429949 tn?1224691579

sjogren's syndrome or stiff neck

I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is any connection between sjogren's syndrome and MS? Sjogren's  syndrome sometimes accompanies auto-immune illness and two of the most common symptoms are dry eye and dry mouth. I am still learning about this and I was wondering if this syndrome can go along with MS.

Also I wanted to ask if anyone has had a stiff neck as a symptom that recurs activated by sudden head and neck movements?
22 Responses
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147426 tn?1317265632
Sjogren's is one of the autoimmune diseases that most perfectly mimics MS.  Some studies have shown that the incidence of SS is higher in MS populations than in healthy controls, one in particular showed it was associated with PPMS.  Other studies have concluded that MS was just mistaken for Sjogren's.  So, yes there is a connection, but it is still unclear if it is in how the two diseases appear or in whether the two often coexist.

Yes, I get a lightening bolt of pain often if I look to my left and upward (where my clock on the wall is).  Then for a short time I have a stiff neck.  I always presumed this was due to pinching a nerve and from plain old arthritis.???

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420469 tn?1217647363
I'm in limbo, and while I don't have neck pain that is associated with sudden neck or head movements, I do have neck pain that feels like a "kink" in the neck that can last a month or more. I don't know if it's associated with everything else, I usually wake up with it, but I have heard people with MS talk about spasticity in the neck.

Not sure if that helps at all, but hey, I'm trying! lol

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429949 tn?1224691579
I have been reading about sjogren's because I have a lot of the symptoms of this syndrome, but I can't seem to get a clear answer as to whether sjogren's can cause whit matter changes in the brain,(lesions). Do you know if this is possible?
About the neck stiffness/pain, mine is most definately initiatied by sudden turning  of the head or by bending my neck down like to pick something up off the floor. I had it for the first time about 6 months after my attack two years ago. At this time it came suddenly and remained for  about three weeks and then it got better. Now I only have it with these movements of the neck and it last for a couple of hours usually and then goes away after I rest my neck. When the neuro done one of my MRI's, he included the brain stem and reported to me that the only thing he saw on it that could be causing this was some mild degenerative/ arthritic places in the back of my neck and upper shoulders. But besides some cracking which I have in my knees also my neck never was stiff or hurt before the onset  of my neuro symptoms. My shoulders and upper back hurt a lot, but not my neck.
Do you know if there is a specific test for sjogrens that could determine if I have this. If I do have this I think it started after my onset as I never had dry eye or trouble swallowing before this. I also have vaginal dryness and have had a dry hacking non productive cough for many years, but primary doctor says lungs sound good.  I don't know, but I seem to have a lot of these symptoms, but can't find evidence of the white matter lesions onMRI.
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147426 tn?1317265632
Ooops.  I meant to mention this.  Yes, SS can cause white matter lesions that can be mistaken for MS.  That is why I said it was almost a perfect mimic.   Q
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429949 tn?1224691579
Thanks for the information I will talk to my neuro about this possibility.
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147426 tn?1317265632
Sheeesh!  I can't seem to say all I need to.  SS can also cause spinal cord lesions, something that not so many of the MS mimickers do.  Here is a great article.  It is a medical article, but it is very comprehensive.


I hope this helps.

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279234 tn?1363105249
Hi there. There is a specific test for Sjogrens Syndrome. My mother has Sjogrens and they DX her by doing a lip biopsy. They go in and take a salivary gland and look for chronic inflammation and lymphocyte infiltration. If you have both of these it is possible you have Sjogrens. Some doctors will count the lymphocytes and will not DX unless it's over a certain amount. An opthamologist can DX too but I'm not sure what that test involves.

My mothers neck pain is mostly from her gland area just under jaw bone. Her glands stay swollen and stiff causing her neck to hurt. People with Sjogrens have a higher chance of developing secondary diseases like Lupus and Lymphoma. I also read recently that they have a higher chance of developing Fibromyalgia as well.

Hope this helps
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424454 tn?1221109013
I have the stiff neck but not the Sjogrens . My body actually feels numb between my shoulder blades and my neck hurts to turn or lower. It did not start with the other symptoms which started some months ago then they mostly went away for a month then returned. The stiff neck started about 2 weeks ago.

I wish you well sorting it out and hope you get answers very soon.


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429949 tn?1224691579
to slightly broken

My opthalmologist has aready diagnosed me with dry eye and tear gland disfunction and also blepharitis( inflamation of the eye lids). I didn't have any of these things until I had my attack two years ago. My mouth has always been moderately dry. I have had to drink a lot when I talk or eat or at night before I go to bed for many years. Lately I have been having trouble swallowing some foods and I never eat without drinking too. The last couple of years I have noticed moderate vaginal dryness as well. I am going to ask my doctors to test me for this. If it's not sjogren's then they can rule that one out too! My neck pain/stiffness is in the back of my neck. The MRI picked up some arthritic degenerative stuff in the back of my neck and shoulders. This may be what is going on with the stiff neck. my glands don't get swollen ay all. Is this a big symtom of sjogren's? Thanks for the information on your mom's condition and symptoms.

