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Fine Needle Aspiration-will the side effects be long lasting?

I had a FNA on Thursday and had been assured that the most painful part of the procedure was the injection of lidocaine. This was definitely not the case, as the physician didn't give time for the lidocaine to set in before he began the procedure. After the 3rd biopsy I told him we were going to have to stop the test because of the pain. At that point he told the nurse to give more lidocaine. After the 2nd shot it became bearable but he was still very rough in his technique

Besides the bruising and soreness, I experienced ear pain yesterday and today my throat and esophagus feel strange. My gums feel as though I have flossed them vigorously in that they feel swollen. I thought I might be imagining this but after reading the other post I realize that someone else has or is experiencing these side effects.

I hope that this is not something that I am going to have to learn to live with as this is a very uncomfortable feeling. Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.



This discussion is related to Side effects from biopsy.
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I had FNA done June 16, 2017. What upset me is that doctors made it sound so easy, but it wasn't. I had 6 biopsies done on Thyroid goiters. It was the most painful and tramatic thing I ever had to go through. There was no anesthesia except for the lidocaine they give so you wont feel the stick of the needle but once it's in you feel everything. Then they tell you not to move or swallow while they aspirate.When I was done the pain was awful. The throbbing in my neck hurt. I couldnt swallow, cough, sneeze. I couldn't even burp because it hurt so bad. A couple days later the front of my neck started bruising awful.It's a big purple and red mark. It's been 17 days and I still have the bruise in front of my neck and still have discomfort. I will not have this done again.
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I had many small subcentimetre-sized cysts in my thyroid, but as one of them was much larger than the others (1.5cm at the largest measurement), though it is still considered very small, the doctor recommended FNA on the largest one (spongiform). I am terrified of needles and as I was lying on the bed, the doctor briefed me on the procedure, after which I had to sign the consent form. He said - there's going to be pain, and we won't give you anaesthesia because it will still hurt! So I was definitely really scared. He wiped my neck, did the ultrasound to locate the nodule, then told me to swallow, after which the needle went in. I think the needle was only in there for at most 1 minute, though it felt like an eternity. Slightly uncomfortable and the littlest bit painful with a feeling of pressure, but very much bearable. And then it was over!

After the FNA (I had it in the morning), I had to press down on my thyroid for about half an hour to prevent swelling/haematoma. The doctor advised me to avoid exercise for 3 days. He gave me a medical certificate but I went to work immediately after the FNA. I felt very sleepy that evening and my neck area was slightly swollen (there are many small blood vessels around there apparently), but it resolved the next day. Within the next 2 days I did feel a little more sleepy in the daytime than usual, but that's all.

