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growing labia minora?

i am 17 years old and ever since around the age of 8 or 10 my labia minora have seemed to grow, and have now  grown appoximately 5cm long and still seem to be growing. I dont hurt at all down there, there is no sign of redness of wart like growths or anything like that. i only feel uncomfortable sometimes as i may rub on my undies.
lately the skin on my perineum has been growing also and kind of attached to my labia, it seems like all the skin down there just keep growing! its not sore only uncomfortable. the skin has not changed in colour. im worried that my labia should not be increasing so much in size. i have never ever spoken about this, but lately have been really worried it may be something. i have had a few sexual parteners however this problem was already occuring before i ever had sex.
i dont like letting my boyfriend touch or look at me because i am embarressed.
im worried that this may be cancer of some sort, i have researched and looked at all the symptoms of different types of vulvar cancers however, none seem to really fit my description.
im scared to see a doctor because im emarressed i know i shouldnt be but id like to know more about this before i go to a doctor.
please help me
48 Responses
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So many of you women just don't get it. Most men find protruding labia to be sexually stimulating. For many men, the longer they are, the better! Prominent labia are made for oral sex! They virtually cry out "Taste me, taste me!" Women with polite unobtrusive labia are boring in that area by comparison. I mean without labia there's nothing down there with which to play.

The labia reductions performed by quack surgeons are a shameful waste. It's criminal the way these quacks prey on women's insecurities and actually make women less appealing to men.
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For me girls wits SMALL inner labias are Asexual...   I love big labias and think they are very sexy.
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Hun, you labia is NORMAL.

Our labia starts developing at the beginning of puberty and continue until puberty is full finished. That is normal.

Our labia all look different. No two labia are the same. They come in different shapes, sizes, textures, thicknesses, and colors. All of which are normal. You can have bumpy labia, smooth labia. You can have thick labia, thin labia. You can have purple labia, dark red labia, pink labia, brown labia, or black labia. Our labia color almost never matches our other skin color. Your labia can be longer on one side. Butterfly shaped, round shapes, oval shaped, or any number of different shapes. The labia minora can be 1/4 inch - 4 inches long - with the average being around 1.5-2 inches in length.

Our labia does NOT change from masturbating or having sex. You can have large labia and be a virgin, or no labia and have had sex 100 times. Our labia is like any body part, we have ZERO control over its appearance.