To Free spirit

The stiff neck started about three months after the onset  two years ago. I has faded away gradually. I am left with occasional stiffness  that seems to be provoked by sudden  head turns and leaning my neck down and foward. It may be the degenerative arthiritis they saw on the MRI in this area . Sorry to hear about the numbness between your shoulder blades. Are you dxed yet? Take care
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279234 tn?1363105249
My mom's Sjogrens condition started out with dry eyes and mouth. She also has alot of GI problems( heartburn, acid reflux). Like MS, It tends to "flare-up" and she has trouble with her symptoms and fatigue and eventually returns to normal.

I'm not sure if the glands being swollen are a big symptom of Sjogrens but my mother seems to have more problems with her glands during these "flare-ups". When my mother was first trying to get DX with something, the doctors thought it was lymph nodes that were swollen but they were actually salivary glands.

She has also had problems with DVT's (blood clots in the legs) which the doctors have blamed on the Sjogrens.

If I was you, regardless of DX, I would invest in a good lubricating artificial tear eye drops to help your eyes. Even running a cool mist humidifier at night might relieve some of your symptoms.

Take Care
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429949 tn?1224691579
Hey, Thanks for responding. I have been using refresh tears  or refresh gel depending on how dry my eyes are. My opthalmologist told me to use these. I cannot stand not to use them. If I don't use them my eyes feel gritty like I've got sand in them.  I also start having eye pain without them. I also have tear gland disfunction and blepharitis( inflamation of the eyelids.I have to do eye soaks now about twice a week, but at first until I got them under control I had to do them three times a day. I soak them with a very warm cloth for 15-20 min, then massage the lids to free the clogged tear glands. THen I have to take a Q- tip soaked in diluted baby shampoo/ water and wash the lash lines. Then I apply the tears or drops. The worst time for me is in the mornings. My eyes(tear film looks and feels like paste. I am going to ask my opthalmologist for something that stays on the tear film all night. I never had any of these conditions until my onset  of neuro symptoms two years ago.IT is a lot better, but I am dependant on the artifical tears and gel. I am also going to ask him to do the test for sjogrens to make sure that I don't have it. I read that when you have brain injury sometimes the blink rate is slowed. THe blink is what creates the tear film, This also may have something to do with the sudden onset of  these eye conditions. All I can do is ask him, and I am going to my next appointment. Thanks again for the information about your moms symptoms of sjogren's.
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I was diagnosed with primary Sjogren's several years ago.  I have fibromyalgia as a symptom of Sjogren's and it causes joint and muscle stiffness and pain throughout the body, including the neck.  Non-destructive arthritis (with distribution similar to Rheumatoid arthritis) is also very common with Sjogren's.  So yes, your neck problem could be a symptom of Sjogren's.  I don't know if there's a relationship to MS.  I hope not.  So far, the Sjogren's symptoms are manageable and have not really been progressive as I know the MS symptoms can be.  Best wishes.
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429949 tn?1224691579
Funny that  you answered this old post today. My Rheumatologist called today and gave me the results of the blood test I took two weeks ago to check for Sjogren's. She said my blood test came back negative for the antibodies that they check in Sjogren's.

Then she went on to say that this doesn't mean I don't have Sjogren's, and that I could still have it since I have had dry eyes for almost two years now. She said the test looking for the antibodies just help confirm the DX.

Ok, now I am really confused about this. I thought this test was definative for Sjogren's. Do you  or anyone else know what she could have meant by this?

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I've had ongoing, and worsening symptoms for many years now. And new ones over the years as well. They used to come and go, with recovery in between attacks, but now the attacks are more often than not it seems, with no complete recovery in between attacks.
Syptoms started in twenties, I am now in late forties. And no sure answeres yet. In my twenties it began with symptoms of mini strokes and fatigue. With occasional extreme weakness in arms and legs. Couldn't walk or lift arms. Also numbness, tingling weird feelings. Dragging one leg and foot, etc.
In  thirties, same symptoms, but also bladder and gastrointernology problems, and breathing problems. The breathing difficulties went along with the attacks, and all were starting to be brought on by getting too warm, or fever, or stress. But I was still getting pretty good breaks in between the attacks, usually.
Now, in my forties, I don't seem to get much relief, and the degree of it all is worsening with new symptoms popping up here and there. I have painful feelings in feet and end of fingers, feels like nerve pain.
It seems like too many symptoms for the doctors. I'm waiting for appointment for dentists to do check for sjrogens. But isn't my symptoms a bit much for one thing?
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Hey I forgot to say that along with the symptoms mentioned on my last comment, I have spells where even when I'm not in awful pain, I have total weakness in all or either, neck, arms and legs. So severe that I cannot lift my head or arms. And I cannot walk. It's as if these parts don't work.
Also I have the stiff painful neck, but have that in most of my body, feet are very bad. Can hardly walk if at all in the mornings.
And the breathing spells seem to correspond with extreme fatigue, pain, stiffness etc. And is brought on by getting stressed, over doing it physically, getting too warm, or being run down. And it seems like I have a low grade fever along with the symptoms.
Does all this along with symptoms mentioned in other comment, sound like just one thing to you all? Thanks..everyone.
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Oh I forgot to mention that I have chronic dry eyes and have had hypothyroid for years. After having a tumor and half of thyroid removed. I'm sure this is all connected.
I feel like humpty dumpty. I don't think i'm gonna be fixed at this point. Time is going by and i'm getting worse.
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I have been having that awful stiff neck pain,and difficulty turning my head it seems to hurt right on my spine and across my shoulders. It comes on suddenly and the smallest movement can trigger it. I was diagnosed with sjogren's syndrome about 2 years ago but this neck and shoulder pain just started about 3 weeks ago. I have been unable to work at all because i have neuropathy,as well as fibromyalgia and with that said my health care isn't the best. I'm just wondering what you think i should do as far as which specialist to consult when the funds become available. I'm in pain daily. lana
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Four years ago, I was diagnosed by Rheumatologist as having Sjogren's Syndrome.  I had never heard of it.  After many years of being a workaholic, both physically and mentally, I was informed of my progressively painful, debilitating state.

