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Search Results for "Igg Positive"

1 - 10 of 155022 Results
My IgG result today was 43.9. Why is it so high?

My wife was diagnosed acute hep b 2 weeks ago following a pretty heavy jaundice . After that me and our two daughters ( aged 18 months and 3 years) were sent to do a hep screening . The girls results returned negative but mine was antiHbc Igg positive with...

What does it mean when you test positive on your ANA (IgG portion) of your autoimmune panel and test negative on the ENA blood panel except that results for the CENP part of the test are sky high?

In September 2010 I had a blister come up in my vaginal area and it went away so I wasn't worried about it. Then in March 2011 I had another blister reaccur in the same spot and I had all the flu like symptoms to go with it. I went to the doctor the next d...

Hi, I just got back from my doctor. I had sex with a csw 6 weeks before the blood test, and the condom broke in the end. I think the doctor did a igg igm test and he said that it was an old infection. Apparently, it is not possible to do a differen...

I met with my doc yesterday morning for a consultation going over my results. Both HSV I/II IgG were .2 - the IgM result was .88 - I didn't have a swab done as I've never had any symptoms. My doctor explained that because my IgM was so high even though r...

I was recently confirmed positive for Herpes 1 & 2 igg. I asked for the test for peace of mind because I just like to know I'm healthy. I've never had symptoms of any kind and I have been intimate with my partner. I have had unprotected sex and oral sex wi...

My girl friend recently came back from her gynecologist and after a week they called and told her she tested positive for herpes. She claims she didn't have any symptoms her Dr. Told her that she can be asymptomatic and still have herpes. I soon went to my...

I am a 26 year old woman in New York City. I had unprotected sex in October 2017, no symptoms for months, and got tested low positive 2.17 for HSV 2 about 12 weeks later in December 2017. Then during my most recent period (January 12) I had itching, then ...

Hi I tested positive for herpes 1 and 2 but my partner is negative. I also don’t have a range. Can this be a inaccurate test?

1 - 10 of 7 Results
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is medication that people who are at risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may take to prevent infection.

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is short-term antiretroviral medication that may help prevent HIV infection if taken shortly after exposure.

The CDC recommends that everyone test at least once, and you should test more often if you have multiple sex partners or use needles for drug use.

Can you get HIV from casual contact, like hugging, touching, sharing drinks or kissing? How DO you get HIV?

Millions of people are diagnosed with at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD), or infection (STI) in the United States each year.

Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex. Condoms greatly reduce the chances of transmission, but do not eliminate them.

Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.

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