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Does the "Thomas recipe" work? If not what helps

I have been addicted to pain pills for the last ten years or so. I take A LOT of whatever I can get my hands on most commonly 80mg oxies 200mg morphine slow release Statex which is another form of morphine but a quick release as well as a quick release of oxies called Super doll. I'm not proud whatsoever very much ashamed actually. I NEED to detox but I don't have nearly enough self control taper myself and can't take time off to do it. I've been looking at the "thomas recipe" a lot the last few days and it has me very intrigued. If this doesn't work can you please point me in the right direction I've been hooked for far too long and am no longer the active happy person I should be. I work away from home and before I leave I'm so worried if I have enough pills to last the week even if I do I'm too damn week to make them last the week and come Thursday I'm freking out and can't tell anyone at work cause I can't lose my job. I just need some help and some advise on at least how to cut the cold sweats while I'm at work cause I cannot function without the pills.
82 Responses
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If you have been addicted that long, do not quit cold turkey. You could be killing yourself. I have been on a methadone maintenance program from 3 years, after being addicted to pills and heroin or anything I could get my hands on for about 6 years. This is my first try with mmt and I quit the day I started and I'm still clean 3 years later. Counseling that goes along with any mmt program is a great idea. I have come so far from this program I would suggest it to anyone! I know there are many preconceived notions about methadone but I will tell you right now, they're wrong. I had those ideas when I started and they will give you real facts as opposed to individuals who have never been on it. Methadone maintenance has saved my life!
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i have been on subutex for over a year and i am pretty desperate to get off.  Will lopermide help?  its all iv got from the thomas recipe.  Just got ripped off too by my dealer.....no tabs in the box after i had passed the money, but this has now given me the resolve to actually do something about it and thats to quit.  i have just ordered 15 pounds worth of lopermide and hope this works
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I just had a glance at J. ROss' book, but nowhere I saw any opiate topic. Are you sure this book deals with opiate addiction ?
(Maybe the reason is I am French and do not have the same access as you ? don't know)

Thank you.
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How are you now ? I was surprised nobody answered you, your story was so moving. I just discovered this page.
Did you succeed with Thomas Recipe ? You never posted again.
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Thank you for keeping this thread going and going - it's inspirational for me as I start tomorrow on my own Recipe.  I don't want to jump around threads, I want to read and read - its the support that counts.  I was off last week for 2 1/2 days - but the RLS proved to be my downfall.  I came back here to re-read all your posts to "kick start" me into giving this another try right away.
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I been on pain pills (hydrocodone) for couple years. i work in a factory got a bulging disc and was prescribed them by company doctor so when i get drug tested its ok. i know that bien dependant on pain pills is wrong but it makes my day much better people even say im much more fun when im on them i want to stop i just had a son and don't want him to notice his father is weak and depends on them to get through the day. Even though i would never take in front of him but when kids get older they get smarter i can live with my demons but when my son could be like his father this is not who i want him to be. never knew my father its too hard to stop when my sons mother also takes them and i could never leave her not share what to do tried to detox plaid it off to family and friends i had flu but when your signifigant. other has them around i relapsed. maybe i should just keep taking them i work hard raise a family and take care of bills but i know its wrong
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Please start your post by clicking on the orangery  post a question at the top of the page.
You will get more to respond to your question as you have posted on an older post.
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Need help quitting. I've tried and made it 4 days then took a few to help get thru work and am now back.  I plan on quitting cold turkey tomorrow and trying the Thomas recipe.  Any tips?  It seems so hard and emotional. I looked into rehab but can't afford. It all seems too overwhelming.
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I'm 28 yrs old with 3 kids and my husbands in the military. I've been addicted to meds for about 1 1/2 now. I just had 2back surgeries (cause the Dr messed up the 1st one. After the surgeries I got a paraspinal absest. I'm now on 75mcg patch and about 6 -8 percocet 10s a day. The pain really isn't that bad anymore I mean its bearable and I'd rather use alternative methods to ease the pain. I can't stand being on pain meds its ruined so much of myself and family life. I never have any motivation I feel useless to myself and family. I've read about the Thomas recipe and it sounds promising but I'm scared cause I've had days where I ran out of meds and after 8 hrs I wanted to jump out of my skin. The worst for me is the rls. I've talked to my mom she said shed take care of my kids and help me through this wich is great cause I can't do it with 3 kids to take care of. I have an appointment in a few weeks for suboxone. I know you can get addicted to that to wich I don't want but I was wondering if it would be OK to use a little with Thomas recipe to help withdrawal.  Or should I check myself into detox? Idk what to do all I know is I want my life back my kids don't diserve this . I want this to be done and over with wake up one morning look at my kids and say mommies all better.
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I do not really understand the recipe instructions. Can someone who knows post the directions for taking the Thomas recipe so I can get rid of my 20 norcos per day.

