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My body want let me loose weight-Pain, fatiuge

I started at the jym about 6mth ago and was feeling really good imporving getting stronger after serious depression kept me in bed over 1y. I lot 10kg then stopped loosing than my matabilisim saying work harder lol, but my body wont let me I get reall sick with something every time I try to work harder. I was sick with some think for 6mth straight, flu, 2 asthma serious attacks, minor infections eg ear, sinus, throat, None of which stopped me from using the jym for more than day or 2 but did impact on how much I could do or what i could do at the jym, I finally started feel really good no illness I thought I was finally able to get in and do some harder work outs, boy was I wrong now I have this unknown weak and painful leg truoble ONLY when standing. I'm fine with weights I'm fine with the bike and getting faster but I still cant walk fast at all and cant walk for long. I also seem to physicly crash after minor exercise. I used the pool just to tred water and do resistance exercises I the last 3 time I went I started feeling like I need to eat then with in minuets I was feeling compleatly drained and exausted and like if I did not eat and drink asap I would pass out. I ate healthy food and drank a sports drink, only to feel just strong enought to barly make it home. One of the 3 times I colapsed on my door step I felt so bad I proberly should have called an ambulance maybe I would have answer now maybe, but who knows. I just know this is not in my head and know I want to loose weight and absulotly want to walk, I use to walk everywhere it help me with my anxiety or at least it use to. It may be a PTSD reaction I do live in basicly the same area as the guy who smashed his way in to house and punched me in mouth due to paranoia about me talking him partner my friend in leaving him with there kids or something I think that he want he was on about that late after noon but I little memory of the event. I been living here for 2 years now why would it just now start. But then again my partner did just move to a shop closer to where he lives and to a shop where he go's often and it did kinda start when there was talk about it maybe happening. If this is a PTSD symptom I want it to leave me alone. I dont see how or why PTSD would be causing this cause its all the time when standing not just when I think about the event or when I'm close to where he might be and when I do get close to where he his and see him I have different reaction. I have also thought it might be CFS but it only when I'm standing, why would CFS only effect my legs or effect them worse. I have thought about fibro which make more sence but its still does not give me away to exercise to loose weight to make things easier for me. I feel stuck in a over weight body that I'm so not use to I gain 30kg from zyprexa in 6mth and I was already over weight before that so now I'm double a healthy weight that I should be and I cant seem to fine exercise that does not make me sick. why do I get sick with some thing when I try to push my body.

Blood work is prefect and so was my laying ECG/EKG. i wanted a tilt table test or stress test but my dr says I have to have chest pain. I read that both can at least rule out some reasons or maybe answer the question of why i feel the way i do.
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thank you very much.

I try to walk some where every day but I still struggle to walk to far to fast but at least I'm not feeling as tired and exausted that i feel I might pass out if I dont eat some thing. It's making it easier to eat more regular meals and I dont have to eat when I'm at the shops as much and when I do feel tired and eat a banana it gives me back my energy unlike when I was exausted.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I'm happy to hear that you finally got a diagnosis.  I'm sorry that you ended up in the hospital though.  I would recommend slowly easing back into exercise - how often are you walking the 30 minutes?  If you can do it daily, that's great, but if not, even 3-4 times/week is great. Keep working at it, you'll be able to do it.

Congrats on the 2 kg loss, even if it did come from being sick.  
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The glucose tolerance test came back normal but I have since had other test and I was diagnoised with Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. I was put on Ivabradine and feeling a lot better. I lost 2 kg from being hospital but still struggling to get back to serious exercise but I can now walk for 30 at a reasonable pace so I'm making progress.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Good luck.  
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i'm having a glucose tolerance test tomorrow hoping to get an answer to why my body is being so demanding of me.
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throid is the first thing thay test for here with me so I know that is not my problem.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I don't know anything about lippo-dissolve, but I did a quick search on it and came up with the following is a web site which discusses the procedure.  Strongly recommend that you read it.  


I'm not sure where you are located, but it's not approved by the FDA in the US -- 2 states are actually banning the process unless/until it's FDA approved - and there are also other countries that have not approved the procedure.

According to this article, there are no standards for the ingredients used and each doctor has the "cocktail" specially compounded, so you really don't even know what's in it - maybe this has something to do with the clinic going under?.  Sounds pretty scary to me.  Recommend that you read at least that one article, then you might want to discuss this with your doctor.  

Since you have no way of knowing exactly what was in the injections you had, there's no way of knowing whether or not there could be adverse side effects.  

All that said, I will now become my usual "broken record" and tell you that I'd also recommend that you visit your doctor and ask to get your thyroid tested.  Hypothyroidism is a very common cause for weight gain/inability to lose and should always be looked at if you are following a reasonable diet and getting moderate exercise.  I gained 30+ pounds in less than a month before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, in spite of working out daily and eating a good diet.  Now, even taking daily meds, I struggle with weight issues.

Unfortunately, not all doctors are willing to test for thyroid issues upon request AND if your levels fall within the lab's reference range, they will tell you, you are "normal" when that range may not be normal for YOU.  I'd recommend that you do some research on hypothyroidism, along with insulin resistance and PCOS, both of which will also prevent weight loss.  

