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Vaginal Fissures

I wanted to start this forum up again since our other one got closed. We were all wondering what is causin our vaginal fissures or cuts. They are like paper cuts and are very painful. I have recently gotten a biopsy done and I don't get the results back til AUgust 1st. Just wanted to keep this going so we can all try and help eachother.
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For about a year now I have been getting yeast infections every other month right before I start my period. I have always treated them with a drugstore yeast infection cream and it has always worked. However, this month is different. I have 3 vaginal fissures on my inner lips of my vagina, parallel to my clit. I thought it was just from so much itching and irritation, but now I'm thinking it could be because my boyfriend just moved in and I am having a lot more sex. I can't get in to see my doctor for a month or so and have found that organic coconut oil relieves a lot of the burning and itching down there. Do anyone know of any other home remedies to heal these cuts?
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I recently just got a couple fissures parallel to my clit as well. Treated myself for yeast but the fissures are still there. Have you ever experienced these hanging around after the initial yeast symptoms are gone?
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Hello, is anyone still out here?

I've experienced issues for the past 10 years - and felt so embarrassed to admit that even to myself, until I found this thread.. A big thank you to all the women who've shared here, helping to make me feel less alone.

I've been to the doctor a few times, to the gynaecologist (who started with the biopsy without even talking to me, or having ány clue as to the causes?), and as others have already written: the steroid creams helped, but only for 2 weeks - then the fissures came back. I gave up a few years ago - it felt embarrassing and frustrating, and I had the feeling that this was yet another area of women's health that general medicine has not been paying enough attention to. I didn't want to keep going through the mills. But if I'm honest, that means that I've been living with daily pain for years.

The severity of the fissures and the pain has fluctuated, and it never mattered whether I was or wasn't having sex (there've been periods of both) - although they definitely take some of the fun out of sex. I'm having a period where it's worse right now - lots of stress lately..

Anyways. I'm mostly on a vegetarian diet so I'm going to try the daily B12 tablets. I want to try the baking soda Sitz Baths. And if there are no results I might try the Candida Diet. And if then, in max. 6 months from now, there hasn't been progress - I'll start going to the doctor again..
And I'll also start including my partner more.. I told him about the fissures 2 years ago and asked for help, motivating me to go to the doctor, but not much has happened yet.. I think in part because he always feels awkward talking about medical and certain types of intimate body stuff ;-) Anyways, I'm usually all for talking about it, just not when it came to this.
I've almost been mad at him for not helping me get this seen to more - but of course, I AM THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR MY BODY AND HEALTH.

So. In this crappy system where women's health is not tended to enough. And we seem to have overmedicalized tons of stuff - sticking bandaids on things without solving the cause.. I will restart my search for answers.

And I was wondering if anyone else is still out here. And if maybe, 16(!) years after the start of this topic, someone has some more knowledge? I have not been able to find it so far.

