41 - 50 of 547 Posts
Im looking to talk to anyone that has been on lovenox or similar blood thinnes post partum!!

is it normal to experience cramping, and mild nausea 3 days after iui

My daughter (35) is 12 weeks. She was already high risk due to previous alcohol and drug related problems - of which are not a problem now - always one day at a time. This is 3rd preg. with two elementary age children. Second marriage. Within last year...

I have to go off my Warfarin for a colonoscopy. The cardiologist's nurse said ask the doctor doing the procedure how long I should be off of the Warfarin. Doctor says ask the assistant when she gives me my instructions. Assistant says, "Oh, I'm supposed...

I was wondering how many women are on lovenox injections? I inject myself twice a day with 120mg. I have had an unkown clotting disorder for the past 13 years that the doctors cannot figure out why. Frustrating to say the least. When I found out I was preg...

Im 18 weeks, my dr just called this morning saying my bloodwork has shown I should be on lovenox shots once a day. I do not want to be on these shots and have my baby have some wierd side effect because of them. Im pretty holistic and am already on an low ...

So because I started spotting a tiny bit of brown blood I got an u/s today. I beleive I am 4 weeks 5 days, and the doctor saw nothing. There was a tiny tiny spec that he said may be the beginning of a sac, but it was minimal. I am having another u/s monda...

Hi. I am 4 weeks pregnant, and it was highly suggested (based on the results of bloodwork drawn right before I became pregnant) to take daily Lovenox injections, as I am at risk for bloodclots. This has been the most miserable part of being pregnant, a...

I am 26 weeks pregnant and unfortunatly have been doing daily lovenox injections from pretty much the day I found out I was pregnant due to prior health issues. I get so frustrated with them especially the nights when I already don't feel good. I was just ...

i am currently about 6 wks pg with lmp 5/25. (chemical pg and missed mc at 7 wks) i have mthfr and factor V leidien. am on lovenox and foltx as well as prenatals. hcgs 6/27 3197 6/30 10,000ish 7/1 15,269 went to er for vomiting abd pain de...

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