401095 tn?1351391770

Honesty..how many relapsed after the first time they quit their DOC?

How many here have relapsed after their initial quitting of their DOC?  or any drug thay may have used thereafter..I used after my detox..stats say only 3% make it on the initial try...what r ur thoughts on this stat?  and did u relapse after ur initial  detox?  What advice can u give people who r just now trying to get clean?  How many used aftercare?  How many ept posting/if they were a poster at that time??

just curious as 3% sounded a bit low...i do think there r perhaps people out there who never relpased?  maybe not and this could ring true..I did not post this to be dismal/to be negative/just to show there r many who made it to cleandom who did relpase once or more...it is unusual to make it the first go around///and keeping on keeping on can pay off....always knowing in the back of ur head that this is going nowhere...that u were happier when u were clean/and realizing using fixes nothing..and that addiction can only get better by letting go
31 Responses
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199177 tn?1490498534
That would be a great poll you should do that
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736475 tn?1281259327
how many didn't relapse?    sway
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Hi worried.. I hope things are well with you.. I have gone over 5mo. without a relapse this is the longest in awhile.. I can tell you of that 3% I think hubby fits into that.. he needed knee replacements he got one and stopped his pills.. although he never abused or took as much as prescribed he does not crave nor think of them.. Talk about 2 different peps :) He also had a cast put on his ankle for acute tendinitis and did not even think of pain med.. in the old day that would have been a prime way to get more pills for me... Just thought I would say there really is that 3% but I do not believe they were addicts to begin with... lesa
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401095 tn?1351391770

64% (16) how many have relapsed?
36% (9) Who agrees that only 3% make it to cleandom on the first try?
25 Members voted
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654560 tn?1331854581
I think what will be interesting is to find the % of the people posting and see what % never relapsed.Yes I relapsed.@ 30 days @60 days and @ 90 days. When I picked up my third white chip on that day I had my firist spiritual awakening. I knew then that I  was suppose to be in the rooms of recovery.I knew then I was goingto " Surrender To Win " I knew then that my best thinking got me to where I was in my addiction so I had to give up controll and let some one guide me in my recovery and eventuaally take me through the steps and tradations.I knew then that this was a WE thing not a ME thing. I followed my sponsor'e suggestions. I hit my knees every moring and prayed for the willingness to stay clean that day and the tools to help me.At night I hit my knees and said thank-you. A very gooood friend of mine who died in active addiction ( he went back out ) use to say in meetings " When Your Knees Knock Kneel "
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My "love" was pills, I have stopped them several times, although the first time, I didn't know that the reason I felt so bad was because of w/d. I just thought I was sick. The second time, I had a pretty good idea I was addicted to them and had to go through a few days of hell to get off em. Then came the day when I figured I had "learned my lesson" on how to take em and not get hooked again....any guesses as to how that worked out? LOL so January 3rd of this year I decided to stop(again) and I think this time I am strong enough to stay away. Heres to hoping anyhow :)
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401095 tn?1351391770
people can "What if" themselves into relapsing, into never trying, and some can even "what if" themselves and lose their life over it...this can get way scary and some get in way dep...so deep it is scary...I feel lucky to have never gone any further than I have..perhaps the doctors in my area are very stingy with narcs compared to other areas/and it is probably a good thing in a way for me...I have a friend who is in so deep I wonder sometimes when I do not hear from him that he has overdosed...so deep and "what iffing" about whether sub can even cover this large amount of narcotic..and I dont know what to say...I dont know how to help I guess as having never been this deep..i can not truly feel the pain...but I do know I will always care about this person and I believe they can get their act together..."what iffing" can tie people's hands and put them at a stand still
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401095 tn?1351391770
It really is true..that managing only one day at a time and not worrying about what i will do tomorrow helps...if u think..how can I never use again?  or what if i get hurt and need meds?  or what if i never get my nrg back?  what if's can talk people outa trying in the first place
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461993 tn?1245693352
I've relapsed several times...prob like 2-3 times. Once, being clean for 30 days, then was hospitalized for something and ended up on the pills again. I think if it wasn't for me being hospitalized, I could've made it.

This time, I really feel it different. Aside from my wife knowing and being my Guardian Angel, I feel different. I really want my life, focus and natural happiness back.

I'm sure there will be days of cravings and days where i may thnk, hmm, maybe 1 might not hurt, but this time, i hope, I will be strong enough to say, not this time.

