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thyroxine: Best Time of the day to take.

Hi, I
39 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
This thread is very old and EmpatheticJenny has not been active on forum since she posted in 2007, so it's unlikely she will reply to your question.

It takes 4-6 weeks for levothyroxine to build to full potential in your blood and because of its long half life, it takes several weeks for it to get out of your system as well.

I have read that serum T4 peaks 2-4 hrs after taking levo and remains higher for several hours; however, I haven't actually seen the studies and that's T4, which is the storage hormone, so you shouldn't be able to feel it, as you would with a T3 medication.  
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Hi there, Just out of interest how long does it take for the thyroxin to get into one's system as I'm on 100microgram a day and if I miss my morning dose I usually feel foggy headed as the day proceeds. However , I've mentioned this to my GP and was told that it takes weeks for any signs of tiredness to show, as it takes a while for the thyroxin to enter the cell. Off course I don't agree as I've asked other people on them and they have also agreed with me that  they know straight away if they've forgotton to take their meds!
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hi 37 female I have been on thyroxin for the past 13 years. when I first started to take the medicine it took a few months to start to work before I felt better. started taking it in the morning with out food found that this did not suit my working life as I was a shift worker day night and afternoon's. so I use to take it when I got up whether it was day or night time didn't matter as long as I was consistent over the cores of my rotation, which was 3 week days three weeks nights three weeks afternoon's. Then I was felling sick when I would take it so my doctor suggested that I take it with food and he would re test my levels after 6-8 weeks then again in another 6-8 weeks as result my vary and you can get false readings just to make sure he said. If your doctor cant give you the advise you need then seek a second opinion. you should be able to get tested when ever you like and a chemist should not tell you that you can not have the original medicine that you can only have the cheaper version this is not true. Best thing to do is to find a doctor that you can trust and a thyroid specialist that is going to give you all the help you with your needs.  I found some regular exercise helped me as the thyroid sends signal to other parts of the body telling them what to do. It also regulates your metabolism go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid and see what the thyroid dose its interesting. My levels have changed through my life started on 50mg then 75mg then 100 125 150 200 now are stable and at 150 mg  still get test every 6 months and if levels change every 6-8 weeks. I have a condition called Hashimoto's thyroiditis. which means my body is attacking the thyroid it is an Autoimmune disease. Eat healthy also helps as if the thyroid is not work properly you can gain weight. If you struggle with weight like me then try to not gain more than 2kg be taking it off again as it get hard the more you put on trust me put on 40kg so hard to lose it now. If doctor say you shouldn't feel tired now that you are on thyroid meds that is not true. The medication is to regulate your thyroid but if your thyroid produced more one day than the next you may feel tired or the opposite speeding or fast. I seem to talk fast when its working better and feel very tired when its not. Exercise and eating healthy seem to help with tiredness it just some thing you need to manage and there is not one solution that fits every one. Each person may feel different to the next depending on the type of thyroid condition and treatment . my sister has the same condition as me it can be past to siblings. Her condition compared to mine has been a lot worse as she has nodule on her thyroid. My sister got to the point were she was very depressed and put on 90kg . This had to stop so she saw a endocrinologists which helped her with her situation.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Sometimes it doesn't pay to get into the grammatical aspect of things here, usually always, sometimes never - can give you a headache real quickly.......lol   That said, this is a very old thread and Anjee has not been active on the forum since that post, which was over 2 yrs ago.  

As to your question about a larger dose, we can't answer your question without further information.  You might get better attention if you start your own thread, by clicking the orange "Post a Question" button at the top of this page, type your question/comments, then click the green "Post a Comment" button.

You can also access our home page at the following link:

Follow the above instructions for posting a new thread.  Always be sure to include current labs, with reference ranges, since ranges vary lab to lab and have to come from your own report.  

Is the sleepiness the only symptom you have?  If not, please list others, as well. Do you know if you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis?

