11 - 20 of 25482 Posts
Im 18 weeks a few hours ago I tried to eat some fish........but now my stomach is really hurting..... What should i do???? Should i be concerned????

Hello, I have been on Lortab 10 for 10 months because of complications from skin grafts. I have decided to come off of them. It has been 2 days and I can not get rid of this terrible headache. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Good luck to us all.

Hey everyone! was just looking for some advice or even just some info. I'm around 9 weeks pregnant and just started taking some pregnancy vitamins. They seem to be making me sick! has anyone else had this problem? I'm kinda worried, since i can't keep the...

All i can do is cry.and cry.and cry. I have gotten 3 hours of sleep in two days. Heartburn will not allow me to sleep. NOTHING i do, even the strongest OTC medicine they make, is helping. I cant eat, drink, sleep. Or do anything. Even turning my head make...

I am 38 and pregnant with my 1st. I am currently 8 wks and I have started having headaches. This is day 3. It's beginning to worry me and I'm trying not to take any meds. Is this normal? Any suggestions?

I am currently 33 about to be 34 weeks along in my pregnancy. For the past 2 1/2 weeks I have been having trouble getting to sleep until about 4 or 5 in the morning.I have tried everything to attempt to get some sleep and nothing I have done will work at a...

OK so I'm 19 weeks pregnant and I have had a terrible head cold (coughing,sneezing, sore throat and a runny nose). But on top of it all I have had horrible heartburn does any one know.of.any home remedies to help.with this?

I am 11w4ds and my wisdom teeth are out but impacted! I am in so much pain, is there anything I can take to help with the pain??

Have they stopped making Lora tab I was told I had to take this other Norco to replace it

this last week ive been so restless my dr ok'd melatonin but it didnt help, he also ok'd an occasional tylenol pm but i dont want to take it daily....any suggestions...

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