I hope my experience helps! I am terrified of needles but I managed to gather my courage to do this and it really isn't that scary - just 1 minute in and out (for my case)!
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I had this FNA test  done 11/11/14, i was so scared. Well the numbing was the most uncomfortable, 4 samples were taken. Kind of felt the last needle go in but not a big deal. Neck is still sore which i guess that  is  to be expected..no other pain at this time its been 4 days. The staff was great at Henry Ford  Macomb 19 mile rd
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I had this FNA test  done 11/11/14, i was so scared. Well the numbing was the most uncomfortable, 4 samples were taken. Kind of felt the last needle go in but not a big deal. Neck is still sore which i guess that  is  to be expected..no other pain at this time its been 4 days. The staff was great at Henry Ford  Macomb 19 mile rd
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I had 4 FNA's, 3 on the left and one on the right side.  To me, the lidocaine injections are nothing and I wish I could have had multiple injections of it.  I got a double dose on the left.  My doctor was gentle and calming, but the severe achey feeling deep inside my neck was not pleasant.  I let out a couple of grunts during the procedure from the discomfort.  While I waited for the pathologist's okay to leave, I knew I would not be able to allow another needle into my neck for any additional tissue needed.  The throbbing ache was too much at that point.  Five days later now, my neck still feels "swollen" and there is pain in my left ear like an earache, and pain on the left side when I swallow.  I will be calling the doctor on Monday to ask about this.  I think he may have nicked a nerve which I understand could take months to heal.
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I had 4 FNA's, 3 on the left and one on the right side.  To me, the lidocaine injections are nothing and I wish I could have had multiple injections of it.  I got a double dose on the left.  My doctor was gentle and calming, but the severe achey feeling deep inside my neck during the aspiration was not pleasant.  I let out a couple of grunts during the procedure from the discomfort.  While I waited for the pathologist's okay to leave, I knew I would not be able to allow another needle into my neck for any additional tissue needed.  The throbbing ache was too much at that point.  Five days later now, my neck still feels "swollen" and there is pain in my left ear like an earache, and pain on the left side when I swallow.  I will be calling the doctor on Monday to ask about this. I am concerned that he nicked a nerve in my neck and I understand this can take months to heal.
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Just had my FNA today and man what happened to you sounds horrible. I was pretty nervous because the were wheeling me around like I was going through surgery but when it came down to it, it was easy stuff. The lidocaine was the only painfulish part  and went pretty easy. He proceeded immediately and I didn't feel much at all. There were time he said, "You're going to feel a pinch" and I felt literally nothing. Came home ate a big meal without problems, feels a little sore but overall I feel great. Hope you get better!
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Just had this done today.  My neck is sore.  It hurts to cough and it appears there will be bruising.  Had the injections (it took 2) and I was fine until they went into the mass.  I felt pain in 5 out of the 6 passes and the sixth one was on the boarder line.  I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so this took me by surprise.  I am going to ice it to see if the pain is better.  I can feel it in my ears as well when I cough or sneeze.  It is uncomforatble, but tolerable right now.  We will see what tomorrow brings.
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Hi there,
I had severe symptoms like yours after FNA biopsy of my thyroid for 2 months now. Can you tell me please if your symptoms cleared or not ?
No one is giving me any answer. Doctors do not know what may have happened.
Thank you
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u guys made me question the procedure you are talking about ??!!
r u all sure u had a fine needle aspiration for the thyroid ?
i had this procedure done 4 days ago , and i gotta say i got scared for nothing
they did even give me lidocaine , no ultrasound device was used and it went very fast and barely a 10 seconds pinch over my neck is what i felt
my neck was sore when i went home , but it wasn't that bad , i put some ice over it and went out with my friends to see the game at night
English is not my first language btw , spare me the mistakes :)
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i had a 3 needles put into my neck  8 days ago and still feel pain. my symptoms are weird, i have a feeling like a charlie horse, feeling i need to burp and maybe slight burning feeling.  the pain in the upper chest goes away when I put pressure just under my thyroid.  anyone feel this way?
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i had 3 needles  without numbing put into the right side and left, and it's now been 8 days and I am experiencing:  what feels like muscle contractions in the upper part of my check, feeling that I need to burp and bit of heart burn. The doctor is seeing me tomorrorw but he already told me this is unusual.  Has anyone  had this pain after and how long did it last???  I also had jaw/inner ear pain that day but it didn't last .  
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393685 tn?1425812522
It was being guided by US. I am not sure what the deal was. It was an unbelieveable day and the radiologist was insistant this was not a nodule but a hyperparathyroid. I still do not know what the deal is.
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What the @%$&**FNA tech!
The FNA must be done with the assistance of the ultrasound imaging!
I spent one semester designing the new handpiece.
They Should place you on the special positionhead tilted away.

