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649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in November 26, 2023

Good Monday morning... Well, my Sunday weigh in got lost in the shuffle yesterday, so we'll make it a Monday weigh in, this week.  Sorry about that.  

So last week was pretty hectic and yesterday, just sort of followed through, as non-stop.  Add to that, the fact that we went on Tuesday to get our RSV shots and I ended up with all the adverse side effects of the shot (headache, fatigue, redness/soreness at the injection site, etc), along with trying to get through cooking for Thanksgiving.  Y'all know I'm prone to fatigue, so the tiredness wasn't anything unusual, other than the fact that I'd been feeling 1/2 way decent until I got that shot.  I'm not prone to headaches, so that really knocked my socks off.  Tylenol wouldn't begin to take the edge off, so I ended up alternating Tylenol with ibuprofen - that helped some, but sleep seemed to do the most good.

So, it looks like I'm past that hurdle and I'll have to decide next year, whether I want to get that shot and go through that again.   Fortunately, I didn't have any issues with either, the flu or Covid vaccines, other than a sore arm for a day or so...

Anyway, daughter and her 2 kids (one grown and lives away) came for Thanksgiving and we made it through without any drama this year, so that was good, since I had such a horrible headache.  Everyone had to be somewhere else for meals later in the day, so they all left mid afternoon, which gave me time to get in a good nap.

I've been walking with neighbor every day, except I did take Friday off to try to get past the headache - it didn't help the headache, but I did get to sleep in, which gave me some much needed rest.  

Yesterday, we were on the go all day and I had to work on the monthly newsletter for our woodworking group.  I got it done, then ended up sending it 3 times, before I got it right.  Yeah - 3 times!!  First time, I forgot to attach the newsletter to my e-mail; second time, I attached the wrong newsletter and as they say "three's a charm" so I got it right on the third try!!!  By then, I was ready to call it a day.

So, with all that, my weight has bounced up and down all week.  One day I was down a couple of pounds from last week and another day I was up a couple of pounds.  Believe it or not, even with Thanksgiving and eating more/different food than usual, I ended up, yesterday at, exactly, the same weight as last week - right down to the tenth of a pound.  I'd rather be down a couple of pounds, but I'll take it.  Staying the same is better than going up!!  

My next week is going to be very busy as I'm hosting a calligraphy Study Group on Dec 6, so there will be lots of cleaning activity, as well as decorating for Christmas, so that should all keep me moving.  

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that, in spite of the holiday, you were able to reach your goal(s).  

~~Wishing you a wonderful, successful week~~

1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
That result of the RSV shot sure sounds unpleasant. I wonder at what point my doctor will recommend I get it. Then I'll have a decision to make.

I weighed on Sunday, and my weight was down a pound from the previous week. This isn't as far as when I unexpectedly lost 3 pounds (was it three weeks ago?), but it's been generally coming down a teeny bit at a time. I'm sticking with my resolve not to eat things that taste sweet, though I did have dessert on Thanksgiving.

As I think I mentioned, my sister, who was hosting ten of us for Thanksgiving, broke her wrist about a week before, so we got called upon to help with the food and the prep. It turned out to all go very well. Everyone's contributions were delicious. We didn't cook a turkey at our house, though we might buy one now to have some turkey. With a son that doesn't eat meat, though, my enthusiasm for that plan is not high.

My volunteer gigs and the editing work I've been doing have been kind of time-consuming, and I feel like I've let a lot of things go. Can't wait to be done, and maybe just to have some time to sleep.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Helpful - 0
Well, the side effects of the RSV shot was very unpleasant for me, but keep in mind that not everyone will react the same way I did.   I'm not even sure I'll react the same way next time (if there is a next time), though I'm a bit leery of it!!  That said, I didn't hesitate to take it the first time and would recommend that anyone get it if the doctor recommends it.  

It sounds like you're really doing well, staying away from the sweets and I don't think having a dessert for Thanksgiving would derail any efforts to lose weight.  I'm a firm believer in not totally denying ourselves because that doesn't last on a long term basis.  

I'm glad your Thanksgiving went well, in spite of your sisters broken wrist.  It's amazing how a little cooperation can bring things together pretty easily when it comes to getting a meal ready.   I didn't cook a turkey either (we had ham for Thanksgiving), but I did kind of miss it.

Sounds like you're definitely busy with projects - volunteer work sometimes ends up seeming more like a full time job - at least that's what I'm finding as I volunteer my time for calligraphy outreach events, etc.   They take up a lot of time and seem to be getting more plentiful.

Enjoy the rest of your week.  
Thanks. I find that eating one sweet doesn't hurt anything except that it makes my mind say that if eating one sweet one day is OK, then eating another sweet the next day is probably OK too. A classic "slippery slope."  :-)

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