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Sore, swollen lump on inner thigh by bikini line

A few days ago I noticed a sore, reddish swollen lump on my left inner thigh, right along my bikini line. It has since gotten larger (about the size of a nickel, and more elongated now).

It only feels sore if I press on it or rub against it. It seems like a soft lump that moves around with the skin. Last night I applied a warm washcloth to it for about 30 minutes, which made it feel better.

Could this be a swollen lymph node, or maybe an ingrown hair? It is located in the area where I shave daily.

Any advice would be very appreciated!
593 Responses
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If it's still continuing, please go see your doctor, I had the same problem a couple of years ago, mine was the size of a quarter, I went to my doctor and it turned out to be a bacterial cyst, probably due to a unhealed cut from shaving.  They gave me some oral medication to get it to go down, and that hasn't come up since then. They will need to poke it with a needle to check to see what type of cyst it might be,  but it's worth it in the end.
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So true. Really good advice.  Thanks for telling your story to help here.  
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Okay I just noticed a huge lump maybe 5cm it’s pretty big and I can move it around the problem is that it hurts and I don’t see hair anywhere near it!! I’m scared
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I have the same problem, mine started as a pimple like form. I popped it and a tiny bit of white pus and a bit of blood came out and ever since then (6 months) its formed a hard rock like bump under my skin, right on my bikini line where my bone is. Its very irritating and sore. Someone please help
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My wife has had these weird pus/blood-filled bumps on her inner thigh for years. She got diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and she decided to go an alternative diet to try and fix it. The diet didn't fix her thyroid, but serendipitously it made the bumps go away! She thinks it was white potatoes causing them, but not entirely sure. It was the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet.
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Okay, so I also have the same issue going on right now BUT I have had this before last year. I really should of learned my lesson the first time but we get so busy with life. So I have not made any time to go underwear shopping and just grabbing a pack from the store should be no problem. I notice the past week I was wearing very tight underwear and I finally tossed them out... well now I have another lump. It's a tiny inner knot with discoloration. I took a warm bath and it helped a lot and I even noticed the knot went down a little in size. I recommend switching out underwear that feels tight. I wouldn't worried or lose sleep over it. It will pass on its own. But you know your body better best so if you feel pain or something is really not right call your doctor.
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Does it help to not wear any underwear
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You really shouldn't wear until it's gone. Mine healed 2 weeks ago but all the tissue beneath it turned black and painfull and the doctor said I could risk another one if I'm not carefull around it...
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Hi. I also had this medical problem and in my case, it was an Adenophlegmon. I wanted to write this here, because when I got it, I didn't know what it was until it got pretty bad and was sent to remove it by surgery. But I wasn't ready to do that and asked a dr. if I can try some meds first and for me it really helped. He told me to get an antibiotic named FOREXO, and something that calms down the pain and the inflamated spot, and put some cream that contains an ingredient named IHTIOL, that brings the puss to the surface, so it can drain by it self. In 3 days it started to drain and I started to put compresse with Rivanol on it. I'm from Romania and I dont know if you have this meds there, but maybe you can find something like it and use. I hope this helps someone ...
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I have the same sore I think... Noticed it about a week ago... I accidentally cut it open while shaving yesterday.. I put gauze and a bandaid over it... I jus got out of the shower and noticed blood and grossness all over the bandaid... I looked and noticed its bruised.. Almost black even.. And hard about and inch to the side of it and below it now... I dont want my boyfriend so see it so I put ointment and another bandaid over it... Its gross and it hurts... Please help!!
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Hi ok Im really scared I'm not sexually active but I was in the shower and I noticed a lump about the size of a dime right where my vagina and the closing of my leg meets I dontt know what it is. Its really hard and painless unless I touch it. I think its a lymph node though because I have a condition called lymphadenopathy and since the age of 18 months had a total of 9 removed I'm hoping that's all it is.
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I have this problem also. Most of the time they seem to be your regular boils that are eased with a hot bath. This time its something different. Lets see if I can describe this accurately. I have a lump on my inner right thigh, very close to my bikini line. Most of the time it doesn't seem to be filled with anything...it will feel like just an empty little sac of skin. When I first noticed it it was full of something (grossness is what I like to call it). Now its like it drained, but isn't going away. It gets really sore after some friction from walking. I sweat like crazy so I thought that was a contributing factor. I've had this one lump for a couple of months now and can't get rid of it. I clean it as often as possible and have been applying tea tree oil. It seems to get better, or less agitated, for a little while then it gets sore again. I'm not sure if it was a boil, ingrown hair, or what but I'd love for it to go away completely. Thanks to all of you lovely ladies for your tips and suggestions. My course of action will be to try this Tend Skin (I think thats what its called) and make a Dr. Appt with my GYN.
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I get these as well and if they get too render you need to see a doctor and get on some antibiotics I've had to have some of mine lanced and drained because they did not do so on their own. Hot compresses will help alot. But remember it is an infection and can become serious. Also if you get them alot it could be caused by genetics. And these little devils build colonies in your body and just kinda pop up when they feel like it if you get more than one you may want to get a special body scrub from your doctor and report or document when you get them how large aND tender they are and how long they last just in case you need to seek a medical professional.
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I get like a lump and it is usually one on my inner thigh and one by where my pubes are. It gets bigger then smaller then bigger again and eventually it turns into a bruise. Its odd. I do'n't know whats happening
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I have a similar issue. I have a bump close to my inner thigh.
Here's a few things about it:
-it was small and painful a few days ago
-today it is swollen like and still painful
-it has little red bumps inside it (I can clearly see separated red bumps on top or inside of this one big bump)
-it hurts when I move
-I get bumps on my vagina inner thigh every now and then
-they usually go away after a few days
-this time I'm on my period which is making this twice as painful
-oh and I'm 19 and I've only given oral sex
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I had a swollen lump on my bikini line when I went to bed and when I woke up it had started to leak out this brown and yellow pus like substance. It's been about 2 days since this and the area has scared over but is extremely sensitive. Can anyone help me on what I should do about this?
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What ended up happening? Did it heal on its own or did you need to visit the doctor?
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Ladies you have to make sure your panties are not tight. My daughter had the same thing and we realized it was the panties which was the problem. If a panty is too tight it will pull and bruise the skin, causing friction and over time these lumps will appear on the bikini line. The lump will ripen on its own, when it does, squeeze out all the pus and clean with warm water. Apply either an anti-viral or anti-biotic cream to the area and make sure you wear comfortable panties which are not pressing on your skin. For a more natural application, take a bit of Manuka Honey and apply to the affected area twice daily. Once you apply the Manuka honey put on a sealed band aid over the area. Remember to use vagina wash like vagisil and keep the area clean. Swelling will go down in a couple of days and skin will be back to normal in about 2-3 weeks.
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Thank you so much! This helped a lot Ive been researching to figure out what it was and I found this and I tend to wear really tight panties. Im glad I found this I was worried it was serious
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Yes I have this too and its not just one time I've had it I get them alot and it's really sore.  It is a red color and is hard inside. Like I can pinch it and feel a hard like ball. They don't cause any medical problems, just irritation. If anyone has a similar experience or idea please comment.
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Yeah have exactly the same so painful hurts to walk hoping nothing serious x
I have the same thing and i need to know what it is
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So, I read several of the beginning posts.

