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A Real Problem or The Power of The Mind?


I think this is the right spot for my post as I have been suffering from anxiety, paranoia and being generally nervous since last oct.

I have posted here before in the 'STI' section and the reason for my upset, I became very upset with worry about HIV for some time, had 3tests over 4months and have been told that I'm all clear and the GUM (I'm in the UK) are not concerned about me.

The reason for my ongoing anxiety is the fact I have been suffering from an upset tongue since mid dec (dark red, sore looking down the middle with dry fuzzy feeling) which has since turned to oral thrush (I have white patches on/down the middle of the surface of the tongue with the dry fuzzy feeling) in the last 2months or so. One reason for these problems could be a 1week course of strong antibiotics I took about 3months ago (3tabs, 4times a day= 12tabs a day), once I finished them the tongue issue started and has continued to date, but I took them 3months ago, could my tongue have been that badly affected?

Just recently in the last week I have had a sore red patch on my upper gums at the back of my mouth (above the back teeth) which has now turned into a small ulcer type spot. I realise it could be an ulcer but I've never had one last a week and my gums above my back teeth were quite red and sore looking before this happened, its the same on the other side too but not too bad and just a sore patch, no ulcer type spot on the other side yet.

Basically this isn't helping my mental health and I'm really very anxious and nervous with worry about whats going on and why I have these problems. Could this all be simply the power of my mind and I'm running down my own immune system with constant worry!!? is it possible that the power of the mind can do this and cause such symptoms!!??

One thing has led to another ever since last oct when I started getting odd symptoms which led me to worry about HIV even though I now know I was never really at risk (recieved unprotected oral sex from women on 3occasions). I want to get on with my life but I can't shake these problems and I'm terrified I may have mouth cancer or even HIV still....I can't help it, if the problems weren't here I wouldn't worry...simple.

I have been advised by the health adviser at the GUM clinic that its very possible that its all mental and I'm doing it myself but I really need other peoples advice and knowledge here, more opinions would be helpful :) thanku.
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Thank you for yr help, the anxiety doesn't help for sure as I keep thinking there is an underlining reason for the problem..I can't help but think that u know :(

Luckily I don't think the thrush I have is very bad, my tongue is white near the back of my throat and down the middle but its like a sugar coating and quite thin looking, its not thick atall. I don't have any lesions or anything like that under the white layer so I can scrape it off and I don't get any blood or pain, its like a slight layer of translucent/pale skin that just comes off. I have had no other probs up to a week ago when the gums above my back teeth were sore and I had one ulcer which does seem better today as said. Its been this way for about 2months now but the fuzzy dry feeling and dark red issue has been around since dec.

On another note about the supplements eg.eco-balance, that does sound good, do you think its decent stuff? I will ask my doc, I'm always alittle unsure of medicine advertised online and only available online uknow, unsure if its good stuff, also I noticed it mentions freeze dried garlic as one of the 4tabs you take, this got me thinking...I remember a work mate saying he takes garlic tabs (along time ago this was), whats with garlic?? why/how does that help your bacteria balance? should I be taking garlic tabs right now??

I have taken seven seas cod liver oil tabs for afew yrs now and I have taken seven seas multibionta activate tabs here and there, are those maybe upsetting the balance now its upset from the antibiotics? should I stop with those and maybe take garlic tabs or take garlic tabs with those?
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480448 tn?1426948538
Seeing your dentist is definitely the next logical step, he'll be able to let you know if there is any difference in his opinion on the thrush diagnosis.

As I said, it IS entirely possible to have thrush that is difficult to get rid of and that doesn't respond to the anti-fungals.  Basically, keep working with your docs and dentist.  I would ask for an alternative Rx for thrush (there are many) and see if that helps.

Some people are much more prone to yeast infections from antibiotics and some have a HARD time getting rid of them.  I'm one of the unfortunates who gets a yeast infection after only one or two doses of an antibiotic.  I'll spare you the details on how my yeast infections differ from thrush (lol)...but you get the idea.

I had oral thrush a few times, but one occasion it was a bi*** to get rid of.  And, it was severe.  It was like my entire mouth (gums, tongue) were covered in ulcers.  It was awful. It was VERY painful and made eating virtually impossible.   After several go-rounds with the Nystatin, and a course of an oral anti-fungal, I finally got over it...but it was a good 2-3 months if not a little longer.

Hang in there...it's tough when these kids of things happen with such a battle to get better.  Try to remember that anxiety can affect something like this as well, so try to address the anxiety as best as you can while you muddle through with the oral issues.

Good luck!
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I have seen the doc about 3times with these probs ever since it started after the antibiotics, my tongue wasn't white then but dark red and sore looking with the fuzzy sensation (always had that), I was told it was fine but given Nystatin and it didn't work. I have since had Nystatin 3times and it did nothing and the docs still said it wasn't an issue :( although 2 occasions I saw docs at the walk in centre.

I'm seeing my main doc soon and I will mention these eco-balance tabs and that whole idea, believe me I'm gonna moan hehe

The ulcer/gums seem to be better today actually, I have been washing my mouth with warm salty water so that may have helped. Seeing dentist in a week so he can have a look too, I am due for a root canal as my front tooth has an infection due to the nerve being dead, any chance that may have a factor here??

I have been told it is thrush before but up to now people have just throw nystatin at me yet it hasn't worked, I think these proper supplements is what I need. The antibiotics were for cellulitis on my toes and I think it was a strong weeks course for sure, 12tabs a day!! penicillin I think, they made my urine smell of antibiotics too I remember, that nasty plastic smell, I do believe those damn things have virtually poisoned me.

I reckon I will be ok once these issues have gone, it has been the constant 'one after another' problem that has run me down whilst worrying about HIV at the same time. Something did happen to me last Oct when I started having minor headaches/dizzyness/hot numb feeling on my forehead, this is what started everything off and got me worrying about HIV even though I never did anything to catch it (I know now). Since then its been a string of things that have lead into each other but I still wonder what on earth happened to cause those symptoms in the first place as I was fine before. They seem to have gone now after about 5months but the worry really tore me up, once this mouth issue is cleared I can calm down....I'm trying now.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Oh, I forgot to add, that if you DO indeed have thrush (dx'ed by a doc) and haven't been treated yet, most definitely it could be that severe, and still hanging around.  Most cases of thrush require some sort of treatment to resolve.  So, if you were just waiting it out, and you have thrush, that could easily explain the length of your symptoms, and the severity.

Again, you need a trip to your doc to rule in, or rule out thrush and go from there.
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480448 tn?1426948538
NO!  Not mouth cancer.  Typical of anxious thinking...you're worrying about the worst case scenario.  

Strong antibiotics can cause thrush, and some thrush is very difficult to get rid of (been there myself).  There is a mouthwash (antifungal) called Nystatin that really works well in treatment of oral thrush.  In stubborn cases, a person may need several courses of Nystatin, or other similar anti-fungal preparations to finally get rid of the thrush. I've seen patients on these anti-fungals for 2+ months before improvements are noticed. Severe cases of thrush are very painful, with irritations and ulcerated areas on the tongue, making eating and drinking extremely hard.

To confirm if this is what is going on, you need to see your doc, who will be able to treat the thrush.

As for the HIV, your tests are 100% conclusive, believe them.  You DON'T have HIV.  GUM clinics are excellent caretakers when it comes to STD prevention, testing, etc.  They know what they're doing.

You need to see your doc to sort out your oral symptoms.  I'd put money on it being a stubborn case of thrush caused by antibiotics.

Let us know.
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So not mouth cancer then? that is what is worrying me lately due to the ulcers :(
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