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393685 tn?1425812522
Yep - take the showe  =)
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This might seem like a really dumb question, but can you take a shower the same day that you have the FNA. Thanks!!
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425199 tn?1313068997
I had an FNA on 02/06/08, and I was in a great deal of pain afterwards. They used lidocaine (it helped), but he did 3 nodules (tissue and cell samples taken).  I felt a lot of pressure as they were poking around in there, but no discomfort during the actual procedure (save the lidocaine injection).  
Then I had an allergic reaction to the betadine cream they put on the 3 puncture sites, but that's another story!  One of the punctures still has not healed completely - it's still red.
It hurt to laugh, cough, sneeze, and especially yawn for a couple of weeks afterwards.  I had ear pain, as well.  Ice was a HUGE help to me.  It did get better every day, but it was a much rougher recovery than I was expecting!  
(results were suspicious for papillary cancer so I'm awaiting my TT [2nd time scheduled] in 2 weeks)
If you are feeling really badly, call the doctor - if only for your own piece of mind.  
Best of luck!
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451191 tn?1264432890
I had to have two FNA's done because my Endo didn't get any tissue after two very painful attempts so I had to come back the following week.

The second time I knew what to expect and they were able to get the five samples they needed in no time.

I didn't have any local other than some ice and that cold spray stuff.

My tests came back "highly suspicious for a Papillary cancer" on one of the five slides.  Consult with surgeon on 3/31 and TT hopefully soon therafter to get this nonsense out of me.  :)
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168348 tn?1379357075
Root canal novacaine needle for me hurt worse than the FNA .. no lidocaine here .. I was very lucky .. first try captured enough with ultrasound guiding.

Results  Atypical .... turned out benign upon surgery 25% turn into cancer so glad it is gone an they found 2 other very small areas of undiagnosed papillary cancer along the way on final biopsy so I am glad I went thru it all :)

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Hi, I had a FNA on 03/07, also one in 2005.  I didn't get the side effects you were talking about.  The first dr. (in 2005) was definately "rougher" than the doctor who performed the FNA a couple of weeks ago.  I ended up with light bruising, which I took care of with ice.  It was uncomfortable for maybe a day and a half later, but then I was fine.  I didn't experience ear pain, but my neck was a little stiff, but it was no big deal!

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Tricia S
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438513 tn?1215703374
Sorry your FNA was so miserable. I just had mine last Tuesday (3/18). The doctor didn't use any lidocaine because, as the nurses told me, that would be the worst part of the procedure if they did it. I didn't like getting jabbed or the ultrasound wand pushing into my throat. But as nervous as I was going in, I ended up with a great doctor. No bruising, no major swelling. Just a couple of hours of discomfort. Ice and Tylenol helped. Although turning my head, swallowing, coughing and yawning were not fun for the next day.
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393685 tn?1425812522
March 3 I underwent an FNA and it ws the most horrible thing I had. My nodule is located inside lower left lobe down near the back near my collarbone. I was given one shot to numb it.

After 7 tries!!!!!!! (SEVen) THE RADIOLOGIST could not get one sample. I felt him poking into every vein. After the last attempt I sat up and said What seems to be the problem.

He said I tried to tell you - not to ge through with the procedure - I said What are you talking about?

He and another tech claimed this may be a hyperparathyroid issue. After that I got up and was going to leave. This radiologist said to get a calcium level check and other things I wrote down.

Right before I left - he took hold of my arm and said to me " If you were my sister - this test would have never of been ordered!" I left frightened to no end.

My neck was so swollen and yes I had similiar pain - It did go away after a week.  SInce then I have been tested for the hyperparathyroid blood work - but my surgeon states all my test are normal. I am getting them to see for myself Monday.

I went to an endo to discuss my situation ( since they are the specialists) and the one I saw wouldn't give me the time of day b/c I take Armour thyroid instead the Synthroid for my thyroid problem.

I am stuck in a rock and a hard place. I am upset that I do not know what this nodule is nor do I have any communication with the ENT since I stopped the procedure. I don't know what to do.

I was told I may have to undergo another FNA - but I am so nervous - one reason is the absolute pain where mine is - the other is if it is a parathyroid - FNA's should NOT be done AT ALL on them.

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I'm sorry to hear of your poor experiance with the FNA. Theie not pleasant but I underwent two FNA's  as part of the process to determine course of treatment I was sore but nothing like you described.  Personally, it sounds like your doctor needed to be patience and let the lidocaine do it's job and as well as learn a softer touch.  I pray you don't have to go through it again but if it's recommended find a differant doctor. :)    
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