649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In Augst 22, 2021

Good morning.  I hope everyone is doing well today.  I know we have some bad storms hitting parts of the country, so hoping everyone weathers those in good shape.  It's going to be another hot day here... We've been close to 100° for the past few days, with heat index (feels like) at around 107°.  In addition, although I complained of all the rain we got a few weeks ago, we've completely swung the opposite direction so it's becoming really dry again.  Seems like we could hit a happy medium...  

Other than the weather, there's not a lot going on - at least, nothing exciting. I'm still practicing my painting and calligraphy most days, but have also tried to work in my woodshop, as well.  It's kind of hard to spend a lot of time there in the heat, but I can get in a few hours if I go out early in the day.  I do a lot of sweating when I work there and always feel like I should lose some weight from all the sweating, but all I only feel miserable - swollen and bloated.  :-)

I did get out and go for a walk a couple of nights this week, but again, the heat makes that pretty miserable unless I wait until almost dark, then it's not necessarily safe.  I'm sure it's going to cool off soon, then I'll be complaining that it's too cold!!  LOL

I'm still trying to watch what/how much I eat which is going relatively well.  My weight is bouncing around (up to 3 lbs difference some days), so it's really hard to tell exactly.  I, typically, accept the lower weight because if I weren't having fluid issues, that's where I'd be.  For the most part, I think I'm about where I was last week, though I haven't weighed yet today...

Our anniversary is on Wednesday of this coming week and we plan to go out for a nice lunch.  That means I'll have to be really careful all week, because I'm sure I'll eat more than I should for that lunch.  That's okay, though.

So that's my story... what's yours?  I know some kids are back in school and others have yet to get started, though I'm sure everyone is busy adjusting to new routines (or getting ready to).  Whatever is going on, I hope you've managed to meet/exceed whatever goal(s) you set for yourself and look forward to hearing about them.

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~

**Stay safe and wash your hands**
1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
Hi, we've been busy with family stuff -- attending a ribbon-cutting for my son's new school, going to the county fair, dealing with getting parts for my son's computer (he has it disassembled all over the dining table). Yesterday we went to a family party in a backyard, to see cousins in from Chicago and just to get together. I ate too much at the party and although the morning of the party I was down a pound from last week, now I'm up about a half pound. Suspicion falls on the bratwurst (so salty!)

Weather has been much better this week than for most of the last two months. It hasn't been hotter than 84 or 85, and many days lower than that, and we even had a few drops of mist, measuring in in the hundredths of an inch. It's just great to have clouds after the weeks of blistering sun.

I've been able to stay off the Dr. Pepper for another week. To me this has been a big deal -- even though for years I cut it with sparkling water, I never was able to just quit entirely. I occasionally drink a natural-foods brand of lemonade with dinner instead (the kind that uses real sugar, not high-fructose corn syrup), but usually just drink sparkling water with dinner, and have tea other times during the day. (Gotta get that caffeine if you want to get rid of the Dr. P.!) Hate it that something so tasty is also so bad for you, but I'm convinced.

Have a fun and safe week!

Helpful - 0
It sounds like you’ve definitely been busy with a lot of things going on.  Gee - County fair - we haven’t been to one for years.  The fairs here aren’t like the ones we’re used to up north.  

Your family gathering sounds like fun - having a nice day to gather in the back yard is good.  Most of our best gatherings have taken place in someone’s back yard. :-)  I would probably have to agree if you’re up 0.5 lbs from last week, it was probably the bratwurst, since you were down earlier.   I’ve sort of stopped getting too excited about a slight increase, as long as I drop back down, because increases can usually be followed back to whatever I’ve eaten the past couple of days.  

Your weather has certainly cooled down - I think we picked up your heat as it’s hotter here now, than it’s been all summer.  Congratulations on the “mist”, as well - I know your area has been really dry.

Also, congratulations for being able to eliminate the good doctor for another week.  One day/week at a time.  Eventually, you’ll have the old Dr banned from your life!! :-)  Have you considered making your own lemonade using coconut sugar, honey or stevia?  Yes, coconut sugar and honey, are both “sugar”, but they’re less refined than table sugar.  Stevia comes from the sweet leaf plant and is actually, a lot sweeter than sugar, has no calories and doesn’t increase glucose or insulin levels.

Have a good week.
You know, I had long ago heard that stevia had some down side, like it was a carcinogenic or made you get diabetes or something icky, but I just looked it up and there's no such notation. (Unless you ingest ridiculous amounts of it.) So I might try making my own lemonade. I think it doesn't taste quite like sugar, but it would be worth having something in the lemonade that doesn't have calories if the flavor is even close.

Yes, the county fair for our county is very traditional, with all the livestock, amateur performances, FFA and 4-H demonstrations, tractors, carney booths, food and rides like in the old days. It even has a rodeo. Last year they didn't hold one due to Covid, and this year it was scaled down, but it was still fun. (They seemed to have removed things that drew crowds that of necessity would be very close together.) And the weather was a blessing. It could have been awful since we've been suffering from heat domes, and the highs were 104-5 only two weeks ago. We mostly walked around and ate (corn on the cob, sausages, and finally cookies and milk from the Grange hall) and admired the sheep, goats, cows and calves, bunnies, ducks and chickens. Though the crowd was mostly unmasked and my son suspected half of the people were also unvaccinated, we brushed through safely, and it was just nice to be out.

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