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Just come out of surgery 3 hours ago :-)

I had my laposcopy dine today, as promised here is the low down:-

I "HAD" a 20-17-13 cyst which was thought to be on right ovary! But when they got in they found it was actually on the left side!

Operation took approximately 4 hours :-/ but this was because sadly they had to remove my left ovary & left fallopian tube along with the huge cyst.

I was adamant that I was NOT using a commode or a bed pan so first wee went to bathroom via wheelchair & 2 wee I walked with lots of support!
Considering I hadn't had a drink since early hours this morning I think I pee'd for England ;-)

I'm still on oxygen mask and fluids drip so will be going home tomoro mowning rather then tonight :-(

The pain is more of a burning/stinging sensation in my stomach so as yet not too bad ( but they have been giving me morphine for pain )
I still have a slight fever but they are keeping it under control!

I have managed to eat a sandwich and drink some water but feel nauseas but not actually being sick

I would appreciate any advice on what to expect after having one ovary, one fallopian & cyst removed thank u to those who have been forthcoming with advice so far, much luv & respect coming ur way xx

36 Responses
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Glad to hear your surgery went well overall and you are well enough already to even post! I've been thinking about you all day.  Its scary to think that your cyst was that large and they had the wrong side figured all along? wow..but whichever side it was..they obviously took care of it.  Hope your feeling fantastic in no time, you already show determination for quick recovery.  Just remember to take it easy on yourself! So happy your doing well..take care and get rest! :)
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Was thinking of you today, glad to hear surgery went well overall.

For me,I was very emotional, for the first month, the wind would blow the wrong way and i couldve burst into tears, i had hot flashes, etc. However, I dont know if thats the "usual" for losing an ovary or if its to last that long. So be prepared for that maybe just incase. I sure wasnt! I look back at it now and laugh at how horrible I was the first 72 hours. LOL

Good luck with everything! Glad to hear that so far, things are going well for you.

For the nausea, thats normal i think. I was fairly nauseated and had to ask for something to be put in my drip to stop it
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Hello thank u for both of ur very kind words :-)
It's 4:20am here and I'm finally off the oxygen & drip :-)
My left shoulder & rib hurt a little and I haven't needed to pee this much during the night time in a very long time!
I have been taking pain relief every 3 hours to keep it under control & am lucky to be in a ward that has electrical beds so I'm propped up at head & legs for comfort.

My tip of my nose and left side of my mouth were strangely  numb but I can feel them now!

I have refused using chair to get to the toilet & although it takes my 5 mounts to walk a 30 seconds walk I'm determined because I need to be strong physically because I don't know how I'm going to cope emotionally?

Thank u again Jess & Jolee.
I will post in the coming days/nights with any other symptoms and also to check how everyone else is doing

I'm off to get a few hours sleep now talk again soon
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I found I had to pee a lot too cause of the IV, and how much fluids they made me drink afterwards, etc. It was crazy. lol.

The pains are certainly annoying, but best thing you can do is be up moving to get the gasses out of you.

Glad to hear so far you're doing good. I was the same with not wanting to use anything to be up and moving.. I used my IV pole to support me. lol. It worked well and kept me moving i walked as much as i could when i was allowed. I knew in the first 24 hours i would not want to go anywhere, but the option wouldve been nice... stupid catheter. Lol.

Coping emotionally, is hard not going to lie. My doctor told me that its so easily, everything will go back to "normal" quickly once the remaining ovary learns that its the only one producing etc. However, im 22, and to lose an ovary, as good in the long run as it was for me, has been extremely emotional for me. More than I expected to. Thursday marks 4 months since surgery and I'm still stupidly emotional about losing the ovary. Hopefully for you the emotional journey wont be so hard.

Hope you manage to get some sleep! I didnt until the 3rd night when i finally asked for gravol. lol.
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Hi Jess I seem to be doing nothing but sleeping peeing & taking meds :-/ they gave me Dicloflex, codeine & paracetamol but I'm confused as to which ones I can take in-between others (if that makes sense)?

I don't think being emotional is stupid hun, I have had hormonal imbalance for the passed 12 years so understand that it's nothing to be laughed at!