Thank you
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I just wanted to know what is the best way to detox from 25 vicodin a day
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401095 tn?1351391770
Cold Sweats
I found that getting my room super cold...like as cold as I could take it..I put a window unit in my room...I would put layers of sheets and blankets and take them off and on as I needed to.  I was hot, then cold, then clammy etc.  Getting the room super cold slows the metabolism as well so it helps you sleep.
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401095 tn?1351391770
I used the thomas recipe and it does help if you use the recommended doses, most do not.  Read and follow it to the T and it will help.  My main issue was lack of NRG and Tyrosine 2,000-3,000 mgs helped me.  I got the powdered form but I cant remember where..it was online...Bulk something..lol  Anyway it does help...Exercise helped the mmost with NRG tho...I wld walk or go to then gym no matter how tired I felt and I always felt good after.  Exercise releases those endorphins our brain is craving...I wld feel normal during and hours after a wrkout.

ood luck to u!
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4453126 tn?1354804362
Hello, congratulations on your road to recovery I envy the fact that you realized your problem, and did something about it. Many people can't even admit half of what you did. I am trying to taper off perks and what stinks is I have been down this road berfore so I know whjat the feeling of detox is like. Its a terriblr disease, addiction is and I do not want to live my life like this. I don' twant to go into 2013 using drugs or being dependant on pills. Its the worst trying to make sure you have enough to survive and its insane the amount of $ that goes. I am looking forward to the talks on this site. I have been reading the posts on here and I can't get over how helpful complete strangers can be but its like you find a new family and share a bond with the people on here. I am going to write daily and I think I will be able to do this with you guys support
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agreed, i'll take this route
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Just typed a long post to you.....MH techies are having problems with the length of threads......you are not suppose to be limited to a number of characters when you post on someone's thread.  But, right now they say it is limited to 2000 characters (I think).  They hope to have the problem resolved by early in the week.

That said, all I was going to share, (and I will try my darndest to summarize) is that posting a new question or comment will only help you to get feedback IF you want it!  You said above, "I'm not really looking for advise".....so if that's the case, the most "intended purpose" for all your documentation would be on your home page in a journal.  You can make
them public or private and each one can be "set" differently.
People can also comment on your journals if they want to.
Day 2 is great.....toot around this forum some more and check out the "status", "notes", "journals" and newer posts that do have a lot of success stores.
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1416133 tn?1351123217
I now hold you responsible.  Not sure if that helps?
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well put dom, no it's not my first rodeo.  Never gets easier... and perfect question.  I relapse more like around 20-30 days, so what are my plans when I reach that point?  I guess I should make some.  Spirituality always helped me, but I guess I'm fairly jaded in that area as well, but I may attend some sort of group, I certainly know a few.  But then again, this is different, I've been so close the last few times, I really just know in my heart that this is it.  I'm sure that's been said before, but personally, every time I've said it, I've never meant it as I do now.  That's all I can say.  I'm not trying to be naive, cavalier, pretentious or arrogant about this in any way.  

You say getting clean is the easy part, staying clean is hard.  The truth is, both are hard, and I'll worry about staying clean once i'm through withdrawls.  I'll be making a conscious effort this time, and will document my steps here.  I'm not really looking for advice, I can stop, and I can stop for a while, but I choose to go back. Now I'm choosing not to, publicly in a way.  Never has this lifestyle been more exhausting than it is now, and when I say I'm done, I'm done.  I've actually never said it before and meant it as I do now, close to the height of detox.  But I'm at least going to expand on a failed detox process with a successful one, and have every intention of continuing without thereafter.  My responses are getting a little exhausting, my head's spinning and I know I'm just rambling as my emotions are surfacing yet again.  