Porn has ruined what women and men think a "normal" labia look like. Most women do not have pink vulva with almost no labia. Look at porn, 15+ years ago, you will see plenty of natural labia. By educating people, we can make women feel more comfortable with their bodies. Websites like Tumblrs "Large Labia Project" are showing women what natural labia of all different appearances look like.
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trust me, I'm a guy, and I've never seen a guy turn away from a girl just because her lips {and I don't mean the ones on your face} aren't the same. You're the only one with a ruler down there. He's more interested in YOU than how your ***** looks. My wife, of 0  yrs, had a prolapsed vagina. Did I run away screaming when I saw it hanging out? NO! I helped her because I love her, not how her ***** looks. And I'm sure that's what your BF will tell you too.
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14676470 tn?1435823479
Hello, my name's Emily (23yrs). I could'nt help but notice how many of us are freaking out about the appearance of your lady parts. I would share with you all the knowledge I could gather since puberty hit me as I was around 12. Hopefully, my dad (parents divorced, other story) had prepared himself for it (special regards to you, dad), was very comprehensible and did everything he could to teache me what is going on and to deal with it (not to mention I was scared AF to go talk to him). My BF mom also was a great help in some things my dad couldn't help. So, lets get started with my own list about "Down-There Awareness"
1) your body is CHANGING! It means that you may look differently than you did a year ago, there is nothing wrong with that. You will experience a so called "growth-spurt" a gain quite a few inches rpidly. The same can happen down there, it can evolve rapidly. And it will continue to evolve until your death. But your face will also get wrinckly in the end, so just take it as a whole. We are growing up, and all our body is changing (except for the size of our eyes btw).
2) if you have CONCERNS about waht is happening within you underwear, talk to an adult you trust. For most of us, it will be our mother. But if you feel more confortable talking about it with your aunt, older sister, school nurse, doctor, gyneacologist (if you have one), or even a male (e.g. your dad), then just go for it.
3) women come in different shapes, sizes and colours. Your face does'nt looks the same as your friends, so why in hell should your lady part look the same ? Each of us IS DIFFERENT !
4) try to understand that feeling uncomfortable about your vulva is common. It's a part of our body we don't really know. So get to KNOW IT. Hand-held mirrors can help you to look at it. Touch it, get to know what is agreeable and what not. Once you know yourself better, some of you anxiety may be gone.
5) There is a difference about feeling uncomfortable and beeing uncomfortable. If your lady parts do not feel achy, itchy (more than a few hours), sore etc, there should not be worried about it. But if you begin to feel PAIN "down there", it is best to talk about it to someone you trust and see a doctor to avoid yeast infection, lices and so on.
6) now about SURGERY. This is actually the point which really annoys me. Think about labial aesthetic surgery (labioplasty) as a real one, it's not just like "let's cut this bit, and this bit, a few stiches and it's done". If it is called "surgery", it means it also bears quite some risks with it. Don't take it wrong, labioplasty can be a good thing, for those who are in need of it, but only if it is medically needed. As long as your labia don't threaten your health, why would you ungergo such an operation ? The wound can not wound and open up again (huge pain), you can get serious infections or bleed heavily, and allways remember that anesthesia can rarely lead to death. In addition, some other minor consequences can apply : loss in sensation, skin contour irregularities, colour irregularities, scars, asymmetry, allergies, or swelling. And last but not least, any complication in the healing process may induce further surgery, wich can lead to the removal of ALL THE LABIA. So, in my opinion, the risks are far too high in comparison of what you can gain. I would'nt risk anything about my lady parts. Even if I sometimes wish they were more even and symmetrical, I got used to the way the are.
7) Try to understand that there is no "normality" in the apperance of your vulva. It can not look abnormal, it only looks different thant others. But we are all different, so that should really, really not bother you. Never think of it in terms of "ugly, abnormal, disgusting", it will only ruin your self-esteem and make you afraid of something that is perfectly normal.
8) If you think about it, nature has given us eyes to see, And mine are different than yours, but both of us can see perfectly. Our skin may be different in coulour, but it protects us both from the sun. Your hands may be smaller than mine, but both of us can perfectly carry things around. So, when it comes to your lady parts, think about it in that way. Yours may look different than mine, but we will both be able to enjoy sex, bear and deliver a child. Nature has given us the body we have, and it has been built to function perfectly. If you happen to be pregnant and wonder if you will be able to give birth, then "simply" ask your gineacologist (I mean, you should visit him anyway to follow your pregnancy, so just ask him all you want to know). And never think about abortion becaus of aesthetics, this is silly, like stopping playing the piano because you don't like your hands.
9) when it comes to talk to a doctor/nurse/gyn, remember that they have a hell of a knowledge. And that they may really already have seen some sh*t going. They have experience. TRUST THEM, you can. Really. And if a friend of yours says something you are not sure about it, seek professional advice.
10) INTERNET ! Oh god. Another huge thema. Please reckon that internet is ambivalous. If you have to make a presentation about puppies for school and search for pictures, it is indeed a very good tool. But if somebody wants to build a bomb a downloads instructions about explosive devices, suddendly, it is not that great anymore, is it ? So, I may not be able to restrain you from searching your "symptoms" in google, but please, please ... be VERY VAREFULL with the informations you find. For example, if you search "headache", you will find that it is a common sympton for cerebral anerysm. But you might only have forgotten to drink enough ... So, always bear in mind that "symptoms" can be caused by multiple causes. If your mons pubis has grown, don't freak out about "cancer" ! And be aware about all the "trolls" going around the web. These are people who enjoy to annoy others by any mean. If you give them the oppurtinity to ruin your self-esteem, don't be surprised some of them will. You shall be warned.

