving.

@seattlemom2plus caffeine got lots of acids that forms the fats that's why you gain weight when you drink coffe.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Aaliyah_rose you sure can join the challenge, we need all the support we can get :D

Having an alkaline state in your body is very helpful with losing weight.  When I cut coffee out of my diet, I literally lost 4 lbs in one week.  The caffeine did something with my metabolism and it literally never fails if I start drinking coffee again, my weight goes back up.

So always good to pinpoint those triggers.

@ ChitChatNine it depends what carbs I eat.... bread especially white bread or sweets make me bloat up.  It's like the yeast and sugar just reap havoc on my body.
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I'm trying the alkaline method. it removes the acidic part of the body which cause the fats of our body. so it consists mostly green drinks and green fruits. :)
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