Iv just woken up again in time for some more meds and guess what ANOTHER wee which hurt like a b**ch getting up from sofa :-( (no posh electrical beds in my house)

I'm still non the wiser tho as to if I will bleed? I wasn't told if I would have periods and if so wasn't told when! So I'm very confused about that

Jess u are very mature in my mind for a 22 yr old and please take it as a compliment because that's how it is intended! I'm 35 so not quite a spring chicken but deffo not an old bag lol

Anyway meds are in my hand & my pillow is calling me big hugs to all (albeit very gentle ones)
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Hmm I'm not too sure, maybe call your doctor and ask?. I wasnt sent home with anything. I was managing my pain a little too well apparently! Lol cause dr just told me to take extra strength ibuprofen and extra strength tylenol, but I was in hospital 3 days. I dont know which if any of those are stool softners, but you may want to take some too, as the codeine alone i know can cause constipation or make bowels "sleepy".

Ouch yeah, I hated getting up out of bed/couch when I got home. At least in the hospital beds you have the bed rails to help you left yourself. Its a process to do, but have you tried laying on your side, getting feet kind of off the bed/couch then using your arms to lift your body up?(does that make sense? lol) I found that helped. A pain to remember to do, cause many times i would forget and just try to get out of bed normally.. oh boy not a bright idea. lol.

Well, you might not for some time with the hormonal imbalance etc. I was on birth control to keep cyst away on left side, and being off of it, and surgery etc cause post surgery bleed. However I didnt know I had it at first. I was catheterized for the first 36 hours approx. Wasnt til I went to get out of bed after they took the catheter out that my mom noticed i was bleeding. Oy! Best to try to be prepared though just in case!

Lmao no you're far from an old bag :P Thanks hun :)
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Here Iam awake again, I have been awake for about 2 hours now which is longest since surgery but feel like I could lay down & go to sleep again.

I have read the leaflets and all seem to be pain killers & anti inflammatory non are stool softeners :-(  and have managed a number 2 since surgery ( I don't know what the normal time guide is for that? )

I will try that way of getting up because earlier I tried getting up from a laying position and ended up laying even further down lol so had to call my fiancé for help :-/ he came round the corner and just said to me "what on earth are u doing down there" well I thought that was a daft question so just replied "oh I dunno I just fancied a lye down" doh lol

I'm still peeing for england tho which is annoying to say the least.

Another annoying thing I hav found is that I seem to have some flem on my chest / throat that I can't clear because coughing hurts like crazy, I was thinking that this is from the tubes down my throat while under?

Also both sides of my neck at the front hurt? ( on the outside) dunno y this is?

I know some people may thing I'm daft writing all this in here so early on but I'm hoping it will help others so that they know what's what, kind of like a diary :-)

One good thing is that the surgeon told me that my right ovary & fallopian tube are in pristine condition! Fingers and toes crossed that it stays that way :-)
Because I don't wanna go thru this again!

Oh so u bleed from surgery? Is that normal? Coz I didn't oh I'm a little worried as to y I didn't now?
U see no one explained to me if I would or wouldn't start having periods again, think if nothing shows by next week I might give my GP a phone and see what she says ?

Anyway I'm going to take some
More pain relief as I can feel it starting to nibble again, then I'm having my 100th pee of the day lol and get some more sleep surprise surprise ;-)
Take care talk soon
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Well thats good if you've already had a BM! I didnt til the evening of day 2 in hospital i think. I was terrified! Lmao but it was nothing.

Lol yeah, its going to take time to realize "oh I cant get up like I normally do" Hopefully that way helps you! I know it helped me, I felt like a dork when I got up sometimes cause it seems like it takes forever to get up like that when youre bursting to pee.

The many trips to go pee, and sleeping all the time will get frustrating, just remember it wont always be like that. The first few days I was like that. by day 4/5-day14 I felt great tons of energy etc, then crashed again. lol. Which from reading up sounds normal if it happens to you.

That is good news! I hope it does stay that way I wish I was that lucky. Lol my left side is a nuisance.

Yeah, I got some post surgery bleed, that was much like a period. The nurse that discharged me told me that if it lasted longer than 10 days to go get checked, or if there was a lot of clotting, etc. But it only lasted 6 days. And i think it was 28 or 29 days later and my period came. Thats when i started the birth control again.

