649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in April 2, 2023

Good morning - yay, it "is" still morning too and a beautiful day it is.   How is everyone doing this morning?  I hope your week has gone smoothly.  

It's been pretty quiet here, for a change.  The land surveyors came back on Monday and ended up finding all the corner markers of our property.  The neighbor who built a fence along side of your property did a pretty poor job - at one end the fence is about 7' into our property, but at the other end, it's where it should be.  The only thing that remains to be seen is whether anyone will have to use the easement on our property to access an acreage that's "landlocked".   I don't think they'll need to but if they do, oh well.   Anyway, it's good to have that all worked out.

With the nice spring weather we've been having, I've been able to get lots of yard work done.  I have most of the "winter ugliness" cleaned up now, everything is looking pretty good.  Now I need to start working on the inside - blah!!  :-)

I'm still walking every day with my neighbor.  I'm trying to keep track of steps, but I figured out that my Fitbit isn't keeping accurate time, so I'm thinking it's not recording steps accurately, either.  I ordered a new one which will be here today - yep, Amazon Prime.  lol  My foot has been doing surprisingly well, though I've had a neuropathy flare up the past couple of days.  My hands seem to be getting more painful by the day... Tylenol and Volaren are my best friends right now.   Anyway, I was up a couple of pounds last week; this week, I'm down 1.5 pounds - pretty much back to where I was a couple of weeks ago.   I don't think it's fat I'm gaining/losing so quickly but I guess it could be.  

So - how was your week?  I've been hearing on the news about the tornadoes and other bad weather around the country.  It's horrible to hear of all damage that's been done.  

I hope you've had a good week and were able to meet/exceed your goals.  

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~
1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
I'm right where I was two weeks ago also, Barb, after bouncing up in the middle of the week and coming down again. It must be Spring. :-)

You're going to leave the fence where it is? If you read the lengthy spiel I wrote you last week, you'll see that I did urge you to get the discrepancy memorialized in a written agreement, so you won't ever lose the ownership of that triangular piece of land. But given all, it doesn't seem like you would lose that big of an area if you just did nothing. What about the easemenr to the landlocked piece of property? Do they propose to pay you for it or just want it as a favor?

I'm in the middle of taxes, we just found out that we took more income from my husband's IRA last year than we remembered we had, so I've got to get hold of our accountant tomorrow morning, to let him know. This isn't my favorite time of year.  :-P

Have a good week!

Helpful - 0
You're doing okay - not gaining anyway!!   I bounce all over the place, within about a 7 lb range.  I, definitely, prefer being at the bottom of that range and would like to go lower, but it's just not happening.  Thinking I need to bump up my thyroid med again for a while!!  

As of right now, we're going to leave the fence where it is.   It goes at such an angle that if we did lose the little bit of land, it wouldn't be enough to quibble over.   We aren't sure about the easement yet.  The problem is that the person who owns the land adjoining our easement could easily give access to the landlocked property and they wouldn't even need the easement, but he won't.  Even if we let them use it, they have to cross over the strip of land that the owner will not allow them to use, in which case, the easement won't do any good.   We think this owner landlocked the piece of property on purpose as retaliation against some family members.   They're going to have to work out their own difficulties.   I'm guessing the county could/would require the property owner to provide a driveway to the landlocked property.   Husband is the one who talked to the people and it was my understanding that they want to use the easement as a favor - we'll see what happens when/if they actually end up needing it.

Oh dear - taxes.  It's a bummer when you find out at the last minute that you have more income than you thought, isn't it?   Tax time was never my favorite time of year either, but we now do them as early as we can to get it over with.  

Enjoy your week.
Well, the good news is, we did not take more from the IRA than we thought. The bad news is, the IRA manager sent us (and the IRS) a 1099 that reported that we did. His mistake. But now a corrected 1099 has to be produced in a hurry, and sent to our accountant to submit with our taxes, and sent to the IRS too. (The accountant says the IRS never reads corrected 1099s.) If I had done the taxes in February like a good girl, this would all not have to be handled at the last minute, but that just didn't happen. Thankfully this is the only glitch this year. I'm looking forward to the day when there is almost no activity to report, though who knows, my restless husband might just get another job then and we'll have to start it all up again!
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