will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
1 - 10 of 1191336 Posts
On New Year's Eve I smoked pot for the first time. I'm 17 years old and have had two kidney transplants. I take my medicine every day twice a day. How much damage did I do my kidney by smoking?

Look what i took some searching,but i got it "Alcohol, intravenous drugs, inhalational (not including marijuana), psychotropics, narcotics, cocaine use, prescription or over-the-counter drugs: within 1 year of the Screening Visit" h...

I have had 2 echos that showed mild Mitral and Tricuspid valve regurgitation. My cardiologist said they are not significant and that we will continue to check it every couple of years. I have had swelling in my legs for the past 4 years and they have not ...

my bun is 63 and my creatine is 8.02 and im 60 yrs. old. Whatis my kidney function,

What does it mean when you are told that your kidneys are functioning at 45%? What causes this?

Is swelling on loer part of legs is indicative of poor kidney function?

i have been taking vibramacyne.... Can i smoke cannabis while i am on the drug or its like alcohol that you must avoid......

ok so in the past two weeks i have recently started to have weird sensations in my muscles, its like they shake under stress or if i have been working out lots. say im lifting a weight, then my muscles will shake. or anything like that my legs to. i ha...

My husband is 30 and yesterday had a severe seizure. His body tensed up, and his eyes rolled in the back of his head and then he started compulsiving and spitting up. I believe this was a seizure. After wards he became very combative and was very confused....

Does taking Prograf in smaller doses effect kidney function?

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