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21 - 30 of 304 Posts
My son is 20 months old he has a mass on his brain. Very often through the day he will roll his eyes to the left and make a barking like sound over and over for like 1 minute. His nerologist doesn't seem to know what this is. I am very concerned and fru...

I have been experiencing worsening Tardive Dyskinesia from many years of antipsychotics. I have chewing and other mouth motions, plus torso rocking, sometimes grimacing, and it hurts my mouth; it seems to be getting worse and worse lately. It's worse when ...

can one recieve any std from a massage?

I started with meds because of a neuralgia and now, I have a TD as well..... Could you please post me all the meds that that cause TD and that I cannot take? Thanks

My doctor isn't answering my calls. i've developed tardive dyskinesia and I need to get off it ASAP, but on the other hand, safely. I've been going down 20mg per week. I'm on 180mg as of tonight. Can I get off any faster than this?

As posted earlier I have chronic sinusitus...taking antibiotics again for it after the ENT said my sinuses are infected...again...I also got a DTP vaccine (Tetanu with 2 others) over a month or so back...shoulders hurt from being strained from work...lift...

Our grandaughter will be 12mo. old this Wed.1/26/11. She has deveolped a definate "Tic" or tic's I should say: She shrugs her right shoulder repetedly when tired or frustrated, she also extends then throws her right arm back behind her for a few seconds...

What is everyone's thoughts and opinions on the Tdap shot did you git it or not???? Need some help please....

What are your thoughts and opinions on the Tdap shot did you or are you going to get one or are you going to not get one please help me out..... thank you!!!

About a year and a half ago (maybe more) i discovered a lump on my left testicle, then later on another one on my right. Whenni was finally able to make it to the doctors he diagnosed it as a varicocele. The odd thing about my condition is that it would se...

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