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Search Results for "Wart Film"

1 - 10 of 9868 Results
Hi I just want to know what can cause some or all of these combined symptoms, Hair thinning, lost of appetite, a few dark toenails but not all of them, 1 fingernail half light pink half light brown with vertical lines no ridges, wart on ball of both feet a...

I used apple cidar vinegar to treat two genital warts that my wonderful cheating wife gave me for Christmas. I would dip a Q-tip in the Apple cider vinegar then apply with pressure on the head of the wart for about an hour a day, almost for a week. Day...

About 2, 2 and a half weeks ago, i noticed 2 bumps on my penis, the day after i shaved my pubic region, that started to look like pimples. They began to hurt so i popped the one and white pus came out, like a pimple. That bump has since decreased in size a...

Trying to keep this as short & informative as possible. 1. Male, been dealing with genital warts for 2 years. Caught virus as soon as it appeared & started seeing the Derm. 2. Should mention my warts have always appeared on the mid to lower part of ...

when can I start, in the past I have always gotten sicker after taking! When is the right time to take this stuff? FYI! I took meth a few times last week. also did 20mg of meth about 4 days ago, but have been taking only herion up until that time and up un...

Would an M.R.I. of the neck and lumbar spine be able to see if I was pregnant?

Can anyone tell me if I would be better off getting the film this month or should I stick with the pill? Does one work better then the other? I just left my dr an not sure wich one I should get. Thanks to anyone who has any input

i am a herion addict i was prescribed suboxone film i have not used since 8 this morning im going through withdraw now when can i take it

I have posted this in the neurological section also. I wasn't sure where this posting would go best. I am going to attach three mri films and would like your input. Since I can only seem to attach one film per post, I will have to do three post. I know...

This is the third and last film that has to do with my first post. Thanks!

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