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393685 tn?1425812522

:::::::::::YOUR FEED BACK PLEASE ::::::::::::::::::

How do you feel this forum is helping you? What do you like best?

Is there any more things that could be done to help you further?

Give us your feedback on any thoughts you may have.

Have any members really stepped up to the plate and made a difference for you? Tell us.

Inquiring minds want to know..................
49 Responses
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I came across this forum while looking up thyroid stuff , esp. Hashimotos - learning more everyday- thanks to all the contributors!
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649848 tn?1534633700
I don't mean to sound controversial, but I think it's great that anyone can come here at any time of the day or night and whine and complain, vent,etc all they want and know there are plenty of people who will understand. Often our families get tired of hearing it - not because they don't care -- just because the same old stuff gets old to someone who doesn't share the problem.........we all have to vent.  

I hear a lot of positive things every day on this sight..... yes, we have those who are not doing well, but to me --- the most positive thing is the people who are willing to spend their time offering suggestions, explanations, etc that might help someone to feel better.  There are tons of posts in which someone might say "*I* do such and such for this problem" or whatever the case my be.  I've done that myself a lot of times.  

Now, I'll end on a really positive note ----- I've been on this site for about a year and I'm currently feeling better than I've felt in years.  I still have some hypo/Hashi symptoms and I'm dealing with some other issues as well, but still "better is better".... AND ----- I owe most of it to the wonderful people on this site who have been willing to answer questions, send along a word of encouragement, support or whatever.  Even though I'm better, I plan to stick around in hopes that I can repay some of the kindness by passing along some of the knowledge, support and encouragement that has been given to me..........Thanks everyone..........
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And all the ones who do typo's come out of the woodwork lol (hehehehe)
Me included! lol
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393685 tn?1425812522
Once a post is placed there is no taking it back. It's on the board.
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945934 tn?1289046024
This site has been a tremendous help.  I have gone to a few other sites and don't see the responses come as quickly as this one does.  The leaders of the site have done a good job in promoting that sense of community.  I have gone from Hypo - Hashimoto's - goiter - TT - Thyroid cancer - RAI - WBS to who knows what else.  Each time I have questions I feel I can find the answer somewhere on this site.  I will have many more and now I am at the point where I think I can be of help to someone else who might have a similar situation.  It's a bit of a comfort to have some sense of control in an otherwise seemingly uncontrollable situation like a thyroid condition.  Thanks to all!
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1017213 tn?1301771273
Oops, reading back through I realize that I left a few words out! Second paragraph, "I'm saying we should stop doing that."  I meant to say, we should NOT stop doing that!! ite!Hope that clears up any confusion.

But this does remind me of one other thing that could help, especially newbies, I have no real idea how to USE this site!  Like, after I post a question, how do I erase it if I don't want to have it posted in the forum anymore.  A tutorial would be nice =)

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1017213 tn?1301771273
I have found this forum to be helpful in most ways.  Sometimes I post a question and get no answer { or one answer }...though I realize that we all have lives off the computer and sometimes don't know the answer to the questions!  The people and friends that I have made on this forum definitely keep my spirits up and it keeps my spirit to just be able to log in somewhere that people already know what I am going through.

That being said, the way I feel that this forum could be more helpful, is if people were a lilttle more positive.  I know, we all have some sort of thyroid disorder that makes us stressed, anxious, and depressed and I realy understand that.  I am right there with you.  And I understand this is a place for people to come and vent and ask questions and feel comfortable doing so.  I'm saying we should stop doing that.  But I am saying that I think more people need to post their positive experiences and the things they do to keep them more spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally Positive.  I have found almsot nothing on this site from people who have taken control of their disease and realize that you have the disease, the disease does NOT have you!!

I hope I don't come across as whiney since that's the opposite of what I want!  I hope that everyone gets their diseasse under control and continues to comment on others questions and continue to work towards a better life, in this community and off line.  Thanks.