Thank you so much. M
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I have Crohn's and i have been suffering with theses tears, itching since October. I decided to go see a Gyn specialist at the U of C . I was told I have fissures and that this is all coming from my Crohn's. I like so many are so miserable. I recently try putting small amounts of Aloe Vera along with the Vaseline on the cuts to see if that will heal it. Does anyone else have Crohn's
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i want to use these medium to thank Dr Genesis for how he helped me cured my herpes.
I was diagnosed of Cancer in 2015 and the doctor said i have less than a year to live.i wept day and night and went from one hospital to another still no cure.i almost gave up until i met a post online about Doc Genesis and how he has helped many people,so without wasting time i contacted him and he demanded for some amount of money from me. at first i thought it was scam but sent him the money since i have nothing to loose. to my surprise he sent me the medicine and i took it for 3weeks after that i went back to the hospital for check up i was totally healed.its a miracle so if you having herpes i advise you contact Dr Genesis he has cure to any kind of herpes. his mail is ***@****
Thank you Doc and i promise i will continue posting of your good work.
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I have vaginal fissure that reopens and closes near the forschette, at the perineum, i have couple of sex partners, but accidentally married the "biggest one", at the begining i didnt know what the hell was going on down there, then i went at my gyno and she explained it to me that it was duo to my husband being too big, i know it is from him he has 5.9 inch penis girth,(circumference), i know that average girth is 4.7 inch, so i know it is from his thickness, that i tear every time we have sex and at the beginning it were huge tears, but since i started using virgin coconut oil i get fewer tears, if i tore for example everytime we had sex, now i i tore every second time we are having sex and in certain positions more badly, but its like pencil line, and i have herpes, but i dont think it is causing the tear, i tear at the same place for 4 years, and it is happening only after rough sex and in certain positions and is more bad if i havent been lubricated with the coconut oil, and if we havent had much foreplay, so i suggest plenty of foreplay before sex, i am considering leaving my husband, because i know that he is causing the problem, because i had 6 year relationship with much smaller guy and i havent had any promlems whatsoever down there, in fact the sex was amazing with the "smaller penis guy" so i know it is the girth that is causing this, i was worried earlier but as time passes i am more convinced that i should get a divorce, we only live once, i dont want to tear till the rest of my days and be in a constant worry whether i will develop something more serious like lichen sclerosis or some autoimmune disease, since i read that lichen sclerosis begins with something like a normal cut, i worry because i tore at the same place, all the time and the skin is irritated and there is a proccess of healing all the time at the same spot, so i am deadly afraid it could cause lichen sclerosis, which is uncurable.
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Recently got 2 vulva fissures up by my clitoral hood. They only sting to the touch and are extremely shallow. All of my partners in the past year have tested negative for herpes but I'm still worried sick about what this could be. Treated myself for a yeast infection over a week ago but still experiencing one fissure above my clitoris. Does anyone else get fissures up this high?
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I could really use some advice to determine whether I have herpes or if im just panicking. I have a small fissure at the bottom of my vagina near the opening, it appeared Sunday or Monday I believe and its healing just stings when pee gets on it or I touch it. The only other symptom I have is burning sensation when peeing that only last for a second but that could be due to a UTI or other infection.. I don't want to believe I have herpes as I have no other symptoms and the cut is already healing and may even be due to rough sex.. please advise, still waiting for my culture results im just sitting her terrified and need some relief
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     I am in my late 40s and have had problems like most of yours since 20s.  I have had a complete hysterectomy at 43 as I had endometriosis but not sure if that caused the below to get so severe.
     I have had and continue to have dryness and extreme pain even with therapy replacement creams and, everything you have all tried or have been given.  My other main issues is the tares, (fissures ) which are constant and brought everything to a halt. (I am blessed to be married to same man for 30 yrs! He is very patient..) and believe me without him I would be very depressed.. But he actually went to my Drs and listened with me.
Well the bottom line is I have Hashimotos thyroid disease , b-12 def, and protein intolerant.. But the icing on the cake is I have SCLERADERMA ....this is the major culprit.  It is a rare autoimmune disease and often goes hand in hand with  Hasimotos ..
     if you have not had your thyroid checked out please do.   And don't listen to the dr if he/she says it is Not related to your vaginal issues.. Do your own research and go in prepared.
    Scelraderma is called the Stiff persons disease and though rare , some forms are more common than others..  But it effects the collegen in your body and can really mess up your vagina if not caught early.    Thyroid disease is very common for woman and Hasimotos, but it messes with EVERY ASPECT of your body, and runs in family's a lot..   Good news is it can be controlled!  
So, I hope this helps some and I know it probably will not relate to many.  I would be interested in knowing how many of you have Thyroid, scleraderma (or an immune disorder), protien intolerance or dificency ). Will be looking forward to seeing your results....  I am still waiting for a good miracle, but this may help by telling my GYN if there are more like me.
I will promise not include any name or personal information other than what I am asking if you do respond.
I will also post what I will bring to my dr before I do for your critique... Hopefully working together we can find answeres vs just posting what is happening and how we feel.. As I am sure to many it is an embarrassing topic!