I wonder if now this means you'll get a period? If there is anything else that has caused a delay in your period it might not happen for you. Who knows, something to ask the dr about for sure.
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Hi Jess
I think I worded that wrong before I haven't had a BM yet and am dreadding it!

Last night the trapped gas hurt properly for the first time, which was strange coz I was expecting that to happen straight away.

Yes getting up is dodgy lol the prob is we hav a large mirror in our lounge so I can see my self struggle and admittedly it's frustrating but also a lil funny :-)

I'm hoping there was nothing else stopping my periods because I'd love to have them back ( yes I know how strange that must sound to some people )

Anyway I'm going to try and eat some toast hav some more pain meds & have a couple more hours sleep because I feel like I'm exhausted!

Best wishes to all who read this
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Oh okay, well, if you can, get someone to get you some stool softners, Colace(Docusate sodium) I believe is what I was taking. It does help! When eating make sure you're eating high protein and high fiber, itll make things go a whole lot better for you. Which is another reason why they have you drink so much in a day too. The last thing you want is hard stool, or constipation!!

I found for about a week, off and on I would have the trapped gas. Keep doing deep breathing while you're laying down and resting, and get up and walk as best you can. that'll help. I found the trapped gas to be the most painful that anything else.

Lmao. yeah. I never got to see myself, but i know i laughed a lot (which ow! laughing is good,  but hold the tummy when you do!) at what I must look like..

While it oes sound strange to some i understand. I only get my periods every 3 months due to being on birth control trying to keep things at bay for left side, but when i get it (all pain aside) I'm more happy about it now, than i used to be given how i was post op i feared i wouldnt get them again etc.
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Hi all
Managed to get up the stairs today for the first time since Friday!!!! But I'm knackered now lol.

Well progress report:-

Still no bleeding!
Still no BM :-(

I'm a little worried about the flem that is on my chest, its a greenish colour! Not sure if that is normal after tubes down throat?

I'm also finding I'm staying awake for longer now which is good :-)

Hope everyone is having a good day?

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That is good that you're staying awake longer today.

I'm not too sure about the phlegm, i don't remember having any. If it continues I would go and talk to your GP asap about it, or even phone if you have concern.

Congrats on making it up the stairs today!
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hello,i hope your feeling better after your surgery. i have read your posting its sounds awful .I have  had a date for my surgery ,cannt wait to have my cysts removed. please take care.
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Thanx Jess anOther goal today was eventually BM yay lol. Changed 2 of my dressings myself today as they had seeped a little and wanted to have a peek as u do ! Hope ur well today too :-)

Hi and I was hoping my experience would help reassure others because I thought i was doing well? Lol. Have u been told anything about ur cysts? Size, type etc etc? When have u got ur surgery? Are u having laposcopy or laparotomy ?
I will say this although I feel like a bag of tenderness I still feel alot betr then I did before, because towards end of having the cyst I had started to get painfully tender breasts aswell as bloating, back ache, breathing problems etc etc so recovery although a little hard at times is a god send :-)
I do hope that ur surgery goes as well as mine has.
Be good to hear from u with details too :-)

Big hugs to everyone (pillow padded hugs that is)
I'm off to take yet more meds & go to sleep

(it's 10:30pm here)

Night night
Take care, talk again soon.

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You are doing well! It always sounds so horrible when youre reading up on it  before surgery in my opinion.

Hope your surgery goes well Sha34ff!

Glad to hear things are going well for you so far K! You're making good progress from the sounds of it. I hope you managed to get a decent sleep here.

I just got home from work (1036pm here! lol) so just about off to bed.
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Today I felt Rotten! Had an almighty stomach ache for about 30 minutes then had two BM but felt like I was going to pass out from heat!
Mid back ache still there (around lungs)
And burst into tears today when I read a medical thread that stated for a laposcopy style unilateral  salpingo oophorectomy and cystectomy can take 6 to 8 weeks to recover to "normal" activities! So I felt a little in the dumps to say the least but hey ho I hav pulled my invisible socks up! Dried my tears & decided I will NOT let this get me down!

I hope that everyone is having a good day?
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Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well today.... Hopefully, it will get better.....

