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1 - 10 of 15380 Posts
Is it safe to use while pregnant? I'm 30w and have a cold and can't breathe out of my left nostril. Is nasal spray okay to use?

I'm 8 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child and have had a cold for a few days. The only thing that allows me to breathe is a nasal spray equivalent to afrin. I used to be addicted yrs ago but now I only use it in dire before eating or bed ...

Im 8 weeks and im trying to stop using my afrin but couldnt sleep at all cause i cant breathe, ive tried all saline sprays and noyhing works...what does everyone use them.breathe at nasal spray seriously that bad if i use it? Help i need...

I just read a terrifying article about pregnant women using nasal spray in their first 3 months of pregnancy. It said it cause heart and stomach defects. I used it off and on almost my entire first 6 weeks before I found out I was pregnant. Anybody else ou...

Both myself and my 16 year old daughter have been suffering from allergies since early springtime. The biggest complaint we have is nasal congestion. We've tried prescription nasal sprays and over-the-counter meds. such as Loratradine, but to no avail. ...

So my problems all started about 2 months ago. I woke up one morning with a blocked nose that was absoloutely miserable! The first thing I thought of was grabbing some allergy medicine/nasal spray. I started using afrin and the very next day after us...

Hi everyone, I am about to start the Hcg program. My doctor has me taking the Hcg nasal spray, instead of the Hcg shots. Have any of you used the Hcg nasal spray? Should I have any concerns? Oh, and any advice before I start? Thanks and have a great...

I used nostrilla spray for many years, and now I hav high bloood pressure, do you think nostrilla spray caused that? if I stop use that and take the medicine, do you think the high blood pressure will go away? or I have to take med all my life? thanks.

I am having this problem for a very long time and I really don’t know what to do. Please advise. 1. My nasal (if I am not wrong, my right nasal) I always feels that a bit of mucus always goes down to my throat. 2. I always feel that the right nasal ...

Cure to stop nasal drip

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