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1001981 tn?1293978481
Hi - this is a very helpful site.  I was really surprised at the number of gals that
had the same symptons and trouble getting diagnosed and the bs, etc.  Everyone
so far has been very helpful, sympathetic and I have received many helpful suggestions
and product referrals.  
Thanks much everyone!!
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1013194 tn?1296459481
I have found such a huge comfort in talking to ppl who are going through a similar experience as me..It has certainly helped in my anxieties over this thyroid illness, calmed me down no end..Keep up the awesome work guys..Dawn x
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I do like this forum, however, I will there was more detailed information.  I would like to see, for example a track for thyroid cancer, broken down by type, and then be able to follow that line directly. I know it is a dream, but if we could click on the main topic, such as thyroid cancer, and then click on the type, and then click on the treatment, such as TT, partial thyroidectomy, and RAI, that would be helpful.  We would be able to narrow down our searches to make it more efficient.
I like the site a lot, and wish there were more that related directly to what I am looking for when I am searching.  
Thanks everyone for sharing.
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681545 tn?1318017380
it is a brill site i have realy learned at lot everyone is so helpfull,great bunch of people. so thank you to everyone  love to all xxx HAPPY ST PADDY'S DAY FROM THE IRISH
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369861 tn?1306275686
I have previously posted on this thread, However, this site does not stop at one.  Every person that stops by gets some type of assistance.  Even those who has an illness that we are not knowledgable about.

I have been here over a year and I have met some of the nicest  people on this site.  Stella, Utah, Jessie, AR, Chitchat, RHA,  and on and on.  What a great help.  When I have questions this is where I come.

I have sent a couple other people to the site but they are too chicken to join. O well!

This is the best thyroid family in the world.  This is why we have people from all over.

At this point in my thyroid cycle, I have been led to the cardio cycle per the Endo dr.

If you are a newbie and reading this, just know this is the best place to be.

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390388 tn?1279636213
I came here approximately a year ago from the heart forum.  I met mommytotwo in which was fairly new too; but welcomed me and insured me that though she was new someone would chime in that would be able to answer.  Then I met AR, and Utah, Swansong, Chitchat, then Redheadassie (God bless her now during this very hard time), and sooo many on down the line since....I could go on and on.  

I never fully understood thyroid issues and still don't really; but, I know if I ever have a question someone is here to help and care.  Alot of which I would trust more than my own doctor and they understand because they are going threw the same or similar issues or have.  My personal issues I think are related to quite a few different forums and I just don't seem to fit anywhere anymore.  LOL

I usually just ease drop on post and people now to see how they are doing.  Occasionally now though I know the answers.  Unfortunately a lot of times I'm to shy to chime in though.  Some just come and go but;.....Bottom line.....trying not to ramble on here.....you all have become like family.  We may not talk often, but, I think this is more than just a forum.  It's like a group of friends and family that you know are always there and understand whenever no one else does on how you are really feeling.  

I just love MedHelp and all of the great people on it.  This forum though.... a lot of my issues don't belong here; yet, I have seemed to become the closest to the members of this forum.  Then again all of my issues, womanly, heart, diabetes, muscle pains and aches all seems to tie in together here somehow.  ???  

Anyhow.....I need to wrap this up with a simple....Thank you to everyone and God bless you all.

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161647 tn?1280608163
Yes, yes, yes. This community has helped me tremendously. I joined in Feb 2008 when I found out I had a nodule which was inconclusive after my FNA. I was soooo scared. I didn't know where to turn. Then I found this forum. I lurked for a day (I never posted on a forum before). The next day I posted my situation and chitchatnine was there to calm me down and help me through. After my first post there were so many others who came forward and helped me and eased my fears and listened to me when I was down. I
learned so much from those on this forum. I knew nothing about hypothyroidism, let alone Hashi's.

She probably doesn't know this but Stella helped me alot. When I joined she was in the midst of her "situation". And I saw how she pulled herself up. I read her journal entries and saw how she took control of her life and her health. She is an inspiration.

There are countless others who have helped me and to them I say thank you. Thank you for your compassion and knowledge and advise.

Even though I'm not there yet, I am taking control of my health thanks to this forum.
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769702 tn?1236117192
Love the idea; don't seem to get much response to my questions, not sure if it is how my questions are posed or just becuase I'm new
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This forum helps keep me on my toes. Even tho it seems that I've gotten to the place where I've learned to live with this stuff, and have learned how to take my meds without forgetting, etc, there comes a time like right now when things become rotten. I have new stress in my life that keeps building up until I'm back into the anxiety whirlpool again. Ireally do like what I am doing in tutoring, but the stress of living in with the family has been building up even tho they are friends of mine. I am moving out this week, but I am to the point where I am not even excited about it, and worrying about not being excited about anything......and then I realize that I'veskipped some of my meds various times, and also realize that its time for another dr visit. Which means docshopping since I'min a new area. Anybody know of a thydoc in the Austi, TX area? Today I was really discouraged about things, then came on this forum and the various letters, and comments made throughout helped me wake up to the fact that i'm not totally loco, there are things I can do to get out of this cycle of anxiety. So I'm adding my big THANK-YOU!!!!! God's blessings for all that you discussionleaders( or what ever you call yourselves )do to makethisforum possible.
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369861 tn?1306275686
Well, lets see where do I begin.  I lurked around for a couple of months before I actually became a member.  I would come in here and try to absorb any information that would help me think that I was NOT crazy.