Deficiency in Vitamin B12 can also cause sleepiness.
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Thanks, but it's hard to work out the meaning of your comment "that is from 2 endocrinologists and 1 chemist who used to work in 2 different labs....who actually stated that one of the labs was **usually always inconsistent** , and veered me away from that company's products."
Is it "usually" or is it "always"? - the 2 descriptions can't both apply to the same thing, you know! If something happens "usually", then by definition it DOESN'T happen "always", so what's "usually always"??
Then to make matters worse, you're talking about INconsistency - it's not possible to be "always inconsistent" since that means "consistently inconsistent" - nor is it possible to be "usually inconsistent" since that means "generally but inconsistently inconsistent".
All I wanted to know was whether a bit of a bigger dose would help with my persistent sleepiness, but now my head is spinning...
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hi i take it every day in morning before i do anything else along with 2 multiviyimans and an eving primrose tablet and ive always been fine as well wanted to no if i can also take horsetail do u no
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649848 tn?1534633700
Iron, multivitamin and calcium should not be taken within 4 hours of levothyroxine, since they can inhibit absorption of the levo.  

You will need to have your thyroid levels tested regularly (monthly) during your pregnancy and will most likely have to adjust medications, as you go in order to insure adequate hormones for your developing fetus.
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Plez help me I am pregnant and I remove right lope of thyroid gland now I take 100 thyroxcine and I suffering from anemia so I need take iron and multivitamine and calcium so when  can I take it
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All medicines carry the risk of side effects, they are nasty chemicals after all.  I have only last week experienced a very nasty reaction to levothyroxine, felt like my blood was actually boiling up, along with intense itching under the skin.  It lasted for hours and I had to sit in a cold bath to eventually gain some relief.
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By experiencing all of these (tired, headache, fatigue, cramps,etc.) have you had any regret taking your whole thyroid out? in the case of papillary cancer, they say its a slow growing tumor and the survival rate is very high about 97% for 20 to 30 years that means, even you have the cancer tumor with you, you can still live normal and will not experience being hypo.Partial thyroidectomy which only take 1 lobe of the thyroid and let the other stay (most of the time the tumor is only on 1 side, which is the same case for me but my dr insist that the whole tyhroid should be taken out). If its is a slow growing tumor why do we not just let it be there, besides the discomfort of being hypo and other not so good feeling without thyroid gland kills us already everyday......or why not just let the other lobe be left behind.
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649848 tn?1534633700
If your days are hit or miss, maybe you need adjustments in your medication.  Can you post your most current thyroid labs, along with reference ranges, for members to assess and comment on?  

Taking your contraceptive at the same time as your thyroid med, could cause your thyroid med to be absorbed improperly.  That could mean you'd need a higher dose of thyroid med.

Since this is a very old thread, why not start a new one, with your own information, so our members can try to help you out?
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Hi there,
Was wondering if its fine to take the contraseptive pill at the same time i take my thyroxine? I have been taking Thyroxine for 14years now and although get by day to day, sometimes its hit or miss which days are good one.This probably is down to lazziness on my part and not taking pills properly.Have just come across this site and its been most helpful:)
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actually there are differences in med brands.  and some people have to switch/try out several before they find the one that is stabilizing for them.  that is from 2 endocrinologists and 1 chemist who used to work in 2 different labs....who actually stated that one of the labs was usually always inconsistent , and veered me away from that company's products...i think it was synthroid.  anyway, an up and coming branch of endocrinology is 'functional' endocrinology vs classical...worth the study....check out dr janet lang info
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I hope this is reassuring.  There are certainly different brands of thyroxine but thyroxine is thyroxine.  The excipients may change slightly but unless your are lactose intolerant which can be  an ingredient in the excipients the other excipients are innocuous.  All medications contain them.

The pharmaceutical companies can't mess around with a formula which is required for serious health reasons ie. hypothyroidism.  

Yes the chemists have a rota with different suppliers so every supplier gets a fair crack with sales of products but it isn't at the expense of the patient's health.

There is nothing sinister going on here.  I have been on thyroxine for 8 years and have had different brands but always with the same dose of thyroxine.  I have checked the excipients and there may have been one or two missing but replaced with another excipient but they have no adverse affect on the quantity of thyroxine and I certainly don't feel or felt any different.

It is a fallacy that you need to keep on the same brand.  If you come out with an allergic rash, anapylactic shock, I'm sure it won't be the excipients of thyroxine they will be checking on anyhow.  Ok lactose intolerant people need thyroxine that doesn't contain this but that is the only exception.

Also I will say again it is not like taking a paracetomol or codeiine for a headache whee you get relief in an hour or two.  The body requires it at a consistent level over a period of time and maintained to regulate your body and for you to feel the benefits.

