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Embarrassed!!! Bad Odor From Rectum - Normal?

I have a really embarrasing situation, I need some help! I feel like I'm the only facing this, but I have this really bad odor that seems to be coming from my rectum area. I'm 23 years old with 2 children - a 3 1/2 year old and a 18 month old. I don't know if my past pregnancy's have anything to do with it but it seems like this odor came after having my children. I've had BV's and UTI's in the past and I know how those smells are. I've also had those awful hemorroids after my 2nd pregnancy. But at those time, no unusual smells for me.At first I thought the odor was coming from the vagina, but it wasnt it. I don't know what's going on with my body, but it's just an awful smell that won't go away. It smells like rotten fish or something rotten something. It's not a pleasant smell and it can get very powerful too. My sex life...I'm just too embarrassed that I don't really want to have intercourse with my husband. My husband gets frustrated at times because the smell is just too much. No matter how many times I wash down there, it just doesn't seem to want to go away. My doctors don't see anything unusual, they ran tests and everything. Everything is always negative. Nothing abnormal. What's wrong with me?
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DV425, have you figured out a solution to the odor problem? I seem to be suffering from a similar problem. I can't figure it out. I'm wondering if any docs have given a diagnosis?
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mcbluecat, I also have Crohn's disease; even though you wrote this comment a long time ago, I'm going to respond in case you or others like you might see this--
First, to ALL PEOPLE WHO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH BOWELS, FOUL ODORS, SEEPAGE, ETC.: You must be patient! None of the cures or solutions work right away or overnight!! So it's REALLY important that you only make ONE change at a time, do it consistently (not "hit-or-miss,"), and keep a WRITTEN journal of the things you try, whether they work or don't work. Also, never be too embarrassed to discuss a health issue with your doctor. That's their JOB! They are trained to be professional, discreet, and to help you. If you feel strange with one MD, go see a different one. Sometimes it's easier to tell this kind of problem to a female doctor, if that might help.
As for mrbluecat, and any other Crohn's sufferers, do NOT strain to go to the bathroom. The "purple balloon" you described is a hemorrhoid, which is a vein that has become engorged with blood and is permanently stretched- and straining is exactly what CAUSED it. If you continue, you'll make more.
The difficulty you have moving your bowels is likely caused by one or more strictures, by inflammation, or otherwise by a narrowed inner lumen of your large or small bowel further "upstream." You do not want to intentionally push and increase the internal pressure in your abdomen, as that can aggravate your problems.
As for the anal fistula/fistulae, past research has shown that a particular type of anti-neoplastic (or 'anti-cancer') medicine called 6-mercaptopurine (brand name Purinethol last I knew), along with an antibiotic (actually an anti-fungal) called metronidazole (brand name Flagyl) can help close perianal fistulae-- even very persistent ones (I had three!). It took about a year, taking it faithfully every day, but it worked, and I sometimes have to repeat the process every few years. But the medicine has some risks-- ask your doctor.
My experience with Crohn's is that a proper diet tailored to symptoms is what will make the difference in helping the disease to go into remission.
I spent 4 years (age 16 to 20) being deathly ill from this awful scourge; hospitalized on TPN (IV feedings only) for months at a time, until I got healthy and went home; but I couldn't absorb nutrients so a few months later I'd be back in the hospital-- over and over, with four bowel surgeries mixed in... Finally, minus 3.5 feet of small bowel, they got me healthy on TPN in Boston, then put me on tube feedings at night. I did that for 5 years, which gave my body time to heal itself, and I've been fairly healthy since (I still drink Boost often to get all the nutrients I need that I can't digest out of my food).
I cannot emphasize this enough; it takes time. Be patient, and keep WRITTEN notes about what you eat and how your body responds. There are apps that can help greatly with that now, so its actually pretty easy.
Yogurt is great food, and a good source of much-needed protein for Crohn's patients, without the side-effects of lactose intolerance; use the kind with "live-culture" probiotics, and supplement with some kind of elemental diet like Ensure or Boost (which comes in 1 calorie/ml solution, or if you need to gain weight, 1.5 calorie/ml solution... initially I used Magnacal, which was 2 calories per ml, but they don't make it any more).
For some unknown reason, Ensure really bothered my gut and caused problems. I discovered by accident that Boost is not only better-tasting, but my body absolutely LOVES it; no problems, and I can even just drink it rather than tube-feed with it.
But please understand: the rectal odor issue will probably NOT be quickly or totally resolved only by diet changes-- at least not at first. It will likely require some medicinal care, after which a good diet can help continue to keep the problem at bay.
SEE YOUR DOCTOR! You must get rid of any ideas about not being able to talk to your doc about this kind of stuff; this is their job, and there's no way they can help you cure something if they don't know you have it!! Doctors are good people, and they want to help you be as healthy and happy as you can be...
Good luck to all. A votre santé!
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I meant was the smell a fishy smell ? Did you have painful bowel movements ?
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Was the smell and fishy one ?
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I had the same problem the answer was I had an infection in my throat and you..might have mucus in your stomach...go see and ears nose and throat doctor
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I had a smell coming from my rectum..The problem was I had an infection in my throat and you might have mucus in your stomach..Go and see an ears nose and throat doctor..
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I have empathy for you because I'm suffering with the same issue. Doctors ran tests, and found that my thyroid is fine, I have no obstruction in my intestines (which is a relief), but I'm still left with this mystery  This problem dominates me everywhere I go. My quality of life is no doubt not the same. I truly think its an infection, and I'll be going back to the doc next week. If I have any positive updates or if you have any positive update pleaase feel free to share. I wish you sucess in defeating this problem
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