Once medical issues are ruled out, there are other things you can do to help lose the weight.  We would be happy to have you stick around with us.  
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I was wondering if anyone knows about the side effects of lippodissovle? I have had it done to my abdonmen area about 4 yrs ago and didn't finish because the clinic went under and it was way too painful. So I resorted back to the old fashion way of working out and watching what I eat. My problem is that I can't seem to lose even 10lbs to save my life!!! it is so discouraging and I am wondering if there is side effects of this lipodissovle I had done? I work out about 4 to 6 days a week and can't lose more than some water weight which is about 3lbs in one month. I am about to just give up and just live at my weight of 165 at 5'5", luckly I am not gaining anymore weight but just can lose! any help or advice
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649848 tn?1534633700
I'm sorry, I don't know what else to tell you.  Chest pains should always be checked out by a doctor.  I still believe that you should see your doctor or go to the ER, in case there is something causing this other than anxiety.  And even if it IS anxiety or one of your meds, they maybe able to replace a med with something that has less side effects or works better for you.

Please see a doctor.  

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been on luvox for 7 years now and the problem only started recently. When I say crash I dont mean sleepy tired I mean shacky, wobbly, high heart rate, sweating, painfull legs, triping over my feat, cant life my feat, cant walk with out feeling like gravity has the advantage and it sucking my down, knee dont want to keep me up, anckle start rolling, extream weakness from the hips down, and extream yucky feeling threw out my torso, My arms are fine really nothing and not really dizzy but I am puffed out short of breath even after using my asthma meds,

Sleeping meds a new to see if insomnia is causeing the problem and the sedative dont seem to have any effect of how good or bad I'm feeling unless I know the feeling are anxiety due to thinking to much. But the 3 serious epsoides happened at a time I was not using sedative for while before hand. Its happening after adreniline seem have been used up from my system eg after exercise. After about 12 hour after anxiety attack. When I have an anxiety/panic attack I full of energy again then I do things and I back to feeling like I'm gona pass out again or fall down.

I'm starting to get chest pain where my heart is the last fue day when I'm feeling good it just seems to hit me and make me cringe in pain. I had to go to sleep today felt so tired and could not find away to ignore the pain I'm just hoping ignoring it ok cause if this is serious and dont realise when to call the ambulance I dont knowwhat I'm supose to do. I dont want attention for anxiety but I dont want anything bad to happen to me.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I understand how you feel with the fatigue and being ready to crash -- I get that way when my thyroid levels get off.  

I know that some antidepressants, sleeping meds, etc have weight gain as a side effect, so your meds may have something to do with it.  You might try asking your doctor if there are alternative meds you could take.  

I have only had one experience with antidepressants --- it was some years ago and the pcp I had at that time absolutely insisted that I was tired all the time because I was depressed.  I kept telling him that was NOT the case, but he refused to listen to me.  Anyway, he started me on Paxil -- I would wake up in the morning and get to work okay, but around 10:00 or 11:00,  I'd crash and there was no way I could keep going without sleeping.  Since I wasn't really depressed in the first place, the paxil did absolutely nothing to change the way I felt -- it only made me tired.  I quite taking it after about a month because I couldn't continue having to sleep like that -- it was affecting my job.  It was later discovered by another doctor that what caused my original fatigue was pernicious anemia (vitamin b12 deficiency) and later thyroid.  The original doctor who prescribed the antidepressant, was not willing to look further to find the issues -- he just handed me the prescription for paxil and said "take this, it'll fix you right up".............

Most of my symptoms have either gone away or are improved, now that I'm taking my b12 shots regularly and am getting my thyroid levels in line.  

I really do think you should talk to your doctor again and explain to her/him how you feel.  There may be something else they can do for you besides giving you more meds.  Adding another script is not the answer to every problem.  
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I'm already on 200mg of a anit D/Anti anxiety/Anit OCD med plus I have a sedative to take when i panic and cant control it plus I've most recently been put on sleeping meds at night time been on 200mg of luvox for 7 years been on sedatives for around 2.5 years and sleeping meds for 1.5 weeks. The more I get over anxiety the worse my body feels like the adreniline has been keeping me in a functioning state or something as soon as I exercise latly I feel worse that before i crash physicly and very fast when I'm not paying full attenstion to how I feel. I'm having to eat very regulating very restictively and I'm still struggling I've gone from being able to work out and be better after to just walking and physicly crashing mid afternoon if I'm still trying to get shopping or something done in the last 2 mths and yet I've been sick on and off for over 6mth and felt more energentic while sick with a different things than I feel righ now once I start walking. I will wake up every morning ready to face the world and feel like I be extreamly active but once I start it slowly wears me down again and by lunch to mid afternoon if I'm not home I have to be very carful about going home make sure I have sports drink and lollies in case I start to crash even have banana's ect just to get home with out passing out or calapsing before I get home. Its just not  a very good feeling and I dont know what to try next to get over this feeling I'm not avoiding things that make me anxious, I'm not avoiding walking unless I really have no energy left, I'm not being lazy I dont feel this is all related to being unfit, overweight, and anxiety and if it is the i dont know how I going to face this if I have no options or new sujestion that help me cause right now I feel like I need wheelchair in the afternoons cause it gets that bad and it makes no sence a fue months ago I was coming home fine my phycologist is thinking it due to xmas and my PTSD but I supose only time will tell and it is I don't like PTSD lol cause I feel fine phycologicly when i feel this way and I tend to be anxious on the days I feel I have energy to spare but once I use it up its back to crashing very easy.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Just being within the lab's reference ranges doesn't always mean it's perfect for YOU.  

Have you been checked for asthma and/or other breathing disorders?  Maybe you need to try an anti-anxiety med?  

I'd suggest that you go back and talk to your doctor again.  Sometimes you have to keep hounding them until they are willing to look deeper.  That's what happened to me when I my thyroid issues began.  
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blood work was perfect
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649848 tn?1534633700
You have a lot of symptoms of hypothyroidism - you should check with your doctor to see if thyroid tests were performed.  
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