will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
31 - 40 of 44806 Posts
I was tested for STD/STI 3 weeks after a non-protected sexual encounter and tested negative for everything. The Dr. did a swab inside my penis for HSV/Chlamydia/Gonorrhea and a blood test for syphilis HIV and Hepatitis again all negative. Since then I de...

I have a rash in my groin area that will not go away completely. It almost has been a year since it started. When it started, it was really really bad with big red rashes that itched and burned like hell. With lots of mutiple antifungal medicine mostly oi...

Hi! I'm a 19 year old male who has been struggling with some recent and pretty bad health anxiety. Imagine my anxiety when I looked in the shower and found this red, oval shaped ring on my arm. I had not used any soaps or shampoos so I don't believe it is ...

About 3 months ago i woke up and my scrotum was very itchy and burning. It was also a fiery red color. The night before i had baseball practice and had to wear my "support". Although i make it a habbit to always wear a clean cup to practice after further i...

the skin between my scrotum and thigh has a red rash which the skin is peeling from, i also have red pimples with a head and without, puss comes out of most of them and its really hurting me!! i have put talcum powder on to stop it from bein moist but that...

Hi, everyone. About a week and a half ago I had unprotected oral sex with another male. I was only on the receiving end. He stimulated my entire genital area, including my scrotum and inner thighs. I'm not sure if this matters or not, but he had a ve...

I've been having a clear odorless discharge from my urithra, only when I sit down an go #2 do I notice it. But last night I ran my finger from base to tip on my urithra while checking out the discharge, and a cloudy lumpy substance came out. That was a lit...

Over the past month I have had an itchy rash on both of my upper thighs. It is mostly in the inner thigh with some itchiness on the outside thighs around to my buttocks. I thought it was folliculitis and just tried to keep it clean. Within the last week o...

So lately my cleavage has been super itchy. I shower daily and wash myself well. Well tonight I realized it's kinda stinky too. And this was right after my shower after using a fragrant body wash:( any clues?

can jock itch move to your penis? i have had it for months now and can only keep it under control w powder, not get rid of it. when i have sex w/my girlfriend, afterwards my penis gets red, raw and gets little cracking in the skin right under the head of m...

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