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<3 <3 ViCourageous HAS TWO YEARS T0DAY!! <3 <3

AND she and her hubs are also celebrating their 29th Wedding anniversary today as well!
CONGRATULATIONS my moose scoot boogie mama! You are one Amazing girl, you know that! For those of you who don't know her story, this courageous women has been through so much. After 40 years of addiction, she detoxed off methadone, adderal and benzos all at once. She went through a long, hellish detox that would have sent most of us running back to the dealer. She got the help she needed, learned all about the way drugs destroy our brains and set up support by attending AA, NA, finding her way back to God and church. She became a med help warrior and has helped so many folks understand their addictions and learn how to reach out for support. She is a jewel on here and personally, I think she helped save my life!

So things are going along pretty well for her first year and a half, when God decides maybe he will test her a bit. Boy is that an understatement! In 90 days she lost her father in law, her step dad, her mother AND her dog, her precious Whiteface, who was her little boy and best friend. Watching her go through that was both the most heartbreaking and most inspiring thing I have ever seen!  Again, most of us would be running back to our dealers/pharmacies to numb out all the pain. But not the Courageous one! She upped her support with more meetings, greif therapy and she even had hospise come lock up her moms pain meds and count them when she was caring for her mom at home! So anyway, still reeling from such sad and painful losses, with her support systems in place, she begins going through the grieving process. It was hard. And unfortunately, her own health took a turn. Couple months back she starts feeling sweaty with some chest and throat pain. Can you believe she had a serious heart vessel blockage and had to have a stent placement! Well she is better now thank God, but still coping with the physical and mental
changes that come with heart disease. So now what!? Support, support and more support!
Girl I'm so inspired by you! You are the picture of what it means to never ever give up, no matter what! No defeat and no surrender! Thank you so much for what you do here, and for your precious friendship! We all love you so much! CONGRATULATIONS on your double anniversaries!! 29 years and still hot! You go girl!
30 Responses
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4810126 tn?1503942735
A warm hug of Congratulations Your way. Goddess! 2 Years & your anniversary on the same day!! [Has it been 2 years? Jeezum Crow! I know I'm late but I a little bird told me this was here].

VIC, you're a real-life hero -- a true inspiration! What you've endured & the things you've changed in your life are nothing short of miraculous!! Thanks so much for everything you've given & shared here, my friend. Your beautiful heart, strength & struggle have touched & influenced so many [including me--I'm awed by your example]. You have much to be proud of looking back over the past couple of years.

It's funny that Connie mentioned your name 'cause before I opened this thread, I was thinking that as apt as VICourageous is -- as much as it turned out to be the truth & maybe helped you in small measure as a 'charm' or totem in battle -- perhaps now VICtorious might suit you just as well in future!!

Wishing you much well-deserved Peace, Health, Joy & Love going forward!:)


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1742220 tn?1331356727
congrats Vic!
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Hey Vic  a big congrats on 2 years that is ausum over the years you have helped so many thanks for being you.... time to celebrate treat yourself to something nice keep doing what your doing it is working may god bless you abundantly.....your friend and fellow addict Mark
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How amazing you are to have gone before, shown it could be done. Live could be lived in its terms. Thank you. Happy birthday. GOD Bless you abundantly.  
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271792 tn?1334979657
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I am so happy and so very proud of you lady. You have the strength of 10 people and I love that you stick around here and help others. Keep going forward honey and hang on for those bumps in the road!!
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You got a fine woman there Craig, I'm sure you know that. Having an Anniversary with the REAL woman you love, that is what we all long to achieve in life. Thanks for being there for Vickie, she has meant the world to us and certainly you. Here's a big Hi five to you Craig! Happy anniversary.
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4522800 tn?1470325834
This song reminds me of what he has been doing for me the last few years..PLUS it was our Wedding song.

