352007 tn?1372857881

According to my MS Specialist

Today was the "big" day to see what he thought of what was going on with me with the lessening of symptoms.

He said he didn't know.  He had Movement Disorder specialist, a Neuro-opth and a urologist look at me and they can't come up with nothing.  

The only thing left he said is, "Conversion Disorder".  

I asked him after our first initial visit, does he remember when I called him about an hour later to ask some questions and one of them was, "Do you think this is psychogenic or a conversion disorder?"  He said, "No I don't remember".  I said, when I asked you, you said "No".  I also told him that if I truly felt that this is what I was going through, I would of seen a psychiatrist long before seeing him.  In fact, if I thought by now if I had a conversion disorder, I'd be seeing one today or making an appointment to see one soon.  I told him that I would rather have something that is "fixable" and go on medications and participate in therapy to get this all squared away.

I know in my heart and with my knowledge base in the medical field, that this is not the case.

I think he had given up on me himself.  

So now what.

50 Responses
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1475492 tn?1332884167
I was under the impression that RRMS tends to come and go - lol - and early in the course of the disease the symptoms can remit so much that you may feel completely normal.

Keep that appointment.

Helpful - 0
1394601 tn?1328032308
Sorry Lisa, I am having a laugh.  Your neuro tells you that it is not MS because your symptoms come and go.  Mine told me it wasn't MS because my symptoms never went away.

You already know from this board how many have been told it is conversion disorder, stress, depression or anxiety.  Mine blamed it on depression and a pinched nerve.  You know your body better and your spouse sure knows you well enough to know if you were making it up.

Keep that appointment.  
Helpful - 0
352007 tn?1372857881
I also find it odd, that since I am under a lot of emotional stress over this, that I don't have any "symptoms" or new ones for that matter.  If I had conversion disorder, would I not be "worse" today than I was yesterday?

I just don't know anymore.  Honestly I do not.
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352007 tn?1372857881
Thank you all again for your support and kind words.

I spoke to my primary last night and I asked her if she had spoken to my MS Specialist recently and she said, "Yes".

I continued on saying,, "Well then you're aware that the Neuro feels that my symptoms are of psychiatric in nature ie: conversion disorder".  She said, Yes.  I asked her what she felt and she too said, "I feel there's a psychiatric overlapping going on".  I asked her "why" she felt this way.  She said to me, "Because your symptoms come and go and with MS they remain and get worse over time."  I said, "But I can't convert t2 hyperintensities in my brain can i?"  She responded, "No, you do have some abnormalities of your brain."

She then proceeded to tell me that the movement disorder specialist who saw me in the hospital stated "she did not feel that it was "MS" and that it was of a psychiatric nature."

I then questioned her about this.  I said, you mean to tell me for five months, you all were thinking this was of a psychiatric disorder and not one of you have wanted to consult a Psychiatrist during my inpatient hospital stay and throughout all these months?  She didn't answer and said, "Here are the numbers to great Psychiatrists".  I thanked her and hung up.

I told my significant other about this and his response was, "Why do you think three professionals feel that what you have is psychiatric?  I said, "I dont know, perhaps there is some validity to their conclusions?" He said, "I dont know why you would "make up" all this.

But what Im mostly bothered by the whole scenerio, is that if they felt this way back in April...(which my primary wanted me to go to the ER where I did not) why did they allow this to go on for so long without telling me their thoughts or conclusions? Why not say, "Hey Lisa, this is what we think and you should go see someone".  All this time I've been suffering up and down like a yo-yo and I could have been getting the help I need?

I dont know what to do. I dont know if I should even go to the MS Specialist in NYC.  

Helpful - 0
1475492 tn?1332884167
Sweeet! :)
Helpful - 0
1394601 tn?1328032308
Lisa, I would tell him I am there for a second opinion.  I would bring only the MRI's.  I would state as fact that you want fresh eyes and will only share the other neuro's findings AFTER he has given you his dx.  Period.

I did this and the neuro went right along with it.  She also dxed me by the next day at noon.
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