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arms and hands numbess

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on arms and hands numbess

My 24 yr. old daughter has been having episodes of her arms and hands and face tingling and...
Lately, I'm been having numbess in my arms and hands that is so bad, I can't move my arm or...
hi l have a question l have a frature of the c1 c2 had pervous surgery l have narrowing of ...
I am 16 years old. I have been sick since December 26, 2010. I was diagnosed with the flu...
Had a rough couple of days with neck and head pain/pressure...Woke up this morning and left...
Does anybody get numbness with their fibromyalgia? If so, please can you explain where you ...
I am a 41 year old female who had a tt 10 ago. I had a large nodule and the other side was...
hello i am a 45 yo female that has had distorted vision in left eye for a year. i also get ...
I was wondering if anyone also suffers from numbness of fingers and legs? Also in the summe...
This is going to be a little long and I am sorry. I guess I am hoping that someone will eit...
Over the past 14 weeks I have become progressively more unwell. I had a cough viral broncho...