     Please remember to keep an open conversation with your significant other.. Without it it will make it more of a mental challenge , let them in on what is going on, and ask if they wish to talk to GYN with you.  Sometimes by just asking them to go is enough to make them feel included .. And not neglected... Take care... Blaze.        
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Finally, I have found someone with similar issues as mind. I have been plagued with fissures, UTI'S and vaginal irritations for more than 15yrs. I have never linked it to my Connective Tissue Diease Diagnosis that also occurred 15yrs ago until now. This information gives me hope. I have spent years trying to avoid sex which is hard for someone who is also married for almost 30yrs. I feel totally inadequate in meeting the needs of my husband who I love so very much. I know each sexual encounter is going to be extremely painful and not plesable. So it is hard for me to get my brain to comply with what I know I should be doing for the sake of my marriage. Maybe now I can find someone who can help me and I can pass the information back to this forum. Thank you so much I needed this!
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Hi  everyone, So I have an unhealthy vagina apparently. I get yeast infections, UTIS and fissures. My vaginal Fissures don't seem to go away. The Doctor gives me cream, doesn't seem to work. I'm very embarrassed because I feel like I am always in the gynecologist office! But nothing seems to work. I am not very sexual active, but I was on birth control and just got off. Nothing seems to make them go away! If someone has any kind of home solution I will try it! HELP!!!
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I got off birth control depo shot and as soon as i stopped i had my first uti and yeast infection now i have a cut down there that wont heal .i went to go see my obgyn and she said it might be herpes.i havr been married for 5 years and Ive never had a problem .but it seems since i stopped the depo shot i been having a lot of vaginal problems.i still dont get the results for herpes.but i hope its negative.i was on the depo for 2 years
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Yes! I have been struggling with fissures, they will not go away. Herpes are sores, Fissures are cuts!
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The number one reason for vulvar cancer they say is Lichen Sclerosus.  Apparently, it causes more vulvar cancer than HPV  yet, why has that information not been made public like HPV has.    When I was diagnosed with LS, I was shocked to see that in vulvar cancer, LS is the cause in 60% of cases vs 40% from HPV yet I had never heard of it before.
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For paper-cut type fissues on vagina, try this - it works!!!   Vitamin D drops (I use the brand Sundown, and you can get at Publix).  Just put a few drops on the "paper-cut" and immediately the pain is gone and it's healed.  I promise it truly works.  I had tried neosporin, peroxide, pure aloe vera, vaseline, and none of those worked.  Something told me to try the Vitamin D and to my relief it really did relieve the problem :)
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Hi there,

I have had persistent itchiness for almost two years now, the little tears which come up continuously and bumps as well. Was intrigued when I read your post and after researching VIN it seems like maybe what I have. I can't get an appointment for another 6 weeks at the clinic so I was just hoping you could say how yours has been treated and if you are free of symptoms? Thanks very much
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Hello everyone, like you I suffered from vaginal tearing and fissures for about 3 years. Although our circumstances may be a different I think it is worth a shot to try this cream that my doctor gave me. I am 23 years old and starting tearing since I was 20. I started to have sex when I was 20 and a bit after I started tearing after sex. It was the same paper cut like ripping that burned and just made me miserable. And although sex was the main reason why I would rip, i remember a few times I would get really irritated just from stretching. I am still with my boyfriend from when the ripping first started and I went from doctor to doctor (No STD's, not allergic to anything, etc) and just about every time was a let down. I was told to try x,y,z cream, dont wash with soap, do a sitz bath, to having HIM checked out if he had a skin type that wasn't compatible to mine (weird right), to finally hearing "you may just have to be extra careful with sex or regular stretching from now on". And I am telling you ladies, I know how this feels and can just ruin your self esteem and any thought of having an actual pleasurable sex life. It wasn't until this past year I went to a different gynecologist and I told her everything that I have been through. I told her that I have had it up to here and want to get the surgery done where the opening is just widened a bit ( i think its called a perineum) because I was so desperate!. And while she told me this is usually done only for women after they have had babies she would agree to do it but first she wanted me to try this cream  because she believes I have vulvar vestibulitis. Now I dont think this cream has an exact name as I had to go to a special pharmacy to get this cream made but I will write down the name that is on my prescription. It is: C-amitriptyl/Baclofen 2%/ 2% IN VANICREAM. Now she told me to apply about 1/2 grams three times a day for the first month, then lessen to two times a day on the second month, to once a day on the third month. She told me that I would maybe need to always have a little bit of this cream handy just incase i start ripping again. Although I was extremely skeptical. I did tried this. I should also note that during the first and halfway through the second month my boyfriend was overseas in the military, so I was having no sex (which i think helped the skin heal and strengthen faster). The first night we had sex, i ripped a little bit. (ugh!) And I was not surprised just annoyed. But I didn't stop using the cream. After a few more days, we had sex again, and I didn't rip. Then as time went by I stopped ripping completely!! Mind you we are a bit more cautious in certain positions but we do like to get a little crazy, and even at the crazy time I dont rip! I have been a little irritated but at those times I know it because we had rough sex. I now use the cream just once every other day ( or when I can remember) and hopefully in a few months I won't use it at all! So ladies, if you can go to your gynecologist and ask them about this cream!!

