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Search Results for "B Compleet 50"

1 - 10 of 138133 Results
Do you know if its safe to color your hair. I am 17 weeks prego

Hi guys, Can someone please explain to me what is a molar pregnancy? And if u develop dat moles which looks lyk grapes can u have children ever again??

Is vitamin B-50 o-kay to take when trying to conceive? I've been taking them and just thought (now) maybe its not a good thing to do. Is there something else I should be taking? I'm just taking them because normaly I feel tired and sluggish all day and t...

Hi everyone just want to ask how long must u have contractions before u can get an epidoral and been the first time in to labour how long does it take to have contractions after ur water break? Thanks

So my name is nickie and dh and I have been trying for 16 months to get preggo to no avail. I am going to a fertility specialist on Monday (27) and I was wondering what I could expect from the first appointment. I haven't had a period in almost 3 months an...

So my first ultrasound showed the baby to be measuring 6 weeks and no heartbeat i got blood work done and get results today. well the night of my ultrasound I started bleeding red and yesterday it was heavy and cramps and I passed two mucousy clots and tod...

So long story short im preggo. And I had my last period August 22nd or 23rd. Slept with a guy friend August 31st. But also slept with my kids dad bout two weeks before my period I'm 13 weeks. Who could be the father?? Oh and my period is normally heavy cr...

hello, i just met a guy who i do not know, we kissed for 10-15 seconds, then he gave me an intense blow job, he sucked all the way in and it lasted for about 7-10 minutes, and i came in his mouth. is this a risk? is it 50-50? i don't know if he's h...

So i went to my interview took a test and idk the results till tomorrow the lady who attended me is from school i was excited n now im relieved they know im pregmant so god only knows what happens next ♥

I plan on fixing my boyfriends papers after our kid is born maybe in about a year or 2 once we save some money. I told him that when we go to court for custody of his other 2 kids I want a 50/50 agreement cause I don't trust his ex to actually spend the mo...

1 - 10 of 5 Results
Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats, doorknobs, shared drinks or pools? How long can HIV live outside the human body, or it's host?

STDs aren't transmitted through clothing. Fabric is a barrier to germs. STDs need unclothed, genital skin-to-skin contact or penetration to transmit.

Millions of people are diagnosed with at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD), or infection (STI) in the United States each year.

Discharge may not be normal, and could mean an infection or an STD, especially with burning, pain, itching or urinary frequency.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is medication that people who are at risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may take to prevent infection.

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