649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh-In September 1, 2019

Good morning.  How are we today?  I hope you've had a great week.  Mine has been pretty frustrating, but that seems to be the norm lately.

As you know, we've been dealing with the possibility of a hurricane headed our direction and trying to make preparations for that.  It's a very strong system (Category 4) and at one time, it was thought that it was going to hit the state directly and no one was going to be spared, but as time elapsed, it began to look like certain areas would get hit harder than others.  Now it appears that  Florida may only get some tropical storm winds and rain, while the actual hurricane continues to travel north to Georgia and/or the Carolina's... Although we don't wish any bad fortune on other parts of the country, we're very thankful that it appears as though we aren't going to get hit by it.

Other than the storm, I'm still dealing with health issues.  I had an endoscopy and  CT scan done as follow up to the ultrasound earlier in August.  The endoscopy only indicated gastritis, which, I guess was good, since it didn't show any ulcers or cancer.  They did do a biopsy to test for H Pylori again, but the gastro said he wouldn't treat that again right away even if that was positive because I just finished treatment for it, so whether that treatment worked or not (symptoms indicate it didn't), I'm stuck with it for a while.

The CT scan was to determine the cause of a bulge found near my navel.  It was suspected to be a hernia, but according to the CT it's definitely not a hernia, nor is it a solid mass  that would indicate a cancer of some sort and although they didn't completely exclude a lipoma (which is a benign fatty tumor), they don't think that's what it is either..  They had no other suggestions as to what it might be.  I haven't heard from my doctor and between the holiday weekend and the hurricane, I don't expect to until sometime next week, if they bother to get back to me, since doctors tend to believe that symptoms disappear whenever test results are negative or don't show something definitive - or at least, that's been my experience.

My stomach only holds small amounts at one time and  I do a lot of  burping/belching whenever I eat (burping/belching is one of the symptoms of H Pylori) and  with the amount I'm eating, one would think I should be losing weight like it's going out of style, but I've only lost 0.8 libs this week, though my weight has fluctuated wildly throughout the week.  At one point, I was down 4 lbs from last week and one point, I was up a pound, so it's obvious that something is going on. Right now, I'll take the 0.8 lb loss and assume that later in the day/tomorrow it will be different, but it's anybody's guess which direction it will go...

So - that's my story - hurricanes and unidentified belly bulges...  How about you?  I hope you've been successful in whatever endeavor(s) you've taken on this week.

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~
2 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
I'm below that marker I set on the scale four weeks ago, probably a solid pound less but that's not far from where I was last week. I'm glad to see it stay below the marker, not up, and it isn't even bad that it's staying stable, though I'd like to lose four more pounds sooner or later. Probably once we get moved into our new house, I'll be able to put together a more regular eating regime. Camping at the farm, it's kind of irregular. We had a guest over for breakfast yesterday, and then the guys went and watched a football game with buddies and ate pizza for dinner, and I stayed home and had goat cheese brie on crackers. What a profile of healthy eating!

It looks like Dorian is up to Category 5 now, moving so slowly that it will be days before it's over. I will say, Barb, that every time I saw a report on it in the last several days, I thought about your insurance! I hope it doesn't make landfall at night -- a forecaster was explaining that it's hard, when something goes crash in the dark, to tell if it's serious or inconsequential. It would be nice if it takes an unexpected turn out to sea, but there's wishful thinking for you.

Our house buyers signed off on the repair addendum. Unless their financing fails unexpectedly, that was the last thing that would have stopped the sale. The expected closing date is September 20. I'll sure be glad when this is all over, it's a suspenseful process -- the buyers can back out at several places along the way even after offer and acceptance (at the inspection, if we can't come to agreement on requested repairs, and at the bank). When I sold my little house in St. Louis years ago, my agent talked to me or came over every day from the point where we accepted the offer to closing, but our agents here have been too fancy to care if I was finding things stressful, mostly I think they are focused on more expensive houses. My husband says we should have picked an agent who was a little smaller time but who was more hungry for business. But if the sale goes through by the 20th, I guess I can't complain. We're presently paying two mortgages with no increase in income to make it unnoticeable.  :P

Husband wants to unpack some doghouses we bought (the poor postman had to lug these heavy boxes of doghouse up onto our porch), so I've gotta run. Have a safe week!
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Your weight is still going the  right direction in spite of irregular eating patterns and maybe not eating the healthiest food around.  It doesn't seem to be doing a lot of damage, which is good.