No, it is not fun; yes it is reality!  I just have to live very differently now:  extreme fatigue; soreness & stiffness; numbness in outer hands and feet; extremely dry eyes, skin, hair, mouth and throat; alot of indigestion bouts, bloating and gas; blurring vision; dizziness and sore neck & jaws; nasal dryness; poor mobility due to joint pain; and more.

I couldn't believe that a person with a positive attitude and passion for work could feel so horrible.  These sessions or bouts come in cycles which are far too close together as time goes on.  I feel like I have more bad days that good.  I stay home far too much and my social life is v. limited; husband is very good with me as he has a spine disease (A.S.) and knows about pain.  Any ideas for helps (Going to assessment at pain clinic in Feb/14)?
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695104 tn?1442193588
I have Lupus with secondary Sjogrens. There is an autoimmune forum here on medhelp, as well as a pain mgmt one, here's links to both:



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hi, I have seen the GP recently due to a prickling feeling in arms, legs and feet. They are not there all the time and I don't notice them when I am busy. I have not suffered from any numbness. It is the only symptom I have.  This is the first time I have had anything like this and I'm concerned it could be MS due to researching on the Internet! I have had bloods done and apart from low ferritin (9) nothing else is abnormal. The GP seems to think it is anxiety hat might be causing the symptom as there are no isolated patches of prickling. Please can I have your opinion, thinking of being referred to a neurologist. Thank you
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I was diagnosed with sjogren's at the young age of 15. I am now 26 years old (female) and I've learned to live with the dry eyes and mouth. I have my tricks that help me deal with those symptoms. I have not had insurance since I was 18 so it's rare I get to a doctor. The worst things for me right now are one my teeth are just falling apart from the chronic dry mouth. I have tooth aches all the time and I seriously seem to be cracking or chipping a tooth every other month with in the past 10 months. Now number two is my neck and back problems I have. I get horrible pain in my neck and back that it is even causing new syptoms like numb, tingling, painful arms and hands. I have dealt with the actual neck and shoulder and back pain for years now, but these new syptoms of the arms and hands just started a few months ago. The third major and annoying symptom is the fatigue. Ugh I am only 26 years old and should not feel this bad and tired all the time. I also have two small children that are hard to keep up with at times, because of my symptoms I wish there was a miricale pill that helps with every syptom accompanied by sjogren's. Even if there was I wouldn't be able to even get it with no insurance. My dream would to be able to afford insurance and go see a specialist to help me with my condition. It has been 8 years since I have been to a doctor that could help me and get me all the right testing and treatment done.
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Wow. I was diagnosed with Sjogren's 2 months ago, but have had chronic dry eye (had eye plus put in permanently and use an opthalmic ointment still) and chronic dry mouth (many cavities, 7 root canals, and 5 pulled teeth).

I suffer from a severe stiff neck. I also have occipital neuralgia. I get steroid injections every 3 months on the bone behind my ears. The migraines are horrific.

I also have had a sinus infection for 7 months straight. I just had a sinus CT scan. Will know more Friday, hopefully.

I just read about neurological sjogren's. You should all look that up. I am being worked up for MS. I have a brain MRI tomorrow. In what I read MS can easily be musdiagnosed.

I have a host of other illnesses. I have sarcoidosis, fibromyalgia, hashimotto's, hypothyroudism, severe chronic low vitamin D, interstitial cystitis, costochondritus, severe restless arm/leg syndrome (more in arms), RA, raynaud's, meralgia parethesia, prinzmetal angina, chronic bladder infections, chronic kidney stones (over100), chronic migraines (at least 25 days out of every single month), and I'm sure there's other things that I've missed.

I'm 52. I got sick at the age of 27 right after I joined the army and got all the vaccines:yellow fever, plague, typhoid, anthax (qst round of unapproved by FDA and congress to be used on humans), flu, hepatitis a & b, rabies (I was a vet tech). I'm sure there's a few that I've missed. I got sick 6 months later. They thought it was reiter's at 1st, then was diagnosed with lupus for 7 years, now it's nowhere to be found....then all the illnesses started piling on. My mom was also like this.

Anyone else like this?
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