If you still have some concerns, seek the advice of a trusted adult and/or a doctor.
And also remember : each of us had to go through puberty. You are not alone having questions, and wondering what is happening.
And don't think boys have it easier. I have a brother, and I assure you they go through some sh*t as well.

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Sarah, please don't give yourself a cancer scare.  You would have at the least, a lump (s), open sore that won't heal, and other things you have not mentioned. My opinion is that you are simply still growing but the perineum skin growing and attaching made me think, hmmm.  Really you need a good gyney that you are comfortable with. Good luck hun, i'm sure it is something either normal or just a hormonal thing that meds or a minor procedure can help.  Don't worry about your boyfriend, he he doesn't love everything about you, he shouldn't be there. (Advice given to my from my favorite cousin when i had similar problems haha. ) Good Luck.
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5085714 tn?1363377833
Sexy???!! Although it feels like heaven it is probably the most repulsive organ to look at and maintain!
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9504446 tn?1404173066
please do not abort, my friend is a doctor and I saw your comment and brought it up with her. She says she has seen a lot of women with the same "problem" as you. She says she wouldn't even call it a problem. Every women is different. It is no different than having bigger breasts than other girls. Be proud of your vagina ;D
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DO NOT HAVE AN ABORTION!!! You would be killing a new life! The doctors and nurses are profetionals and it is normal so they will not say anything or even think about it in a negative way
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Hi!  I am really self conscious about mine. I just turned15. Mine hang around2inches too.  I was just wondering has a guy ever said anything about it. Do you think if I were to have sex with a boy my age he would flip the **** out? I'm just really scared and I wanna have sex but I don't want them grossed out. I don't want them to freak out. Any advice? Do you think they will care?
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Bigger labia is far more appealing  and sexy than small or no labia minors. Just like comparing a 3 inch penis to a six inch penis. The larger sex organs are more preferred .  
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I have a skin growth on
the wall of my inner
labia. It is long, tiny
and cylindrical and has
the same texture, color
and height as my inner labia. About 2 mm in
width and 1 cm in
height.and at the tip of d skin is red in colour.It does not hurt
or itch, has the same
feeling as my inner
labia.I know its
not STD since I'm a
virgin. Should I get rid of it? Is it dangerous?
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wow!!!!!!!! just this morning i was bathing and realized that my libia and clitoris is constantly growning even though im not having lots of sex, im 23 btw and i feel like i have to stay with my current boyfriend because no one else would like me like this! i have never gotten and bad comments (well to my face) but it makes me realll self consious
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My right labia minora is like 5 cm long I know it is normal and I wouldn't mind if it wouldn't be so uncomfortable! I haven't told anyone and the jerk of my partner told me I wasn't normal because he slept with someone else before meetin me... It was hurtful him comparing me is disgusting I hate the man in so many ways but anyways do you think I should tell my doctor? I mean I'm going into labour in two months and I'm embarrassed of it... What should I do please any advice email me ***@****
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Yea, I'm 13 and have noticed I'm not "normal down there" and I know poeple say its sexy but to me its horiible, it rubs like hell and hurts, my right is bigger than my left, I don't know what to do, I want a labia reduction asap because its making me depressed and is causing thrush down there so yea, if anyone has some infomation that can help, please tell me, and I also live in the uk so the nhs might be able to help but I don't know how to tell my mum? Any help???
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I was sexually abuse as a child, and ever since it hasn't been normal. Now I live with the burden, for the rest of my life. When I was 16 I had my first boyfriend and my first. He was disgusted and repulsed. He made fun of me, told all his friends, and they would make jokes about me. Call me a ****, everytime they would see me. I was so embrassed and despressed, I thought I was so alone. So I thank all the strong women, who are proud :) You've made me love myself for the way I am.

