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A Real Problem or The Power of The Mind?


I think this is the right spot for my post as I have been suffering from anxiety, paranoia and being generally nervous since last oct.

I have posted here before in the 'STI' section and the reason for my upset, I became very upset with worry about HIV for some time, had 3tests over 4months and have been told that I'm all clear and the GUM (I'm in the UK) are not concerned about me.

The reason for my ongoing anxiety is the fact I have been suffering from an upset tongue since mid dec (dark red, sore looking down the middle with dry fuzzy feeling) which has since turned to oral thrush (I have white patches on/down the middle of the surface of the tongue with the dry fuzzy feeling) in the last 2months or so. One reason for these problems could be a 1week course of strong antibiotics I took about 3months ago (3tabs, 4times a day= 12tabs a day), once I finished them the tongue issue started and has continued to date, but I took them 3months ago, could my tongue have been that badly affected?

Just recently in the last week I have had a sore red patch on my upper gums at the back of my mouth (above the back teeth) which has now turned into a small ulcer type spot. I realise it could be an ulcer but I've never had one last a week and my gums above my back teeth were quite red and sore looking before this happened, its the same on the other side too but not too bad and just a sore patch, no ulcer type spot on the other side yet.

Basically this isn't helping my mental health and I'm really very anxious and nervous with worry about whats going on and why I have these problems. Could this all be simply the power of my mind and I'm running down my own immune system with constant worry!!? is it possible that the power of the mind can do this and cause such symptoms!!??

One thing has led to another ever since last oct when I started getting odd symptoms which led me to worry about HIV even though I now know I was never really at risk (recieved unprotected oral sex from women on 3occasions). I want to get on with my life but I can't shake these problems and I'm terrified I may have mouth cancer or even HIV still....I can't help it, if the problems weren't here I wouldn't worry...simple.

I have been advised by the health adviser at the GUM clinic that its very possible that its all mental and I'm doing it myself but I really need other peoples advice and knowledge here, more opinions would be helpful :) thanku.
33 Responses
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I don't get how you guys have come up with these replies, in my last post I simply asked about taking supplements and the best way to take them eg. with or without food, two types in one day.

I like Nursegirl's reply about the yogurts and I can see what she means, as I said I agree with that.

I mention about my tongue as it is now and the what the doc said BUT I've had two different anwsers from two docs which contradict each other so I'm kinda stuck in the middle, I'm seeing my dentist next week as my docs instruction to do so.

So how/why are you both accusing me of not listening to advice!? where did that come from?
I wouldn't say I'm a hypochondriac I just feel/know something is wrong but I feel that its going un-noticed.
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A huge problem with hypochondria is that the person is unable to trust when someone says things "look normal". There is always that hidden problem that goes uncaught (this is how the hypochondriac sees it) and it's the one that will take them down.

The way I do it, so I can keep as healthy of a balance as possible, is to understand that blood tests are like 99% accurate and it's extremely rare that a person is that 1%. When I have a physical evaluation that involves no tests of blood, saliva, urine, or stool, it's on me to either trust the doctor or not. The way I look at it, is if the doctor listens to me (I don't mean agrees with everything I say or just shakes their head yes. I mean when I can tell the doctor is caring about my concerns and addresses them, regardless if I have a real worry or not) then chances are, I feel like I can trust them. So if I explain the issues I feel I might have, and they address them, I feel I can trust them. If they say I look normal, that I don't have any problems, I take their word for it. I have come a LONG way regarding my hypochondria. I used to be so bad that all I would have to do is read about an illness and then convince myself I have the illness.

James, if you find a doctor that addresses your issues, regardless if they say there is something wrong or not, chances are that you can trust him/her. Now then, if your doctor dosen't listen to your concerns, it's time for a new doctor, not just because of you trusting their word, but because for people like you and I to be able to control our hypochondria we need to feel that safety and trust or we can never get grip on our illness (hypochondria). If you feel your current doctor is not addressing every single health issue you have (you pay them money, therefore, to the people who say it's a waste of time, I say that if you pay for a service, you should get that service to your satisfaction excluding letting the hypochondria take control), then it's time to get a different doctor. If you are not satisfied with your current doctor and just keep going, then, you are wasting your time and his/her time.