I'm still not sure if what I have is the same.

It all seems a bit of a mystery, and these sound incurable.

I googled images of Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and that isn't what mine looks like....
I'm 19 by the way. I got it a couple days ago on Friday. I didn't even realize it was there at first until I was drying off from the shower, then I noticed this lump about dime sized and raised inside my thigh where the skin rubs together. At first I assumed it was a pimple, but then I touched it and felt it was hard and different, but I didn't worry about it because it didn't hurt at all, and I figured it was no big deal.

The next day, I remembered it, and looked at it, and it was bigger and redder and a little tender. I looked up this site and saw hot compresses everywhere so when I could I put a wash cloth under the hottest water, squeezed it out, then put it on the lump until the wash cloth had cooled down. I've done that three times now, and I'm not sure it has helped. The lump might be slightly smaller, but it's spread out into a wide flat-ish circle with the same head in the middle. It's about the same level of tender, maybe a little more so. It's really frustrating me, and I don't want to walk anymore because my legs will rub it more and, I'm afraid, irritate it more.

What is it? Is it the same as what y'all have? What should I do about it? I've seen neosporin posts. should I put that on it? Should I keep doing the hot washcloth? I realize I haven't had it for long, but I just really don't want it to get worse. Please help. I put some baby powder on it this morning because I hoped that would help keep it from getting more irritated when my thighs rub together. Was that a mistake? I always wear skirts, by the way. Does that make it worse?
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I was just on this page the other week when I had discovered a red, firm, extremely painful lump on the outside of my labia (or groin). Within a day or two, it had developed a whitehead so I popped it and it drained pus. Thinking it had gone away, within another day, another one popped up but further down and even worse. It was growing in size from a marble to about the size of a walnut. I could not walk, or sit without being in extreme discomfort and pain. It had not shown a whitehead, so I had made an appointment with my gynecologist. She took a culture once she drained out all of the liquid from the lump and I have gotten a call a few days later telling me that I tested positive for MRSA, which is a nasty infection. It is spread pretty easily, especially through places like in a health care setting or daycare. It can cause these red boil or pimple type lumps, and MRSA can turn into a dangerous infection if left active for a long period of time!
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Thank you for the advice Den3269.

