61 - 70 of 6386 Posts
what is the half life of oxycodone in cats? I've heard it works well for pain in cats. I'm trying to get more information on what may help my 12 year old cat. I'd like to have my questions in order before I pay my/her vet?

I have been taking oxycodone 30mg 3X a day for a long time. I have many urinary problems with retention and chronic kidney problems and Addisons . I was actually dehydrated and could not pee for my UDtest so they took blood and it came back positive for o...

My Dad was recently put on oxycontin- short term- for hip pain. He is having surgery next week. My Mom called telling me that Dad was having to concentrate on his breathing, was dizzy and having problems concentrating. I told her to bring him to the hos...

I'm scheduled for hip arthroscopy next Thursday, and my doctor gave me 5 different scripts, one of which is for Oxycodone 7.5. He did not specify how much Tylenol. Is that normal?

I have been on oxycodone 15mg. Four times a day for four years. I am in such a horrible trap. I thought by switching to Belbuca I could manage the pain with less side effects, as this is what I have been told. Any comments/insight on the differences in Bel...

how long does percocet 10mg stay in urine

Hi. I have chronic gastritis as well as GERD. I am also in Pain Management due to osteoarthritis in my lower back. Has any found relief from gastritis flares with Oxycodone? Thanks.

I have been on 30mg of Methadone for 4 days now and its just not going to work for me the side effects are horrible, Im constantly throwing up and sedated all day. My doc is going to switch me to Oxycodone 30mg IR, how long should I wait before taking the ...

I went to a knew Dr yesterday & he put me on Opana ER 10mg 2x a day & Morphine Sulfate IR 15mg 3x a day for break thru as needed. I've been on Roxicodone 30mg 6x a day & Norflex 100mg 2x a day prior to this appt yesterday. From what I've read on here the...

I'm just short of 60 hours since my last dose of oxycodone. I have no withdrawal symptoms at all -- none. I even slept fairly well last night w/o any sleep aids (except melatonin, an over-the-counter supplement which I have been taking for years). For...

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