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21 - 30 of 58341 Posts
Two weeks fter a sexualt encounter, I developed a sore throat and swollen submandibular lymph nodes. After all tests came back negative, the sore throat and swollen submandibular lymph nodes have lasted for almost 1.5 years. After multiple doctors visits...

I have been off of the boards for a while. I am experiencing my right cheek and behind my right ear getting swollen when I eat certain foods. I also have a salty taste in my mouth when that happens. It is quite painful. I went to my primary and he coul...

I have had swollen salvary glands since march 2010. Dr. sent me to ENT. He said it's normal, it would go away on it own. In Sept. 2010 I noticed the Salvary glands were swollen slightly more and now I have a burning ache around the thyroid area of my nec...

Hi, I hope some of you can help me out from this hell. It would be awesome if Teak or any frequent writer can explain for me or give me some light with this problems. Here we go. I had unprotected sex in Asia with a girl 5 times and came in her. S...

Hi Thanks for the good job.I need some expert opinion if some one can help.I was feeling pain in my submandibular gland and the doctor recomended to have an Ultrasound, which showed that ther are two stone one 6mm and the other 3mm in Size.Unforotunatly ...

What does Complex hypoechoic cystic nodule in the left submandibular region mean?

For a couple months now I've had a swollen submandibular gland on the right side only. It seems to fluctuate somewhat in size from day to day, but is always swollen and always bigger than the one on the left (where I can't feel it at all.) I feel like it ...

I experienced a number of what appeared to be tonsil stones. Then my left tonsil appeared to be infected as I was experiencing white drainage. That seems to have cleared itself but I M left with a swollen submandibular gland in my left side. I have not had...

Hello, im 23 years old, male, in generally good health, but for about the last 2 weeks or so I have noticed one large swollen lymph node on the right side of my neck underneath my jaw, around the submandibular gland. I don't think it was there before then...

Ive been having this sypmtom where. On the left side under my chin makes a clicking ound when i swallow it feels like something is just laying their plz help

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