will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
21 - 30 of 1210210 Posts
I am a 63 yr old female with controlled HBP (25mg atenolol/day), benign PVC, slight congenital heart murmur, have had occassional fainting since childhood (not recently), 5'6"tall - 134lbs, walk at least 1 mile several times/week, good cholesterol. Had a n...

my stress test revealed sinus rhythm with incomplete right bundle block. What does that mean.I'm 63 have CAD , however, did reach stage 2 of the bruce protocol in 8 minutes, any idea what the mets would be? Thanks

am so stressed about a nuclear/stress test friday i have thrown myself into anxiety over it . not sure why i have to come off my timilol pills for my pac thursday been on them for 15 years or more that scares me. i went to dr because i felt sho...

What can cause a delay in O? I've always had a 14 day phase. Even coming off birth control, I ovulated when I was supposed to and got my cycles at the same time. I was due to ovulate today but I haven't. I've been taking opk's and I've always had a line on...

I'm a 28 year old, obese male. I am approximately 6'0", and weigh 330lbs. Today, I went in for my annual check-up, and my doctor said my cholesterol and "heart disease risk factor" numbers were concerning. She asked if I had any chest pain, and I said, ...

My test results where: There is moderate fixed defect involving the apex and inferior wall. There is no convincing reversible ischemia seen. What exactly does this mean ?

My veins seem more noticeable than they did two days ago. I have very pale skin, so my veins have always been easy to see. They're not bigger, inflamed, red, swollen, itchy, or causing any other symptoms. They look like normal veins.... just different than...

can he have two cups decaf coffee, seven hours prior to taking test.

I recently had a nuclear stress test with imaging and while recovering and resting on the the table my HR was coming down from 180 during Bruce level 5 to 110 and that is when my symptoms appeared. I started having PVC's here and there then bigeminy,trigem...

dear dr, i've had unprotected sex two years ago and i got ghonorrea and chalamydia, i went to many doctors and took many medications and it justt keeps coming back after i stop the medication, i've been tested for hiv 3 times and its negative, but i'm re...

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