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effexor withdrawals

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on effexor withdrawals

Been coming off 300mg per day in gradual reductions. Now off all together but it was awful ...
I hope someone can help me. I am trying to withdraw from Effexor after 8 long years. I atte...
From what I have read, everyone is expereincing the same withdrawal symptoms from effexor a...
How long approximately does it take for total relief from effexor HR withdrawals? I was ta...
I have been on anti depressants for 16 years (zoloft, effexor) the last few months I w...
This is my first post to this forum. I have actually been coming to this site, as well as o...
Can anyone tell me if they've experienced stopping Effexor 450mg cold? I have been on this ...
Hi All its Lorraine The specialist changed my antidepressant from 150mg's venlafluxine to ...
My doctor has switched my medication from effexor to pristiq and I'm wondering about the wi...
Hi i posted a while back. Ive been doing a taper from 225mg daily XR. I tapered to 37.5mg...
I have been on paxil for 4 yrs now and I lost my insurance and the cost for the meds are 40...
I have been taking effexor xr 150 mgs everyday for awhile now. I wanted to get off the medi...
I have been taking Effexor XR 150 mg for 2-3 years and now I have been switched to lexapro ...