Oh and now, 19. I have a wonderful boyfriend who love's me, treats me well.. and living in another state and loving life :)
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Why are you all saying you are abnormal??  You are the most perfect you that you can be.  If one person doesn't like it then that is their own problem,  as the proud owner of lovely large labia I can honestly say that no-one has ever had a problem with them except maybe to enjoy them too much.

Masturbation does not cause your labia to get bigger,  nor does sex because honestly how many porn stars would then have labia down to their knees or beyond?  The current porn image is very sad for the lovers of huge labia that have posted here... so feel sorry for them that only women with tiny lips are shown most of the time!

Love your bits,  ladies - most men will not notice anyway
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I am 14 and have a streched labia minora on the right side. I am too embarrassed to tell my mum or see a doctor on my own, any advice?
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I too have had this shameful problem..all a while I thought that it was because perhaps I started having sex at a young age. I haven't had a female check up in almost 7 years because of how embarrassed I am..What made me most self couscous was when I had my last baby about 7 years ago and the nurse who was placing the catheter in looked at me and without having any regard to my feelings said to herself " what? well i guess everyone is different" it was the way she said it and her facial expression..i was mortified. So now I am researching for a surgery to have this fixed because it is no longer a cosmetic thing for me but lately it is really uncomfortable during sex and with it rubbing on my under ware it becomes very irritable. Reading all of your comments makes me feel more confident to go see a gynecologist ASAP
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My gosh! That is exactly my situation. I don't know why I'm now 17 and have noticed it for a few years. My boyfriend doesn't seem to care and he even says I have a normal even good looking vagina. Why does this happen though? Is there something abnormal about one side being bigger then the other?
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i am suffering for that issues too.. my labia minora was getting bigger..i noticed it when i was in grade one.. but i dont even mind it cause im too young for that, but when i reached 17 to 19 i felt that im different among others.. i compared it to my friends but its really different.. so, I felt so worried about this sooner because i think it will embarrass me if i meet my future husband soon.. So i told this to my closes friend, and she suggested that we will go to a doctor..so we went to a doctor and she said why should i worry my labia minora is normal we have  a different looks of our labia minora or *****.. and she said that im going to have a surgery for it there is a tendency that our sexual sensation will be damage, we cant feel any pleasure in times of sexual activity...
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I am 13 and my vagina lips are growing...and they have a brownish, darkish color to them...is that healthy or normal?
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1737564 tn?1310665139
It's ok im 13 and i dont have a flap thing that comes out of the "Majora," What ever it is i dont have that and it makes me feel akward cause everyone else has it. i dont ask random people butr i'v asked my sister and some of my close friend like WTF i dont have a normal vag?
Like is this going to effect my sex life in the future? i thought mine is normal till i looked it up and your suppose to have a flappy thing in between the majora, are you suppose to grow into it?. am i exsplaining this right? im not shure i just feel like , a alien or sum shitt.
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I could really relate to you. I feel the same way. But the thing is, I try not to think about it so much just because it will get in the way of other things. I've realized here, reading everyone's side of the story, to accept your body as it is. If a guy would leave you just for that, then its his loss. Find someone who will love you for all of you. (:
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1734415 tn?1310410757
I do no treccoment the operation! It is painful and it is very expensive. Furthermore the possible side effect of never regaining feeling down there is far worse than having a large labia.

I too struggled for years with this in my mind becaus my husband said I was a freak! He had been with other woman who did not have that, and I had never kown it was not normal until I married him. It hurt me badly and ruined my sex life for many years. I finally divorced him becuase we would not enjoy eachother sexually.

6 years later I remarried a great guy who had several partners in his life time before he met me and he loves my body and says I am perfect. :)

SO don't go throug wth the surgery! Just find a man who loves your body!!
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