Freedomhealth is a first-rate and expert private Sexual Health and HIV clinic in Central London UK. Freedomhealth provides a comprehensive HIV and STD/STI test and treatment facility to patients around the world. More
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hola, Muchas gracias por su pregunta y bienvenido a nuestro foro en español. La información que le han facilitado es completamente correcta. El ...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Receiving fellatio (oral sex) does not involve any risk of HIV infection. Therefore there is no need for you to get tested. However there...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Thank you very much for your post and welcome to our forum. From the description of the sexual encounter, it seems that the risk would be ...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello Nico, Thank you for your post. As the paragraph attached mentions: 'Both of the human subjects infected with FIV identified thus far are cu...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello Jose, Thank you very much for your post and welcome to our forum. If your urethra came into contact with some vaginal fluid outside of the ...
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