After I read quite a bit of posts. I see that I wasn't alone in this painful struggle. I have been struggling with this nickel sized area of bumps gathered together like a pack of pimples for over 5 years. It usually happens right before my menstrual cycle. First, I feel this sharp pain in my right inner thigh two inches below my bikini line. A couple of days later, I feel the pain spreading around the top of my thigh circling around to my right hip. Sometimes I can see the redness of my vein traveling from the painful area all the way around to my hip. My vein turns beet red as it bulges to the surface of my skin. The length of the vein is anywhere from five inches to about 10 inches long. When I touch it it is normally hot or a big difference in temperature compared to the rest of my leg. Finally, after all the signs and warnings the bumps appear. Sometimes the bumps appear in one area every month. Sometimes it will appear in two areas right next two each other like a nickel and a dime with small tiny hard bumps in the circumference of the circle. I never tried to pop them because they hurt to the touch and they don't look like puss bumps they look like skin bumps. When I touch them they feel cystic. They feel like little tiny pebbles underneath my skin. I tried everything I could think of to rid myself of these painful bumps to avoid going to the military doctor.

It wasn't before long after I kept trying different remedies to cure myself that I ACTUALLY FOUND SOMETHING THAT WORKED for me. This is not a permanent solution. For me it is the best solution until I find me a physician that can refer me to a dermatologist to get the shot that Den3269 was speaking about in her comments.

As soon as I feel the pain I rub it with rubbing alcohol. I wait for the alcohol to dry then I rub a nice amount of Cortizon.10 on the entire area and everywhere I would normally feel the pain as it travels. After the first application, sometimes I don't even see the bumps appear. Most of the time the pain only last for a day or two. I put Cortizone.10 on the area at night before I go to bed and in the morning before I leave out the house. This has been my temporary cure until I seek medical attention. Once I rubbed Cortizone on the area for an entire month and I did not see it appear for two months. I really hope this helps someone because this is tragic to live with. I will give you all the update when I finally make it to the dermatologist.
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I have the same issue and it has been happening to me for about 5 years too. I have been putting Hydro-cortizone on my bump as soon as I feel it and sometimes it doesn't even appear. The surrounding area that usually feels like my veins are exploding seem to settle and not flare up at all.
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The one that I have is recurring but it only refills with fluid right around the time when my period is about to come. Some months it wont be an issue at all but then some months it swells right back up. Mine has never gotten bigger than a quarter but now there is a permanent little knot down there on the inside of my leg about the size of a pea. I am assuming it is probably the core of the damaged tissue and I am going to have it cut out and packed so that it can heal from the inside out and not leave the empty pocket to refill. I think that I might have an ingrown hair curled up inside of there from shaving. I am 31 and this just started happening last year.

when I am about to start my period
if I am under a lot of stress
if I am drinking too much
taking probiotics or certain types of vitamins

Depending on what it is from (If it is a wart or looks like an STD it could spread so if it looks like something like that don't do what I am about to tell you!) if you need immediate relief go to Walgreens and get a lancet kit that they use to check blood sugar so that you can poke a drain hole quickly and painlessly to relieve the pressure. MAKE SURE THAT YOU CLEAN THE AREA WITH ALCOHOL FIRST AND AFTERWARDS CLEAN THE AREA WITH ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP SO IT WONT SPREAD THE BACTERIA. I put a gauze over it and continuously cleaned it until it dried all the way up and stopped draining. I also use Teatrea oil and antibiotic ointment to seal it. I read that someone soaked cottonballs in witch hazel which also sounds like a good idea. Mine has never burst open though so I am not really sure what that is like.(thank God) I am writing this because I know how scary it can be especially as a teen. THIS IS NO WAY MEDICAL ADVICE THIS IS JUST WHAT I HAVE FOUND WORKED AS TEMPORARY RELIEF. I have an appointment tomorrow at 2pm to get it taken care of, but I know that the pain can be horrible! Drain the fluid to relieve the pressure.
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I was reading all of these posts as I was in the waiting room at the doctors. I noticed this hard lump near the opening on my vagina, it felt like a marble under my skin. The first day it was irritating at all. I pushed on it a bit to see if it was a zit. Nothing. Well yesterday it was so annoying! It felt a bit hot, it hurt to sit or stand. And when I went to sleep, it just kept me from sleeping. I managed to get a couple hours of sleep while my legs were wide open like a butterfly. This morning I had to call out of work, called the doctor this morning. I just got home from the appointment.

I highly recommend seeing a doctor if your symptoms are close to what I had. She gave me a small dose of a shot that numbed me. Then 15 minutes later I went back in and she made a couple slits with a blade, did a bit if squeezing and whipping and told me to go home and rest, use some antibiotic cream and tonight to check it and if I'm feeling a bit adventurous to give it a squeeze.

When I got home I cried out my nerves. It hurt pretty bad, even worse than before it got popped. But since then, I've taken 1300 mg of ibuprofen and 1 Dolol which should keep the edge off. Hope this does not happen again!
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I'm really concerned I've had this long skinny knot on my inner leg near my vagina for several yrs. It hurts sometimes. When I wear pants it really hurts . nothing comes out and doesn't look like an ingrown hair help should I see a Dr?
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Hi Ashley, I just found this online when I googled lumps in groin area. What ever happened? Did you finally get some help and releif? This is just starting full blown for me and I dont know what im going to do. Im wearing a baidaid now because it popped and bled. Do I go the family doctor or gyne?
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