will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
31 - 40 of 1223780 Posts
I was hurt a work December 1st (a paitent fell and I twisted and fell with him) I hurt my back and shoulder. Doctors kept saying it was upper back strained muscles. Started to go to physio in January and they said I had a sprained verterbrae. So physio h...

I recently had an MRI on both of my shoulders. Can someone interpret the impression in plain English? Right Shoulder: 1. Under surface and bursal surface tear of the anterior supraspinatus tendon with tendinopathy seen elsewhere within the supraspinatus ...

I was hit by a car and thrown 15feet landing on my right shoulder. My shoulder and arm is in a great deal of pain. The insurance company of the women who hit me is saying It was a pre-existing problem due to my age (51) I have an attorney but the insurance...

get terribble pain in upper arm hard to sleep ,hurts when i stretch,some times have to lift arm up with other arm ,move wrongly and the shooting pain is bad.feels mostly in between shoulder and elbow

Findings: AC Joint: There is mild AC joint arthrosis present. Osseous Structures and Articular Surfaces: The glenohumeral cartilage is normal. There is fibrocystic change in the greater tuberosity. There is normal signal in the glenoid. Rotat...

I have suffered for months now with severe pain in my left arm. I have lost some strenth in the arm and find that it is impossible to place my left arm behind my back. The pain is a shooting pain that is so intense I am having difficulty bathing and reac...

Hi all. Last year I started having pain if I tried to extend my arm or turn it a certain way. My doctor thought it was probably tendinitis and so I tried physiotherapy for it. I was unable to do the exercises which they suggested without extreme pain. Abou...

For the past 4 months now I have been getting pain in my left arm to where I haven't been able to sleep at night. I have elevated it above my head, and then put it back down by my side, I have tried laying on it. Nothing seems to be helping does anyone k...

I have had two shoulder surgery over the last 14 months. I am still having great pain when rotating arm up and outwards and loss of strength. orthopedic surgeon ordered mri. MRI showed increased signal involves the supraspinatus tendon and infraspinatus te...

My arm became limp after receiving a flu vaccination in Oct. '08. It was given higher on my arm than what I usually get. I could not raise my arm at all for 3 days. By the third day I could only raise it chest high. It became very painful to use, and I c...

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