Search Results for "Avb"

1 - 10 of 14 Results
I have been suffering from near fainting spells, ligheadness and dizzness for some time now along with a host of other symptoms. My most recent 2 week monitor was done end of June and I just got a copy of my results but I wont be seeing the dr until Tue...

I have been suffering from near fainting spells, ligheadness and dizzness for some time now along with a host of other symptoms. My most recent 2 week monitor was done end of June and I just got a copy of my results but I wont be seeing the dr until Tue...

80 yo had surgery for elbow fracture March 11 and had AV heart block. Troponin T 11 ng/L after surgery and then 17 ng/L the following day. Told it was a benign arrhythmia and we didn’t need to do anything about it. Ever since been feeling very weak, br...

can you show an examle of third degree avb

I have had what seem to me very un normal heart rythyms for the last two years. I am only 29 and I have been in the hospital at least three times for what has been diagnosed as synscope. During and after these episodes and I am unable to speak clearly fo...

she has low iron

I am not exactly sure where to post this and so I hope this is the proper place. I have been having dizzy/lightheaded (not room spin dizzy) spells since 2010. They started off being a rare occurrence, once every several months lasting a second or so but...

Hi, I have recently went to my cardiologists for regular check-up for my high blood pressure (its normal, and the heart is physically healthy according to ultrasonography) and requested an ecg monitor since I felt extra beats, extrasystoles (that was onl...

So I will be 27 weeks Thursday with a healthy baby boy. My stepmom will be 22 weeks as of Thursday as well. My father and her have been ttc for 16 years, two years ago they adopted 4 little girls. When I was 9 weeks we found out she was 5 weeks. We were ve...

Hi I am a 31 yr old mother of 2 school aged children, I have chronic pain from a severe MVA in 1998 in which I spent 3 1/2 mos in ICU and 1 mos on Rehab Floor. All residuals from MVA are closely monitored and treated, the most significant residual is chro...

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