Freedomhealth is a first-rate and expert private Sexual Health and HIV clinic in Central London UK. Freedomhealth provides a comprehensive HIV and STD/STI test and treatment facility to patients around the world. More
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Thank you for your post. I can assure you that you do not have HIV. The combination of all your negative test results is fully conclusive...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Thank you for your post and welcome to our forum. From the description of your sexual encounter I can conclude that there was no real risk...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Thank you for your post and welcome to our forum. You have certainly put yourself at risk of having contracted an STD, including HIV, as y...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Thank you very much for your post and welcome to our forum. After reading your post, I can conclude with total confidence that you do not ...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Thank you for your post. The fact that your second HIV test included the p24 antigen, that makes it 4th generation, equivalent to our HIV ...
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