41 - 50 of 19396 Posts
Okay so my dad recently in October for a teares retina and the oil was taken out a couple weeks ago. On tuesday he got another retina surgery because it teared again and he had a cataract surgery at the same time. For the cataract they removed his contact ...

Hi - I now live in Asia and I have -9.00 vision in both eyes. For the last 5-10 years during my eye checkups in the U.S., my optometrist and retina specialists have said to keep an eye on the thinning areas at the outer edge of my retina. In my left eye I...

My age is 34 and I am a software developer. 10 years back I had a minor eye laser done to seal weak spots in the retina. My eyesight is -0.75 (right) and -2.75(left). I have had eye flashes and floaters for past 2 years. Couple of months back, during a rou...

After a detached retina, I had silicone oil put in since previous surgeries did not hold the retina in place. I am not sure what type or quality of vision I can expect with this oil in place. The surgery was 5 days ago, but I do not really know what kind o...

I've been seeing bunch of new floaters and a shadow in my upper vision for 2 weeks. I went to an ophthalmologist and they said the retina has been detached. I am gonna have the vitrectomy in a few days. It detached in the lower part of the retina so the pr...

I am now 6 months post tx. 2 months ago I experienced some weird activity in one of my eyes. This past week I suddenly got one of those floaters and light flashes. Today I had my eyes checked and was diagnosed with PVD ( posterior vitreous detachment). Thi...

Hello, I am 37 y/o. have high myopia. I had laser in both eye for a tear 15 years ago. I recently went to a retina specialist after noticing floaters and a sort of sheer veil that passes through and blurs my vision in my left eye. I have gone to the doc...

My other half was told 2 months ago that the sac attached to the retina was coming away. He has seen the consultant ophthalmologist at our local hospital 4 times over that period to check progress. His next appointment was to be in 2 weeks. Just over a w...

3 weeks ago, i noticed a small area of distortion just off the centre of vision in left eye; i have had a tear 3 years back in right eye. It progressed to a larger spot. I was seen by an opthomologist last thursday and he saw no breaks or changes. It sl...

8 days ago I had an allergic reaction to some yard work. My right lower eyelid swelled up and partially blocked my vision. It started to go down in a day, but then I noticed lightning arcs in the periphery and an inky black curtain start at the bottom of...

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