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1 - 10 of 1201 Posts
Some of you might remember my doctor prescribed Tranxene every 6 hours, Xanax 2 (.5) every 6 hours and 2 Phenegren every 6 hours to help me with the immediate withdrawals from Lortab. After posting this, many of you warned to be careful not to become addi...

Can I switch right over using equivolent dosage without having any withdrawal symptoms from the valium?

Hello. Not 'substance abuse' but I have to post this somewhere. Can anyone give me the 'duration of action' of Tranxene, specifically Tranxene vs. diazepam ? Not half life, but 'duration of action'. Also, what are the subjective differences betwe...

After taking 200mg of oxazepam and 40mg of tranxene (clorazepam?) prescibed to me for 9 years, I started to taper down on may 1st 2008 and reached 30 mg of oxazepam and 10 mg of tranxene. I was taking 30 mg oxa at 7 pm and the tranxene just before sleep ...

I went in for detox last week for xanax , Been on then for about 10 yrs off and on the last 3yrs really bad. Ive been home now for 6 days. I feel horrible, I have a script of Tranxene but havent got them yet. I have the shakes, buzzing in my ears, cant sl...

First of all thanks for the advice on my other question from all who gave it. Now I have a ? about myself. A few months ago I started having what I consider panic attacks. I felt like my marriage was falling apart and couldnt figure out why (now I know why...

I have been taking 3 3.75 mgs of Tranxene at night for approximately 8 months now. My question is, is that a lot at one time and how should I taper.

Hi Everyone, I’m new here. I’ve been reading all your situations and I want you to know that you are each brave individuals. It’s not easy to admit that we have an addiction to pain medication or any other type of addiction. So, I admire each of you ...

If someone has been on ativan and xanax for ten years, how do they wean themselves off them safely? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/1023172'>xanax withdrawal</a>.

hey there, i've been on seroxat for 4 months or so and now im four weeks pregnant. my doctor took me off the drug immediately so i went from 10mg a day for 4 months to nothing. are they gonna be withdrawal symptoms?

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