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red rash

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on red rash

In the past 6 or so months, every so often I have a red rash appear on the head of my penis...
Sir. on September 12 2015 I spent around one hour with a Chinese CSW. There was no int...
Hi. i had unprotected oral sex with a sex worker(for less than 10 seconds and without ejacu...
April 5th, received unprotected oral from escort. April 10th, again I received unprotect...
I am so frustrated and stressed out I don’t know what to do anymore. I am 33 and had perf...
I had a umbilical hernia repair 4 weeks ago using mesh. since then im worse then ever. I ha...
Ok so let me start from the beginning- 2 years ago I ripped my frenulum on penis right near...
about a 6 months ago i developed a condition on both thighs. the right thigh is the primar...
I noticed just on the inside of my butt Cheeks from the top of my Crack to the the anal but...
Last night had unprotected oral sex, and failed to have intercourse. Wore a condom and as s...