I too use the one day at a time rule...focus on the positive and understand that the negative is short term...
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628981 tn?1260555203
Sure I have the rest of my life to go...But I'm not going back. so for me the first time is the charm!
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Five years ago I quit a Fentanyl/Oxy/Vic addiction cold turkey on the first try and never looked back - was clean for 3 years and then after I had my daughter, I started on the pain meds again and I just can't stay clean.  I'm on day 3 again and I'll never stop trying to quit for good.  I do believe the percentage is that low.  The statistics my doc throws at me week after week are astounding and also intimidating (for lack of a better word, can't think straight), sometimes makes me think I can't get this done.  This time, instead of just quitting drugs, I find that I have to change a lot of other things in my life as well.  I feel like I go to war every single day.
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i try to focus on not using one day at a time, it helps with the anxiety of "what if i relaspe" or how many days i have clean
i have had my share of relapeses and i can tell you that i learned something each time
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762838 tn?1237035879
I was over 2 years clean and had a relapse ,then another, and another one and so on, I just like so many believed that I could control it this time and didn't.  I first heard that statistic when I quit in 06' and didn't believe it; I was told aftercare raises that percentage greatly. I thought I could be stronger than any Stat and do it by myself but once again I am 38 days clean and rethinking that statement. Reading everyone's stories helps, makes you feel not alone. I did hear and do believe each time we quit and relapse we are taking steps in the right direction, it is us learning how to deal with our addictions and overcoming them.  The fact that only 3% remain clean is an interesting stat, sobriety lasts a lifetime, we have to always be aware that there is a chance of going back and take steps to fight like hell to never use again...Besides, who ever was able to hit a homerun the first time up to the plate?  We all need a little practice to get it right!  
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I quit in Dec '07, giving me a little over a year clean.  It was my first and only time detoxing.  I haven't had any cravings, and for that I am very grateful.  I have absolutely no desire to go back to using.  It was a long, horrible period of my life.  Yes, you can get clean and stay clean the first try.  My thoughts and encouragement goes out to everyone just getting started, and to those who are clean, and working on staying that way :)
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I probably relapsed as many times as I am years old. Kind of surprised that I made it this far this time. I personally dont know anyone that stopped and made it out the first time. You have to keep stopping. It seems to be a process as oppossed to a step  - - and Tyson did a great job on his post - couldnt agree more.
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340590 tn?1290952141
you can only click one or the other....and i agree with both...lol
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199177 tn?1490498534
Yes I agree with that .The first time many poeple feel they can do it without aftercare so they dont get any .You learn as you go what you need to do . (hopefully)
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401095 tn?1351391770
to clarify...it is simply "have you relapsed?  if u have not then do not check that one
do u believe 3% make it the first time? if u believe it then check it......both of these do not have a place for a "no" answer...only a yes answer...and by not checking means u never relapsed  and for the second..if u check it it means u believ 3% or less stay clean for life on the first try..if u do not check it it simply means u believe the % is higher than 3 %   sorry for the confusion
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214607 tn?1287677559
I think there is a huge difference in wanting to quit and trying to quit. I "tried" so many times, but deep down never truly wanted it. I wanted to get through w.d so I could lower my tolerance and not be physically addicted, I always had the notion I would do them once and a while and not let it get out of hand. I was very naive. I "tried" to quit at least 100 times. The first time I actually quit for longer then 3 days, I lasted almost 3 months, most of the people that are still here probably remember when I relapsed. It was so hard for me to tell everyone here and I was very, very depressed and sad. It was probably one of my lowest points. I got myself more help and focused more on my aftercare and have been clean for over a year now and hopefully, won't go back. I think many relapse, you have to truly want to stop. When you do, you will.
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I tried to quit more times than I can even count over the years and ALWAYS relapsed, each and every time.. Probably like 30 times.. I usually make it through withdrawal then relapse when I feel better -- thinking I can 'control it'.  THIS time however, NOPE.  I know this is not true and I cannot control it.  I know people who aren't addicts don't even think that way..  This my first time Ive been clean for this long.  I sought support through this site and friends made on here.  Thank you Med Help!
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271872 tn?1238590391
I hate to say this, but i'm 51 yrs old and i'm just starting my 8 day clean.
I started when I was 23. Didn't mean to get addicted. I'm female & went to my Doc for heavy & painful periods. He gave me Darvocet. I haven't been clean for more that a year at a time since then. And I mean I might have had a COUPLE of yrs here & there!
I'm sure you can do it! I just had a buch of other emotional issues I was medicating.
I just know i will never touch FENTANYL again!
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I tried to quit for 5 years, but had at least 50 relapses before I got it right. Relapse does not have to be a part of recovery, but not many make it the first time. I tried N/A, almost went to rehab, but still failed. I learned by keeping your addiction a secret is one of the worst things we can do. How can you quit if your still in denial? YOU CAN'T! Support and learning tools will help us stay clean. I wish I would have got it right the first time, I would have saved myself a lot of pain. Lets keep fighting and don't be a statistic. One day at a time:)
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736475 tn?1281259327
i relapsed both back in the 80's, 90, and about 5 times since december2008. the slope she be a slippery one. this time i am working hard on keeping it. i have more support than i believed possible. i do not want to have my power over myself gone again, that gives over all my control. i know step 1. and bless anyone who can work a 12 step program. i tried for over a year. i'm doing something better this time for me. i want to have power over this. i wish you all the best. stay strong.   sway
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1st time I quit ct and it was h3ll...I mean 60 days later it was still bad so I thought if I manage it right I would be OK; I had no plan, no aftercare and kinda pushed through it but relapsed.  This last time, I tapered, had a plan, set goals, etc and my clean time is nearing 14 months...my goal now is 2 years.

It's all good  :-)
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