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61 - 70 of 4281 Posts
I was put on cymbalta for depression and nerve pain ( RSD ). I hate taking new medicines I know nothing about. I am young and I am afraid of it. I start off taking 30 mgs for a week than increase to 60 than I will get up to 120 at some point. Could som...

More than anything i am feeling mentally werid, i feel self conicous, can't make eye contact, real fidgity. Just not clear. It is my 4th day with no hydros, but i also take cymbotla 60mg every other day for depression but i have not had those either for 4 ...

I went happily to my psychiatrist thinking my Cymbalta (60mg) might be pooping out. I certainly wasn't having any major issues with anxiety or depression ON Cymbalta (loved it- been on 5 1/2 yrs for a depression episode in 2008). Worked great. I just thoug...

I am having some pretty severe side effects from 3 years of Cymbalta use. I was prescribed Cymbalta when I was diagnosed with Poly Myalgia. I do think it took the edge off of severe pain and fatigue. ANyway, I now have a rash that flairs about 12 hours ...

I was wondering if taking 100mg of Tramadol at night along with 60 mg Cymbalta and 50 mg of Topamax could cause Serotonin Syndrome? I have recently had several of the symptoms but I was treated for Post Traumatic Stress. The more I think about it, it soun...

I've been on Zoloft for five years 100 mgs now on 50 mgs and trying Lexapro . Past two weks my anxiety has tripled so my doc put me on cymbalta. Will Cymbalta increase my anxiety like the Lexapro I hear they are similiar? Are there any odd side effects. Do...

I have been on Xanax (3mg) and cymbalta (60mg) for about 9 months now. Being on these meds, my anxiety has gone down by a lot... but the other day I had a horrible panic attack that put me in the hospital after calling 911 thinking i was going to die. Even...

Would you consider 120mg cymbalta and 60mg prozac as very gigh dose, doc just keeps increaing the cymbalta

My doctor just prescribed me cymbalta and i was wondering if anyone had any major weight changes... especially weight gain.

Im on 30 mg. of cymbalta since may 8,Klonopin since april 23 and xanax since feb..tapering off xanax.......since adding cymbalta to this mixture my blood pressure has dropped as my heart rate has this normal for this mixture? I dont like the ...

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