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Posts on antagonist

Hi everyone, Recently my psychiatrist has suggested me considering an experimental drug ...
Q: What's the difference between an opiate agonist and an opiate antagonist? A: An...
Anyone have any experience with taking Chantix(Varenicline) or Zyban(bupropion) to quit smo...
Anyone have any experience with taking Chantix(Varenicline) or Zyban(bupropion) to quit smo...
I've been taking Suboxone for almost 2 months now after being on methadone for a year, now ...
Can someone on methadone (100mg per day) abuse heroin at the same time? If so, what would ...
Can suboxone be used to help manage cronic lower back pain?
Hello all, im new to the forum. Im sure you have heard this a 1000 times but here it goes. ...
i ve been taking oxys for 2 months everyday wednesday i decided to quit c/t and the pain wa...
Well I started my day normal today, Got up took morning dose of subuxone played with dogs e...