Good Luck!
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7628433 tn?1392760986
I has similar issues and the result was Strep A infection.  I nicked myself shaving and thought nothing of it..  I'd been feeling like I had a yeast infection (which I tend to get, mildy, with my period) though so thought it was jut a bad one and took a Difluction pill last Monday.  By Wed, I was covered in cuts, sores, blisters - it looked like long cuts and it was beyond painful.  I did look at a lot of the forums and saw that yeast could get really bad, so I still thought it was that, and also a potential UTI.  

Wed I went to the on call doctor, who found white blood cells in my urine and diagnosed a UTI, but when she examined me the first thing she said was that she thought it looked like Herpes.  I have been with the same man for 14yrs - haven't been with anyone else and I am sure he hadn't either.  I also saw that this was a common issue with doctors assuming that's what it is. I told her to do whatever tests she needed to and just get me relief because at this point I hurt so bad I could not even go to work.  She prescribed Macrobid for the UTI and said to use a cream type of yeast infection treatment, which I started both on Thursday.

Sunday, still no relief and feeling awful, the other on call doctor calls me and says they got my results back.  I had no idea doctors got results on Sundays!  Clear on ghonnerhea (sp?) and chlamidia (sp?) which I didn't even know I was being tested for.

I tested positive however for group strep a bacteria, likely from the cut, and he told me I needed to go to ER to have it checked again (to make sure it hadn't progressed, it can be very serious) to be safe and for a medication change.  After 7hrs at the ER (not even kidding) I was given Amoxicillen. Just started it yesterday (twice a day/7 days) and after only 3 doses I am feeling so much better and starting to heal.

The doctors need to take this more seriously and not just jump to conclusions, the first doctor wanted to start me on treatment for it right away, but I refused.  And to note, those tests came back today negative as well.

Not sure yet how I contracted strep but am on the road to healing and hopefully can resume relations with my husband soon, he's been very patient!

I hope this helps someone!
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I have had vulvodynia for 3 years now.  I have everything that you could possibly find about it.  It is 'fibromyalgia of the vagina' and is extremely painful.  Here is what is said about it.  In the search line type;
home remedies for vaginal pain and vulvodynia.
I also have interstitiall cystitis which is very itchy and my doctor told me to use what you would use for the itch of a hemrroid.  I scratched myself really rough and I have long nails and I think I gave myself this fissure, but it is not healing.  If you want to know more about vulvodynia, there is a lot of info out there.  Hope this helps.
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Thank goodness I found this website.  I just typed in 'fissure in the vagina' and got you guys.  I finally looked down there today with a mirror and couldn't believe what I saw.  It looked like a big cut and is painful and I put some neosporum (I know, its wrong)) on it.  Don't know if  it will help.  On top of this I have vulvodynia (fibromyalgia of the vagina).  Yep, there is such a thing.
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Lani3366 did you ever get cured of your vag. problems? I have the same exact problems as you that may have started the same way. Please reply
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Hi All,

Just a story to share with you from my own personal experience, which might help give some insight into this frustrating and difficult condition.
I'm a 26 year old girl, on the pill, with only three previous sexual partners before my current boyfriend. We both had full STD checks before we started sleeping together and came back clean.

