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I have ringing and popping sounds in my ears?

About five (5) months ago I met with an ENT doctor , an HMO doctor, to see if there is any medication for my tinnitus. Before seeing him I did an ear audio test where both ears Equally Showed a little hearing degradation. The ENT doctor said the degradi...

My left ear has been a little plugged because of a current cold that I have, I tried the "plug your nose and blow" thing to "pop" it. but that only made it worse, it feels like I have a lot of pressure in my left ear and I can't relieve it! I've tried chew...

For the last 5 days, both my ears but particularly the right have felt like they have water in them, everything sounds really muffled oit my right ear, like I've just landed in a plane or have an ear full of water. When I tilt my head it eases but doesn't ...

I experience clogged ear all the time, I went to an ENT and was told there is nothing wrong. That all I have to do is pop my ears. imagine how your ears feel when you are flying, now imagine having that all the time; all time time. I hear myself breath, it...

I have had ear pressure and an inconsistent pulse in my ear for nearly a month.It hurts on occasion but a majority of the time it is more a nuisance. At first I thought it was a build up of wax so I bought some OTC remover, however it has not helped. I jus...

Dear Dr. I have had constant high pitched loud ringing in both ears for at least the last 6 months. Sometimes the noise is so loud that I can't hear the TV and have to increase the volume. My family dr examined me in March and found fluid in both ears a...

Can you whiten your teeth when pregnant? If so does it matter what kind?

I just posted for first time to this forum w/ question for my husband but saw your post and had to respond:-) Major issue for me and (was) seeing an ear Dr regularly for it. I have really small ear canals and have always had trouble clearing ear wax. Pr...

I have 2 questions. First when a doctor looks in your eye can he see past the ear drum? The second is I have been dizzy for about 6 months. I've seen a neurologist ent dr, had mri and ct of brain, ct scan of ear bone and sinus, multiples blood tests, vng...

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