My surgery is on June 7th and today I had to go and do all of my pre-op testing and admission stuff... I was feeling fine until all the test was over and it seem that my surgery date is getting here very fast.... Just found out today that my doctor is removing both of my ovaries and fallopian tubes during the surgery.... That made me a little more anxious and scared.... I also have some other stuff going on that is causing me to really be shaky and on the edge (I have fibromyalgia and trigeminal neuralgia)....  

I guess the quicker next Tuesday get here and all is said and done... I will be a little better on ease...

I am just so so glad that I have found a forum that will help me through this rough time....
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I'm sorry you have had a bad day with pain and being uncomfortable.  Unfortunately in order to feel better you need to go through the rotten stuff too.  I'm sure as each week passes you will see improvements in how you feel and what you can do, and the end result will be you feeling fantastic, just remember that! There is a reward at the end! Although of course you are allowed pity moments, I'm glad you aren't going to let it get you down anymore.  Keep trying to look on the bright side of things..you have that thing out of you and are in recovery to feeling great.  I hope you have a great night and are feeling better now! :)  
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  I hope your feeling a bit better,take things easy and dont try to push yourself to much. My cysts are solid and the largest one has a solid mass inside it. Had a cCA125 test slighty raised /booked in for surgery 2 or 3 week of JULY.Im having it done in a small  local hospital I discussed with my gyno what going to happen she going in to see with the camera first to see if the cyts are inside the tubes ,she has advised me that it will more than likey to be removal of both tubes and ovaries also if she sees anything else she doesnt like she may do a full hysterectomy.Please take care .
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I'm sorry to hear you had a rough day :( I hope things are better today!

Things are emotional, your hormones are all over the charts, your limited as to what you can do, etc.

Yes, it can take 6-8 weeks. But, if you get up when you feel good, and start doing little things, like going for a walk, grocery shopping, later on try doing some dishes. Even if thats the only thing you do in one day is go for a nice walk, and it exhausts you, and you do little to nothing else... Thats okay. You might get frustrated with how little you're able to do even when you can start doing more things. But at the same time, it'll help you feel like you've got a level of independence back.

When this all first started, and i was so limited, and had to rely on my mom and others to help me with things... i started to understand when a child is frustrating cause they cant do something for themselves, or you're helping them too much. LMAO. sad that i compared myself to a 3 year old but sometimes... the emotions and "temper tantrums" i had, i felt like one!

As for you other ladies, I wish you luck with your upcoming surgeries, and will keep you in my thoughts :) Hope your surgeries go better than expected! I found the pre op so over whelming and i had it a month before surgery! And my surgery got delayed a week. Good luck ladies!
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Hello all, thank u again for kind words & thoughts I was just having a dip day!
Today I went out for first time whoop whoop!!!! It was to the dentist to get crown fixed from when in operation they knocked it loose :-( but it's dine now and yes I'm a little sleepy already but I'm do please I actually got outside the house even tho it was straight into car then straight into dentist lol
Who knows today the dentist tomoro the whole world ;-) lol yes I'm in a happier place today, I'm looking forward to feeling great!

My thought are with u all for impending surgeries and hope that u will keep this thread informed so we can be there for one another
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I'm glad to hear you are having a better day!

Sorry to hear your first adventure out was to the dentist.... at least make it grocery shopping next time or something... less painful :P Glad to hear the crown was fixed though!

Glad to hear you're in a much happier place today! It does take time, and some days are worse than others. Dont be too hard on yourself when you cant do as much one day cause you're not feeling well etc. remember youre only human and cant be expected to just jump right back into day to day life ;)
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I'm so excited to hear that you are doing better and that you are out, even if its just to the dentist. Just take it slow and dont try to rush things. In the end everything will keep on getting better. Take much care.
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So glad to hear you doing better now! Each day will surely get better and better now for you! I hope you get out to do something more fun than the dentist though!

I had my 2nd ultrasound and visit with my Dr this week and found that my cyst is gone! woo hoo! I still have major bloating, nausea and some pain..she said its normal due to fluid still there and organs having been stressed..could take a few months for this to go away..I can't believe this process! I've been exhausted too..can't wait to feel like myself again..but so happy I don't need surgery! I hope to never go through this again.
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