I have a mild history of yeast infections - nothing severe, and they seemed to clear fine from topical medication (Canesten Cream). Id never obtained a fissure with any of my other partners, but figured I had this time round as A) my boyfriend is quite big especially girthwise and B) We were having multiple intercourse sessions when we began!

Anyway, I initially topically treated with hydrocortisone cream, which helped, but the fissure kept recurring eveytime we slept together. My GP referred me to an GYN directly.

Although I was no longer feeling clinical symptoms of a yeast infection, she suspected there was a refractory one at play, and so put me on a course of fluconazole (150mg)  - one tablet weekly for 4 weeks.

She did a full internal speculum exam, palpation and uterine and ovary ultrasound. I felt pain and sensitivity with her internal digital exam, at which point she described me as experiencing spasm of the muscles in around my vagina and perineum. This subsequently tightens the area significantly, prediposing to tearing on penentration. She referred me for specialist Women's Health physio, prescribed Dermovate cream (0.05% w/v)  to apply to the fissure nightly and told me she'd see me again in a month.

I am now one month in, and went for my revisit. The fissure has healed well, although I do still experience some discomfort on penetraion, especially if the second sexual session ie morning sex after night sex before. Although I was experiencing no signs of a yeast infection, she once again saw some internal discharge which she expects may be one. She has prescribed me a further 8 weeks of fluconazole. Howevr such a long course of this drug requires blood tests to check liver function tests. So I have base parameters taken now and will have another in 4 weeks, to ensure all is ok before I start the final 4 weeks.

I've only managed to have one physio session, as the lady was away on holidays, but she agreed with the doctors diagnosis of spasm, and said I was engaging my pelvic floor continuously, and need to learn to releace it and let it drop. She showed me a series of breathing excercies, to help me release my pelvis floor, advised I take Acidophilus, which is a probiotic supplement, as well as cranberry supplements daily - to promote my vaginal environemtal health. She also advise I ensure that I empty my bladder 8-10 times a day. Alot I know, but apparently holding in your pee, is bad for making you tighten your pelvis floor muscles.

I will have a follow up session with her in one month.

SO ladies, my adivise is A) dont sit on the issue - there are plenty of things to do!
B) Take a holistic approach with doctors, physios and lifestyle

I'll post my follow up info as it occurs

Best of luck out there getting yoursleves happy and healthy, and enjoying your sex lives again!!

