41 - 50 of 1208938 Posts
I have pain in my right shoulder to my elbow. It hurts worst when i'm sleeping and raising it. It's been going on for years and all doctors do is give pain killers. I have had xrays and nothing was found. I don't play any sports and the only exercise I do ...

Hey, so roughly 6 months ago I had blood drawn from my arm. It was quite difficult for the nurse to locate the vein and she got increasingly frustrated. On the 7th or 8th attempt she went in with force and I could immediately feel something was wrong as I ...

I have pain in the middle outer portion of my right arm. It causes limited mobility and the pain seems to be in my muscle. It hurts if my arm is in one position for any period of time, ie..driving and arm is on arm rest, or at the movies. The pain will go ...

What does referred pain mean in forearm and wrist area? Can anyone tell me what the ulnar nerve does or what are the symptoms of this? Thanks

Hi, i am 42 years old male. I have been experiencing back pain for the last few years. I have done MRI and few x-rays which showed narrowing of the disk space. But I have not really been treated for these problems (I have seen few doctors and they just gav...

My doctor prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs to take in order take care of my tendinitis from guitar playing. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if my additional gastrointestinal problems would permit the use of them since they are known for having negative effec...

I fell in mid-December on ice and landed on my left outstretched hand. I had swelling and bruising on the wrist area and had pain but for the most part was able to use my wrist. After a week of pain I went to my primary doc who did an xray and didnt find a...

What might cause me not to be able to put my hands palms up when my arms are extended? When I bend my arms in close to me I can put my palms up but if I extend them out my palms face each other like clapping. The only way to get my palms to lay flat when m...

2 weeks ago i was messing around with some mates from footie and they all ran at me after i scored, knocked me down to jump on me, when i fell i put my arm out in front of me and my full weight and some of my mates weight went through my wrist. I felt ...

I went to get my blood drawn, and since it was a Glucose Tolerance Test, the phlebotomist had to draw blood three times in two hours. She was going to try a new vein the third time, but as soon as she inserted the needle, a strong burning sensation travele...

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