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51 - 60 of 20905 Posts
Where do i find it!??? Ive looked everywhere and can only find the cocktail trying to prevent Utis but i cant if i dont have the right stuff!!!

My doctor said if I dilate far enough before my scheduled c section he will let me attempt a vbac birth!!!!!my c section is in 3 weeks and I'm only a fingertip dilated. I'm not trying to go into labor I just want to help the dilation process any ideas on h...

Were can I find preemie clothes my baby boy soo small I can't find anything for him to wear

How many of you moms are breast feeding? And how many diapers a day do your babies go through ? And what is the best recommended diapers your little ones like the most. I'm due November 21 an I'm trying to learn more about diapers

Went to walmart but couldn't find hylands. Where did yall find it and how much does it cost? Thanks!

After all these years, are there any promising treatments for the bulging associated with graves disease? It would be nice to have some hope for a reversal of this condition.

Well I'm 19 weeks and 2 days. And it's getting closer to finding out the sex of the baby. When did you guys get the baby registration started? I'm currently in Iowa and my family is in Missouri and I don't know where I should get the baby registration star...

So my work threw me a diaper party and now I have the great question of, do I need more? I have about 150 newborn, over 1000 size 1, and at least 350 size 2. I haven't even had my actual baby shower yet! Should I tell everyone I'm inviting that if they wan...

I do not know what has been causing this but about 3 weeks ago I started getting this skin condition when I would get home from work. It looks like massive mosquito bites, they itch horribly an spread every where except my face & neck. I know this is a all...

Anyone else have this? Helppp

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