31 - 40 of 1232756 Posts
So does anyone know if Anthem medicade covers 3d/4d ultrasounds?! I HIGHLY doubt it lol but I figured I'd ask (: i'm in Indiana. Idk how different each medicade is in different states. And if they don't how much did you guys pay for yours?! Or would Anthem...

I have been on Xanax the past sixs years, I have been up to 10 mg a day and now I am down to 2 mg a day. Will it be very hard to get off of? I never thought I would get down this far but is it safe to discontinue use after being on 2 mg for 30 days? I know...

Okay, so I am coming up on a year since I started my copaxone injections and I am not totally sure that it is working for me. The shots are going fine. I'm pretty used to it by now. However, I'm not totally sure exactly what I'm supposed to be experiencing...

Approximately four years ago, I contracted gonorrhea after a one night stand. Prior to this time, I was STD free. I was treated after 32 days of symptomatic infection, which included discharge, Bartholin glad cyst, and burning with urination. I ...

In October 2011, I went to my md for pain in my back under my left shoulder blade. We started with an xray or my back that showed arthritis. I had negative results of an MRI of my spine, CAT scan and Ultrasound of my stomach and EMG of hands and wrists. ...

Hi Doctor, (It took me a minute to figure out how to post to an expert, so this appears in a community fertility forum as well). Approximately four years ago, I contracted gonorrhea after a one night stand. Prior to this time, I was STD free. ...

Today I have my first doctors appointment at 2 I'm about 12 weeks what should I expect for the first appointment?

I've looked in the main list but can't find the anxiety forum for people with no risk exposures like oral sex, please could you point us all in the right direction

Approximately four years ago, I contracted gonorrhea after a one night stand. Prior to this time, I was STD free. I was treated after 32 days of symptomatic infection, which included discharge, Bartholin glad cyst, and burning with urination. ...

I have pre- diabetes (fasting blood sugar 107) and would like to start taking fish oil supplements for health reasons. I've read that fish oil supplements can raise your FBS and shouldn't be taken by diabetics. I would appreciate any thoughts, comments o...

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