The www is a great source of information and I trust my dr and pharmacist with the advice they give me about this medication.

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Thyroxine does not have side affects.  If you are lactose intolerant the excipients in the tablet could have an affect but the amount is minuscle.
You should have been started on a low dose anyhow to begin and see how you fare.  However you can't live without thyroxine if you have hypothyroidism so theres no choice.

Take it 30 - 60 mins before food.  What is wrong with waking a little early to take it if you need to have breakfast at 7am.  Rather that than taking a bigger dose to compensate for the 20% loss.

The body will gradually need more and more as you get older so why use up the recommended dosage by being a little lazy and not taking it early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Also another tip if you have to take calcium don't take the calcium within 4 hrs of taking thyroxine.  

It takes a while for thyroxine to build up in the body and make you feel better.  3 months for me to enjoy the affects when I first took it.

Regards to all
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I am taking  medicine at empty stomach and after a hour I will take coffee/Tea and there will be two hours gap and I feel gastreic. My Gas trouble increased.

Can any one tell suggesstion. My doctor says that will not happen.
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I would like to know about the "losing weight" part lol. I have had my whole thryoid removed and been on meds for 2 yrs now. Life has never been the same, fuzzy all day, dizzy, worn out and often feeling down at times! How nice it would be to feel normal just for a day!
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1377762 tn?1278937406
Hi All
I been on on levothyroxine for 9 years now and my weight gradually went upto 300Lbs.
Then 3 years ago after another blood test and had my dosage upped once again to 200Mcg from 175Mcg.
I had alway took my meds first thing in the morning, as directed by my GP,
but nearly always felt tied by around 8pm.

Then 2 years ago out of pure curiosity and frustration over me feeling like i was never benefiting from the meds i was on.
I decided to split my tablets up throughout the day.
I now take 100Mcg at 8am i and 100Mcg at 8pm as in my own mind id be spreading the medication, as i felt the affects must of been wearing off by the late afternoon.
And i feel a million times better since switching and my weight is now down to 249Lbs which to say im happy about is an understatement.
Im still on 200Mcg which i naively thought might of been lowered due to me losing weight.

stella5349 said "the pill isnt a ticket to weight loss" which i totally agree with.
But with me personally when i was taking the meds in the morning, I always felt to tied after work to do any exercise.
But now with taking my meds in the morning and night. i now have the energy thoughout the day. I also now regularly go swimming and cycling which has been the main help to losing the weight.

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393685 tn?1425812522
excuse me - typo correction in first sentence.

That is myth - do ( NOT )  believe that taking thyroid meds will be your souce of weight loss. It rarely happens.

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393685 tn?1425812522
J- Sword..

That is myth - do believe that taking thyroid meds will be your souce of weight loss. It rarely happens.

You need to increase your thyroid levels  to optimal preformance. You body must accept the change and heal. You must follow and eliminate many sources of processed foods and get a healthy balance of foods and life long diets to help get your thyroid meds to work to get the healing started to eventually lose some MILD weight.

See? its a whole cycle and that pill isn't the ticket to weight loss by no means.
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I just started taking thyroxine about a week ago and haven't really felt any differently.  I keep hearing all of these dramatic weight loss stories, though; have any of you experienced this?  If so, how long did it take to start losing?
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so over feeling like crap sleep sleep is all i do i sleep that much that i forget to take my thyroid meds and im so over havent felt good for over 6 years and my kids are the ones that are missing out cause their mother does nothing but sleep i think ive lost my job cause ive slept the past 2 weeks and couldnt call work cause i was a sleep during working hours
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I also felt ill after taking my thyroid medication, I was feeling rather desperate and was relieved after coming across this site. The information I got on here helped me lot.
I now take my medication when my husband gets up for work at 3am, by the time I get up at 5.30am my energy levels are much better, I no longer feel sick or have the fuzzy feeling we all seem to experiance.
At the weekends I set my alarm for 5.30AM, I take my tablets then cuddle down and go back to sleep for a bit. By doing it this way I can get up and have coffee, brekkie and take my vitamins without any problems. Thanks to all of you for the advice you have put on here I
would have been lost without it, I didn't get any of this information from my consultant.


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1013194 tn?1296459481
If you have only been on meds five days its not time to notice any difference really, you need to give it at least eight weeks to get the full benefit of the meds..
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