                Bridge Over Troubled Waters

When You're weary, feeling small
When tears are in your eyes. Well I will dry them all

I'm on your side, ohhh, when times get rough, and friends just can't be found

Like a Bridge over troubled waters
I will lay me down
" " " " " " " "
" " " " "

When you're down and out
When your on the road
When evening falls so hard
Well, I will comfort you

I'll take your part
Ohhh Darkness comes
and pain is all around

Like a Bridge Over Troubled Waters
I will lay me down

Sail on Silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to SHINE
All your DREAMS are on their way

See how they Shine
if you need a friend
I'M sailin' right behind`

O just like a Bridge Over Troubled Waters
I will ease your MIND
Like a Bridge Over Troubled Waters
I will ease your Mind

I LOVE YOU CRAIG..Thank You for being right by my side all the way and showing some real true colors..See you on our 30th.

Your Wife
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Oh my Tears are just rolling down my cheek!!!!!
ALL of you that walked this journey with me have so much to do with why I kept on track.
I remember the first Journal about my Dads cancer while he was still alive. Each and everyone of you stuck right by me until he passed. Then my Dog and my Mom. My MH friends never left my side during all of this. Then I was missing a good friend and he was finally found dead in the woods. I know alot of you where going WTF because it was so much sorrow and pain. I did give it to God and as I listen he would speak.  I was coming around OK until the Heart issues with 2 blocked arteries..How could this be??I always ate healthy and ran around at work and also exercised. Well that one did do me under for a bit. They claimed it started at my later teens..Go figure I live here in the US where they do not care what sells at the markets..Well I will not put down our country because I am glad to be free.
I went to a couple of NA meetings this week and told them that I worked so hard to get off man made prescriptions only to be put on more then I have ever been on..Ha!!! Down the road I will be able to cut some back but I will always have to be on a blood thinner. Yak!
When this happen I was really in a very deep depression and I did not understand what was going on. It was the worst feeling I had ever felt!!!! I found out from a few notes and at a meeting that one big side affect after something like this was depression..Well OK then I will keep fighting.
Now I have change some of my Support that fits my needs right now and it sure is HELPING Big Time. My Lord has been sending me some Get Well Cards that has been putting the Sunshine back in my Heart once again!
Special Thanks to the ones who helped me between the telephone lines.
I love ya all & will never ever forget you!
Bless U All

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495284 tn?1333894042
Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Grasshopper!!!
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1253584 tn?1332877954
Wow 2 years? That's great. Its been fun getting to know you. Also congrats on ur weeding anniversary.

Keep doing what your doing and you will keep getting what your getting.

Hugs to ya my friend.
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2 years is so Awesome V !!! I'm so Happy for you and so Proud of you !!! Thru everything you have been through you are here Celebrating your 2 years.. This alone is a testament to what a Strong Women you are.. Also Congratulations on your 29th Wedding Anniversary !! Whooo hoooo This is also BIG ! You have some things too be Grateful for tonight my friend.. I hope you are having a wonderful evening for you sure deserve it. Thank you V for all the support you have given. warmly, lesa
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1235186 tn?1656987798
Doing my happy dance jersey shore style.
You have a lot to celebrate Vicki.
Two years clean is so awesome.
You are a survivor..
I am so happy for you and very, very proud of you.
Happy anniversary to you and your hubby.
Continued blessings,
Hugs and much love,
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1981713 tn?1389860165
Soooo happy for you!!!!!!!
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3197167 tn?1348968606
It's TIME...it's TIME to celebrate YOU, Vickie Lee!!!
730 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ♫♫  Happy 2 BIG YEARS ♫♫
And 29 years of marriage, too!  What a gift you are to each other!

I met you as Vvic from Idaho....then I nicknamed you Moose Lips....then came ViCourageous because Annie saw that courageous spirit in you.  Next I find out we share the same middle name...and I started calling you Vickie Lee.....but no matter WHAT I call you.....I will ALWAYS call you my FRIEND!  You have the most tender, beautiful, giving heart.  