My first responses came from AR, Utah, Cheryl and Gravelady... they were a great help.  Wonderful things are done on this site.   We are here for people and we support each other in a way that outsiders wouldn't understand.   They wouldn't know unless they walked a mile in our shoes.

I always felt as if I didnt have enough knowledge on the subject to help anyone, so for a few months I kind of felt left out and the waalaa... somebody posted a question and I had an answer.  that made me feel as if I could help someone.   Now if I can't help,  I have no problem letting the poster know to hang on, one of the more knowledgables will answer.

I'm not sure what we can do to make it better.  We listen, we write, we help each other and we know at any give time we can vent on this site, because our family and friends do not have a clue as to what we are going through.

Thanks for the good work, team

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676032 tn?1315674063
This forum is like a 'safe' place for me. I love to come on here in the evening to just chill... I used be addicted to bebo, ha not anymore.. Medhelp has taken its place! Im kinda new to this thyroid thing to, and from the moment I posted I got great support from many people...I new nothing about thyroid and what ways it messes with the body and mind, how it can screw a person up and make them think they are crazy! I love everything about the forum but its mainly the kind and inviting people Iv spoken to that has made it the great forum it is....  What stood out to me most was the help, time and effeot the leaders put into the running of the forum.. They always seemed to be there with an answer.. I think Iv made a good few 'friends' with the added bonus of they know what Im going through! Its really cool to talk to people and know their not say 'shes crazy or get over it'. So to sum it up, this forum KICKS A$$!!!
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607546 tn?1222299144
This forum has helped me more than any Doctor! Nobody really knows how it feels unless they have gone thru this torture! Thank you all for your help.
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393685 tn?1425812522
YEAaaaaaaaaaaa   BARBIE!!!

actually Helen - Laura1967 is the Leader over on that side for Complementary Med.

check that out!

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649848 tn?1534633700
As a relative "newbie" (June 08) to the thyroid scene, this site has helped me in several ways.  

1)  It's let me know that I'm (a) not alone, (b) not crazy and (c) not a hypochondriac as my PCP would have me believe

2)  It reminds me that no matter how badly I feel, there are those that are going through much worse than I am, which helps me to keep it all in perspective.  

3) I've gotten a wealth of information from all the posts and because of the help from everyone who posts, as well as someone very special (you know who you are) - I have learned enough to demand better treatment and proper testing.  I've learned that I don't have to settle for just feeling "ok" and that not everything is "age related" (again as my PCP would have me believe) - I have a right to feel the very best I can.  

4) Because I have just recently (Dec 08)been dx'd with Hashi's, I'm sure I have a long way to go, but I have a much better idea of what I might expect and how to handle it along the way.  

5) Because of this site, I have managed to get my meds changed and believe that I'm already seeing some improvement, even if it's only temporary.

6) Last, but certainly not least - I've learned that doctors are not always right and they don't always have to have the last word.  They are not always the compassionate people that we think they should be and are not always looking out for our best interests.  

I'm still learning to stand up and speak for myself.

Thanks everyone.
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487969 tn?1249313291
HUGE help to me ALL OF YOU...   I have been a total wreck some of this last year and you guys keep me fighting to get answers on my possessed thyroid gland with normal blood.

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1)Best medical forum I ever come across.
2)Online communication, information exchange and LEARNING experience
3) Ability to see the PEOPLE behind the questions not just 'patients'.
4) Diversity of users and questions.
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As a relative newbie to both this site and to the utter disgraceful naughtiness that Mr T can get up to if left 'unattended'

---am filled with admiration for the kindness and true generosity of spirit of all those who participate here to make the dream of cracking the mystery of thyroid disorder - a reality. In a very short time, many of you have considerably impacted my treatment plans and thyroid disorder knowledge.  Funny how the process works ---where I can offer tiny scraps of knowledge in return, it is priviledge to try.

I loved the Dr Lupo LIVE CHAT and hope that we can do that again.  Would be great fun to add a BOOK CLUB PAGE so we could share our thyroid health reading ideas, be they from books or other sites.  And of course being a bit of an ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE kook -- wish we could make a little corner for these 'ideas' as the MH Complimentary Medicine Thread is not thyroid specific, or nearly as active.

: )    
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