I'm glad the buyers have signed off on the repair addendum.  We'll hope nothing happens with the financing to ruin the sale.  I do understand, though that it's wearing on the nerves.

You're right about Hurricane Dorian being upgraded to a Cat 5.  It's one of the most powerful storms in modern history.  We certainly hope the forecast is correct that it's going to make  that right hand turn and skirt the coast staying out to sea because if it makes landfall with those winds, the devastation will be indescribable.

I've thought about our insurance, as well and I suppose it's just as well that we haven't tried to be in the process of changing to a new policy during this.  But then we know from experience that insurance companies won't write new policies when there are storms anywhere around (or even forming in the Atlantic).  

It seems, for some reason, when hurricanes hit, it's almost always during the night when you can't see what's going on.  I do remember one, back in 1975 when we lived in the Florida Panhandle and had to evacuate to Alabama... the  original storm hit the coast during the night, but it traveled to where we were in AL and we could see things flying around - trees, parts of buildings, etc... I'll never forget someone saying: "You know the shed that was over there?  There it goes..."  And we watched it fly through the sky.  Several men, including my husband, sat on and under a pool table that was pushed against a door holding the top and bottom of the door to keep the wind from blowing it in.  Sometimes it's best not to see what's coming at you....

I hope you got the  doghouses unpacked...

We did, and I even got to the home store and had some transparent stain tinted, and we have stained the inside and outside of all the panels of one doghouse and the outside of the panels on the other (it got dark so we had to stop). The feedback online about those doghouses is that they're OK but need better waterproofing. They are that orangey cedar color (maybe it's really cedar, your guess is as good as mine). So I had them tint the sealer cadet blue, which goes over the orange and makes the panels look midrange grey-brown. The only trick since the stain is semi=transparent is that you can't go over and over it, or it gets irregular. (Some spots too dark, some too light.) My husband isn't an experienced enough painter to keep from making crossover marks and odd sideways swipes, I had to tell him exactly what to do to prevent blobs of cadet blue on top of the grey brown, and finally had him do the interiors while I did the exteriors. The color is really nice, it makes me think we have to stain our orangey cedar fence next.

I was standing out in the peaceful evening staining doghouse panels, thinking of people in the Bahamas with their houses getting blown apart. We've had bad weather times here (usually in a snowstorm with no power), but it seems like nothing as bad as what people are going through right now. (Now that I say this, wait for the subduction zone earthquake that's supposed to rock the entire Northwest sometime soon.) Weather sure makes human concerns puny.
Cedar tends to have an orangey color... it also has a very distinct odor/smell that's pretty unmistakable - think Grandma's cedar chest, although wood cedar used for fine furniture is better quality and smells better than  that used for dog houses... lol   It's usually best to seal structures like that to preserve them better.   At any rate, it sounds as though you made quite a bit of progress on them and once the stain is good dry so it won't affect any animals residing in the houses, they should last quite a while.   We have some neighbors, here who had a dog house at the end of their porch and actually had a duct running into the dog house to pump heat and air conditioning to it... That's looking after the animals ... :-)

I know what you mean about the people in the Bahamas. My husband and I have talked about that a couple of times. We've been through several hurricanes and the winds we've seen are devastating, but we've never seen winds of 185 mph... In addition, all the hurricanes we've been through have hit quickly and moved on, lasting for a matter of hours... I can't imagine having one sit and churn right over you for 2 days like Dorian has done, and is still doing, the Bahamas.   It's a horrifying thought to know that whatever structure you're in may not be strong enough to withstand  the wind.  With the high winds this storm sustained for so long, I'm sure we'll see devastation  we'd not have imagined, but there's also the water/waves to consider as well.  

We have been through, both winter snowstorms during which we lost power in subzero temps and hurricanes, as well as tornadoes.  I'd never want to be put in a position of having to choose which is worse because they're all terrifying.  Every part of the country/world has their weather phenomenon and we know that every one can be deadly.  I know I don't want to be near that earthquake that's supposed to rock you any more than I want to be in the middle of this hurricane...

Yep, we're pretty small beside whatever major weather event mother nature throws our way...
649848 tn?1534633700
In the time it took to type this original post and respond to a couple e-mails, my weight dropped by an additional 1.4 pounds...  that leaves me with a loss of 2.2 pounds from last week.  

Just wait a couple of hours and I'll be up by that much... lol
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