649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In - August 14, 2011

Wow, I can't believe another week has flown by, but here we are, back to Sunday - new day, new week, new chances.  

The past week's been a tough one for me, because I had so much going on, and the 10 hr days really got me this year.  I guess that's because of having my Aunt here with us, and she takes up my time after work, and on weekends, so there's no "me" time.  

Anyway, weight-wise, I'm down another 2 pounds; from 144.6 to 142.6.  My fingers and face feel swollen this morning, so it's possible that I'd be down even more without the swelling.  I'm sure the loss is due to stress, but for right now, I'll take it anyway.  

So - that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it --- how about you?  Up?  Down?  Stayed the same?  Good week?  Not so good?    Gee, I'm full of questions today, aren't I??

Okay, everyone just jump right in here and let us know how your week went.  If you need some help with something, we'll try to help you; and of course, if you met your goal, we'll cheer you on.......

Wishing everyone a great week.

Remember:  we win by losing (weight)

3 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
Yay, ChitChat...........
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649848 tn?1534633700
Congratulations on that pound.  I know you are much more diligent with your exercising than I am.  I'm hoping to get back to my yoga soon....
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657315 tn?1319491387
YAY, Barb !  Two more pounds is great !  I'm sorry it has to be stress causing it, but I also know you are making good choices, too.  I know you.

I am only down 1 pound, and I was actually surprised.  I feel like I deserve for it to have been more.  I hit all my goals for the Y this week (two body building classes; two step aerobics classes) plus I walked 18 or more hours this week???

My portions are not large and I seldom snacked between meals, plus the heat and humidity have subsided somewhat.  Hmmmm, we'll just have to see if I don't break through eventually.  I sure hope so.  Of course, we all know it's the last stubborn pounds that are the most difficult to shed.  I just don't see why these are next to impossible.

I'm happy with the pound OFF, though.  I have exercised similarly and GAINED.
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