PS check out this website for more info on physio exercises

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Are you still free of this? I have been suffering with a reoccurring cut on my vaginal opening for 8 months now :/ when it originally occurred I went to the drs and they said it is a little cut and to abstain from sex. I did that and it stopped hurting as soon as I have sex tho it seems to open back up. I went back to drs and without examination she told me it was vaginosis which I found really scary as there is no cause or real treatment :( after a couple of weeks I Had a look down below and can see what looks like a round graze Inbetween the fold of my vaginal opening... I thought this was good as if I could see it I could heal it and helped me not thinking I was mad and making it all up, however months later after abstaining for sex for weeks on end it is still there and is always red, inflamed and sensitive to the touch after sex :( I'm 29 and never had anything like this before I don't know wher it come from or how to solve it! My partner is supportive but think that it is them hurting me and is affecting both our confidence in bed so I don't like to discuss it or make a big deal although it is affecting my libido, body image and self esteem I feel broken. My partner says drs know nothing about vaginas and reading the threads on forums I think they are right! I don't no what to do I'm scard it will come between us and they will get sick of it like I Amanda leave me I just want to be normal please help!
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try a tampon saturated w organic plain yogurt.  insert or place on vaginal opening. So soothing and cures yeast.  Consider diet as a yeast control option
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Hi guys, I am 23, have been married for 2 1/2 years and been with the same man for almost 5 years. I have the mirena so we dont use any other form of birth control. I frequently get yeast and bacterial infections and have battled with those for several years. I now take probiotics and make sure i rinse before and after sex along with urinating. I don't use any hards soap with washing and i have used the same laundry detergent for years. I do not have periods, maybe some brown or pink discharge for a couple days a month but the mirena has made them almost disapear. I noticed the other day that i was starting to itch down there, from my vagina all the way to my butt. I thought i was getting another yeast infection but thought it was strange that i didnt have thick white discharge with little yeast spots. That night the itchy was unbearable and i started to swell, 2 days later i had my well woman check up and told my gyno what was going on. He said i didnt have a yeast or bacterial infection and that it was itching from extra moisture. It wasnt only itching but it was extremly soar and swollen. He pretty much dismissed me and i went home and did everything i could to keep my vagina area dry and breathable. Here it is 4 days later and i have what looks and feels like paper cuts on my inner labias. The spots are red and burn so bad when i pee. I dont have an std obviously or an infection so why is this happening? I tried monistat for the itch and preperation h for the burning, nothing helps and its getting worse. It wont go away. I have had itching and burning with an infection but why now without one? I have googled and googled for answers but can't find one. It hurts to sit and pee and it itches at night. Im miserable! Will this go away or do i have to live with this? I havent been under an abnormal amount o stress so i can't find a logical answer. I also do not wipe since this has happened i use a squirt bottle after i pee to cleanse the area. I hope someone can please help me.
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I too have had the same problem.  One comminality in all women is toilet paper.  Some soft, some fibrous, some rough.  I just changed to another toilet tissue (White Cloud).  I like it because it holds up, but it is not as soft as others (Kirkland Brand).  Anyway, I used it yesterday for the first time and this morning I felt burning and found streaked blood on my tissue.  I believe it's the roughness of the tissue behind the ripping/tearing of the area.

I will change to another as I have extra and see what happens.  In the meantime I will use a Cortisoid cream to help clear this one up.

Let me know what you all think?

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I have to agree with the assumption that Yasmin may have played a part in causing LS. I had a super fast onset of Advanced LS within 4 months of starting Yasmin. Intercourse was increasingly painful as each time passed and within in 1 months time I had went from normal coloring to completely white. I have seen a case study done on this in 2002 that showed a high ration of women had LS following being perscribed high progesterone or low estrogen birth control.
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I have had these fissures for 3 years now. I am older than most of you and I have genital herpes for 25 years. For some reason I get outbreaks with fever and exhaustion and then I get those darn paper cut woulds in the perineal area. That is where I did get the original sore when i had the herpes but now when i get recurrences i get tears instead. weird. I have bad outbreak as i write. Been exhausted and even get gastrointestinal symptoms when i get this. awful. my doc said to use hydrocortisone with aloe vera in it and that really helps111..i hope it does not get worse in time as I cant take many more of these darn cuts
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I honestly don't know what it is....I know in 2005 I came down with the itching, burning, and it felt like tears around the vigina and anal area...drove me crazy for 5 yrs.  went to dr.s and was checked for different things and all came back neg.  All of a sudden, in 2010 it totally disappeared, and it was awesome. but in the last 2-3 weeks it started up again...It seemed to try to start up each month right when I started my period..but not this time....I don't have a discharge like a yeast infection, its weird. and i wish someone out there could tell me whats going on...I do know I am severely anemic and I have found out that being anemic can cause sooooo many health problems. I been anemic for several yrs. so I'm thinking this may have something do to with it....but why can't a dr. tell me this....Why can't they tell me whats causing this and whats going on....its funny, 5 yrs. of it and all of a sudden it is gone....and now its back... If someone can tell me, I wish they would email me @ ***@****
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