3:44pm, Sunday, day two; hour 43
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495284 tn?1333894042
This isnt your first rodeo by the sounds of it.  Getting clean is the easy part, staying clean is the hard one.  What are your plans after you get thru the wd?
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Actually, I am hijacking this thread.  Well, not hijacking, expanding, since the topic is pertinent and the contents of the thread disheartened me.  I found it, read it, you're reading it.  I'm taking it over because I read most of it and the person failed.  I want to succeed where they left off.  I guess I'm breaking the rules.  I apologize.
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One more thing about the thomas recipie, i've done it before, by the book, I feel like the benzos prolong things.  3-4 days is about the longest I can "play sick" and I need to be looking/feeling better quicker.  So I'm definitely not using benzos this time, I've done it a bunch of other times without as well.  Only a couple times did I actually try the thomas recipie verbatim and it did not work.  I even try to take minimal amounts of benadryl and ibuprofen.  I'd rather just get through the discomfort and be done with it. I sleep eventually.  And once sleep does start to kick in, and I do begin to get an appetite, it's over (past experiences).  Well, here we go.. I'll keep you (if anybody's even readings this) posted as I will post again in the evening time.

2:56pm Sunday, Day two; Hour 41
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480448 tn?1426948538
You really should start your own thread.  The older threrads don't get read as much, plus it's better if you aren't "hijacking" someone else's thread.

Start your own thread by going back to the main page of this forum, the top left of the page will be a big button that says "Ask a Question" (something like that).

You'll get a lot more input.

Best of luck with your recovery!
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Nobody's posted on this thread for about two months, that's fine, I hope people find this who are struggling now.  It's a few days before thanksgiving.  I'm hoping to see my family on thanksgiving, free a clear and looking better (i hope).  That's 4 days away.  I found this post by googling the thomas recipie.  The only thing I took away from this recipie is the hot baths, which I've been doing for years, they work, and the l-tyrosine, which I'm trying for the first time after researching it.  I get it, it doesn't help with mood too much or energy for a regular person, but for one who is dependent on chemicals to produce dopamine/norepinephrine, it may help offset this missing with the absence of the narcotics.  It's been 15 minutes since I last posted.  I'm cold, so very cold.  Feel like gagging non stop, dry heaving, more intestinal problems.  For more info read my 6 post rant previous to this post.

2:39pm Sunday, Day two; Hour 40-41
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All I know is that I've done it before, nobody was any wiser, and I pulled it off.  Failed after the d/t's.  I just can't lay this on my wife or my family (again, like when i was 20).  People trust me, and all I have to do is get clean and I'll no trust will be broken.  AA, church groups, addicition centers, all good things, sponsors, good too.  For me, I can do it alone, and almost have to.  I have a friend who knows my problem and he is mildly supportive, but he's got his own problems so.  So I turn here.  I've never posted anything about this, ever.

I thought I would write this, really for two reasons.  To be completely honest and hopefully help someone else, because I know I can succeed at opiate withdrawl.  It's staying clean I have a problem with, but to be totally honest, i am really am done with it and I'll continue to update on this page.. for accountability for myself.  I hide this from everybody, so it's a big step for me to chronicalize this and I'm hoping it's a tool that promotes sobriety for me.  Sorry for spelling, I'm just typing and beginning withdrawl so I'm pretty shakey, and I do type fast. I plan on being totally uncensored about my current situation and the plan on doing this over the next few days, and hopefully, much longer as I aim to beat this once and for all.   The rest of my posts will be more like tweets, just how I'm feeling, and what I'm doing to fight back; documenting my progress.  Hopefully as I feel better, I can provide more insight, but right now, hour 40, it's going to be a long day and night given my experience so we'll see.  That's it for the intro...
2:09pm Sunday, Day Two; Hour 40, last dose, Friday 8pm
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