The recovery road has been rough for you but you have managed to turn what could be stumbling blocks, into stepping stones.  Your immense losses have burdened your heart and soul....yet those wounds are being transformed into wisdom and drawing you closer to God.  Your body, mind and spirit are healing and it is pure JOY to travel this recovery road with you, Vickie Lee.  Your thirst for ALL things recovery delights me.  
I am blessed to have you for a friend~
Loving you,
P.S.  Thought you mind enjoy a stroll down memory lane and the 51 comments on your bday thread exactly a year ago today....so here ya go:

http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Addiction-Substance-Abuse/ONE-YEAR-TODAY----Congratulations-VICourageous/show/2013780#post_9507687  ;
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I'm so proud of you...especially everything that you've survived thru my warrior princess....way to slay the dragon!!!!!!  You did everything you need to do....so proud...so proud....so proud....ROLL TIDE ROLL BABY.....

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To the sweetest, the funniest, and the most compassionate and supportive long distance sponsor and friend a girl could ask for . . . CONGRATULATIONS on 2 years clean and sober and on 29 years married to the love of your life!!!  You have been through some really tough times recently; suffering so much personal loss in addition to battling some pretty serious health problems of your own - and doing this all in a small town surrounded by friends still using heavily.  Even during these very hard times you NEVER fail to stop and offer support and friendship to others in need.  You have remained strong and stayed true to the commitment you made 2 years ago to change your life forever.  In doing so, you have changed the lives of many others for the better as well, including mine.  Thank you for the unwavering support; for being there without question and for encouraging me when I needed it.  But most of all, thank you for being my dear friend.  I am really proud of you.  Congratulations on this huge milestone, you are a truly an inspiration to us all.  Love ya Vic :))
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495284 tn?1333894042
Oh my little grasshopper........I am so proud of you.  It has been a pleasure to watch you grow.  Life hasnt been so kind these last months but you made it thru.  You spoke from your heart, your emotions raw and yet you still moved forward.  There is still so much to learn as this is a journey and one i am glad to be sharing with you~

Love and hugs grasshopper~
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4113881 tn?1415850276
Glad I logged on today. Congrats dear Vic! Im so happy for and proud of you!

You are a.....

              ██▀▀█▄─────────────────────────── ──────██▄▄█▀.█▀.█▀█.█─█.▀█▀.█.█▀.█─█.█───── ──────██▀▀█▄.█▀.█▀█.█▄█.─█─.█.█▀.█▄█.█▄──── ─────▄██▄▄█▀.▀▀.───.───.─▀─.█...───────────

person inside and out!!! Love ya!
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Congrats Vic
So happy for you on both accounts.
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Hey Vickie-

It's all in your moniker.  YOU ARE COURAGEOUS!  You have stood up to life and lived the hand you've been dealt with grace, compassion, perseverance, and COURAGE.  You are an inspiration to all, and I am pleased to call you a MH friend.
Bless you.
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6990909 tn?1435275816
CONGRATULATIONS to you beautiful lady!  You have shown us all true grace, strength and perseverance!  What an accomplishment...on both the 2 year clean and the 29 year wedding anniversary.  Thank you for your never-ending support and encouragement here on MH.  You are amazing!  I hope and pray you have a beautiful day and some precious time with hubs!
Prayers, love, and blessings!
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Hey Vic, a double celebration!  Congratulations! You are so amazing. You are truly an inspiration. You have been through so much, and yet have come through it all with amazing grace, and strength. You give your all to help others who are struggling. I am proud to know you and you inspire me to do better each day. I wish you every happiness on earth. Take care, and my heartfelt thanks!
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4341997 tn?1514588688
CONGRATS Vic!!  we walked alot of this path together and you truly inspired me during these past 2 years....you helped me see that just because life throws some curve balls (some big ones), that you can still stay clean and sober!!  You truly are a warrior to have made it thru all these very trying and sad times.  Kudos to you my friend!!  You have inspired and helped so many on here, including me.  Keep doing what you are doing girl,  and Happy Anniversary!!  29 years and 2 years are amazing!!  xoxoxo  
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7163794 tn?1457366813
Congragulations to u and ALL of your hard work! Job well done my lady. 2 years is a long time to be "substance" free...but u show me that it can be done! Thank u!
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