41 - 50 of 4223 Posts
I had to go to the er for dehydration n the gave me medicine for nausea with causes fatigue, dizziness and headaches. Shld I honestly go to work?? My job invovles alot of standing

Im a first time mom and I keep throwing up. I just got sick and now my throat is burning and it also feels swollen. It even hurts to swallow! Idk what to do. Im sure its really sore from stomach acid, but is there anything to relieve this lain and the naus...

My dog is vomiting. I have a prescription for Ondansetron . It is 4 MG. Can I give it to my dog? He is 13 and weighs 7.9 lbs.

Im 13 weeks and iv been throwing up everyday since about 7 weeks yesterday i went to the doctor and he prescribed me a medicine called ondansetron . It works so good! I havent been nauseous all day yesterday or today! He said its safe for pregnancy and im ...

I'm six weeks along and this is my first pregnancy. I've been extremely nauseous I can barely eat. I gag every single time. I also have really bad heartburn. I took some tums but it is not helping and I tried to get a hold of my doctor but they won't cont...

I'm 19 and 33 weeks and okay I have a bladed infection my doc gave me meds and I've been taking them and I can't keep any food down or water. I dnt want to stop taking the meds bc the infection was so bad I couldn't get out of bed. What should I do about n...

I have tereible all day morning sickness. I'm always hungry but its hard to eat because I feel nauseated. Any ideas to help?

Hi my morning sickness is terrible.. This is my 3rd child and the morning sickness never gets better can I get some helpful tips on how to relieve this...even if its only a small relief... I'm sick from sun up to sun down... Thanks

Has anyone taken this for nausea? Its generic for zofran which has some medical lawsuits due to it causing clef pallet and heart defects in babies. I was given one at the hospital yesterday after my ob sent me bc of a pain in my side and really bad vomitin...

I have not actually been given more than a hazy diagnosis. No offense intended to the professionals, but, every psychiatrist seems to hedge when I ask what my diagnosis is, or why the particular med is being prescribed and what it will do. Here's a brief h...

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