Something that helps to start getting a control over your issue is to read up on how to stay healthy (vitamins, exercise, and proper diet) and for the time being, STAY AWAY from learning about new illnesses. When you don't have control over your hypochondria, going over illnesses is the worst thing just about.

It's true though, when you ask for help and shoot down any and all advice, people will wonder what it is that you really want. This site has a lot of people who will give support and information, but when they try and it seems they cannot give help, it becomes frustrating.
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968908 tn?1274871115
U know James, it seems that no matter what anyone advises you it is not good enough.  Both myself and nursegirl have given you some real pearls of wisdom and yet u question every word of it.  Its not just us but u question ur doctors, ur dentist and it just seems to me that u will never truely be satified with anything anyone says.  I feel like we are wasting our time.

If u take anything from this thread then take this piece of information, go to your doctor and get a referral to see a psychologist and sort out your trust issues and health anxiety.  Otherwise u are simply going to spend the rest of your life like a dog chhasing it tail and getting no where.

I hope for ur sake u listen to that piece of advice and now I shall bit you a fond fare well and hope u do the right thing.
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^ Good reply, I agree, I'm on the probiotic multibionta tabs right now, see how that goes for afew months and I'm gonna try and find a good garlic supplement too (any suggestions welcome), keeping that eco-balance in mind too just incase.

Couple questions, I have been taking cod liver oil tabs for afew yrs now but I've always wondered whats the best way to take them, I have always had a small bite to eat then take the tab with a cold drink straight after so not on an empty stomach (normally at lunchtime as thats when I get up as I work nights), that ok? the food doesn't take anything away from the tabs effectiveness right?

Also....can you take two different types of supplement on the same day or at the same time? eg. if I take a probiotic tab can I take a garlic tab straight after? or maybe later in the day?
Is it possible to over intake on vitamins, probiotics, minerals etc...?

At the mo my tongue is white/pale at the very back and down the middle but not all the way to the end (on the surface). But the lower half and up the sides abit (on the surface) is very red and sore looking (in an almost semi circle shape at the bottom of the tongue) and this is where I get the fuzzy dry tingly sensation, its a 50/50 situation hehe
Doc reckoned the white area was normal but looked bad as the red area was very red in contrast...I'm confused, I dunno wether my tongue is too red or too white, maybe the dentist can shed some light on it.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I personally have been told by a few colleagues that the yogurts aren't all that effective, especially if you're trying to "fix" a problem.  To maintain a certain level of "normalcy", maybe they would work.  It's the same concept as the idea that cranberry juice is the cure-all for urinary issues.  Several Urologists I've asked said that a person would have to drink literally gallons of the stuff a day for it to make any difference.  I think the same probably applies to the yogurt.

Personally, if you enjoy yogurt, then eat it....it is good for you, despite what may or may not be true of the extensiveness of the probiotic qualities.

Some people swear by certain things...if it works for someone, I am all for it...but just not a substitute to seeking medical help when a symptom arises.
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The multibionta has all the probiotic stuff which is good, I will look for a H n B, I'm in south London so should find one. What do you reckon to these probiotic yogurts? I've been eating these for awhile now but unsure if they are just a gimmick.

I am really interested in the eco-balance but alittle unsure if the cinnamon parts might upset me as I have a nut allergy and cinnamon doesn't agree with me too well, also unsure about the shrimp shell bit....I'm alittle prone to certain things upsetting me hehe must have delicate insides hehe kiwi's upset me too for some reason. Are you sure eco isn't for just for people with yeast infections? I know men can get that down below as women do but I don't have that issue.

What do you reckon to the docs opinion? I've had one doc tell me it can take months for this sort of thing to sort itself out yet another tell me it shouldn't really last this long, dunno if one is just trying to calm me down maybe.
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